I did a 36-word kid-friendly PbtA RPG, so I threw about 500 words of Agenda, Principles, and GM Moves into the itch description, rather than the game file itself. Experienced PbtA GMs won't need them, and as I said in the intro, it will run just fine entirely trad if you want; but I felt the urge.
Jon Lemich
Creator of
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Saw this on a tiktok ((4)#beggartok | TikTok) and immediately bought it. Looks amazing. Now I need to buy a bunch of stamps.
Thanks! I never thought anyone would print it, to be honest. It's more a game you read once and then play using the menu and handout pages. The layout was designed purely for screen reading (hence phone friendly columns on a monitor friendly page).
I do plan to make nicer handout pages to match the upgraded main text layout. It's my winter project.
Hey folks, I've put this game in the Racial Justice and Equality bundle, so it's going to get a lot of downloads.
If I were you, a game by an unknown designer would be low on my list, so it's likely to be stashed in a thousand thumb drives and cloud drives and file servers and forgotten. That's fine.
But consider opening it and reading it because:
- The players create the setting by creating their characters' relationships.
- The GM has to use what the players created or things implied by what they created; they can't create an antagonist or location unless it's implied by the player's creation.
- It has "Mad Lib" style story creation for GMs, to help them learn this approach (and just because it's easy). Basically, the structure of an adventure is there. You fill it in with the relationships the players fill in on their character sheet.
- There's no randomizer. No hit points. No numbers at all. Players choose the result of a risky action from a menu! If you get hurt, write down how.
- But it still works like a traditional RPG. There's a GM and players, each with their character. The GM has a pretty typical GM role. It's a cartoon fantasy world with TV-Y7 fantasy stories.
- You get to eat candy. In the time of the virus, you can eat virtual candy. I added a virtual playmat for that in January that you can use with Roll20 or any virtual whiteboard type app.
Title says it all. I used this game jam to motivate me to get a bunch of ideas I had about RPGs out of my head and into a game people can actually play. I've never done that before, despite seven years publishing a blog. I put the game into a charity bundle and a bunch of folks got it, so I'm happy about being able to do that, and just yesterday someone actually bought an RPG I made for the first time ever, and it feels real good.
So thanks! Game jams make a difference. You all should feel awesome about yourselves for making me feel awesome.