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Mega Tiles

A member registered Jan 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Please send us an email to and we can continue the conversation there. Thank you!

Yes, unfortunately. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Hi! Yes, we've sent the email a few days ago. Maybe it went to spam folders?
If you cannot locate the email, you can try to acess this link: Tiny Tales: Pixel 2D RPG Character Generator EX by Mega Tiles
On the very top of the page, you should be eligible to claim a free copy as long as you own the old character gen. Please let us know if this doesn't work, and we'll figure something out. Thanks!

Hi! Could you kindly clarify the bundle that you may have participated in Humble Bundle? If it's the latest bundle (Tiny Tales Treasure Trove), then the HB library should already provide you with a link to claim this product here on

If  its  any older deals, then we're afraid the new product isn't available for those, as they didn't have the product key options. We apologize for the inconvenience in that case.

Hi! We delisted the old editor since the new one went live for the old customers, to prevent people from buying the discontinued one. That ended up delisting the topics as well. I created a new setting to display the pages again while preventing people from mistakenly buying the discontinued one. My apologies, you should be able to see the replies now!

Can you run another attempt? We've tried a second fix. Thank you!

Can you try again? We published the asset in a delisted form now. It should make you be able to claim it while preventing it from appearing on general search. if this does not work, we'll publish it entirely - we're refraining from doing so until we can finish the devlog detailing the update status, etc.

No as that would be a brand new asset that is 100% yours. Derivative is merely picking the source material (as in, the parts of the paperdoll) and making a small edit for a particular purpose.

Hello! We fixed the link, it appears we had a minor issue with the sale conditions. Should work as intended now.

Please, try again now! We apologize for the inconvenience. It might be fixed now. If not, we'll generate another email with a brand new link!

Thank you for providing an approximate response to the commenter above, we appreciate it!

Your response is perfectly accurate as well.  One addendum is the fact that part numbers corresponds to the color index rather than the zOrder. zOrder is fixed in Unity Editor, but we will later release a priority number to display to users what goes in front of what and why.

Thank you for kindly explaining this for us, we truly appreciate your help!

Yes, custom parts creation is possible from the get go! We're working on the manual, the process sounds a little convoluted but has an internal logic to guarantee the maximum color customization possible.

Sadly, they're pre-combined because of two tone color settings, such as colored bangs, etc. We decided against doing parts separation to avoid issues of the randomizer doing poor combinations on its own. The artist also tries to add a couple of anti-alias fixes where possible when pre-combining, so it's a matter of maintaining harmony. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Hi! We apologize for the long wait in responses! We've had a few setbacks we'll explain soon in a devlog, with properly detailed explanations. Most of it has to do with art exports than art proper, the process is tedious and needs to be done correctly or else, the art bugs out. Other than that, the artist also had a bit of issues with the art itself.

The app portion is done and fixed, thankfully. We'll display a new feature in the devlog!

We don't have a discord server but we can consider creating one if the demand is high. We're just spread too think for proper moderation, but we'll see what can be done.

Thank you so much for your understanding and patience, and we apologize for the poor communication.

Hi! We apologize for the long wait in the replying. We've been a little overwhelmed in the past weeks.

Main key differences is that we include battlers and portraits now, as well as better color selections. It makes customization much better and allows for better designed NPCs as well.

For those that don't own this software yet, we don't have a launch window just yet. We'll have to play by ear as we severely underestimated the work it takes to produce a massive quantity of assets.

Thank you so much for the interest, and we apologize for the long time it took to respond!

(1 edit)

Our apologies for the wait in the responses! We'll be sending an email with the free claim sales soon!

Huge apologies for the wait! We'll send the emails so you guys may test 1.1.

We'll discuss the status of the new launch of the software in a devlog soon as well!

(1 edit)

Huge apologies for the long time it took us to respond!

For the character animations, mostly walking for the map sprites.

For the battlers, just facing one direction for now because of the way the paperdoll parts are baked into the texture. We can try to think of a way to make flipping possible, but it's definitely not a feature that we can guarantee at this time.

On the release window: The artist got several personal setbacks in these last weeks.

1.2 has a new character preset feature, that is tested, finished and confirmed to work 100%. We'll display a new video as soon as the release is good to go!

I understand. If you own the old editor, you can have access to it. We're hesitant to launch the app as is without the 1.2 release because it could generate unnecessary confusion.

We'll try to keep the communication channels open as much as possible, even though we have been a little quiet this month. Huge apologies for the wait and lack of communication, and thank you for your kindness!

(2 edits)

Hi, developer here!

Our lead artist had a few issues with the art side of things in the past few weeks. We're working out some details. We're working on a devlog for the new gen detailing a couple of things to inform of the actual issues.

We decided to send out emails to everyone who owns the old generator anyways, regardless of the upcoming update, since there is no reason to make you wait any longer. We sincerely apologize for the lack of communication.

Hey! Sorry, we're finalizing the 1.2 update and decided that we'll be releasing the program here alongside the 1.2 update. Should be up in the next couple of days. The good news is that it'll come with even more features and graphical parts!

Thank you for the comment, all very fair questions!

  • This is a known display bug. Next update we will correct it properly, and we truly apologize for the inconvenience and confusion it has caused.
  • You can utilize the App to keep your files updated to the latest versions! We also e-mail our users to let them know whenever a new version is out (for those that do not wish to utilize the app).
  • Currently, we don't have a proper editor settings menu. We'll study the best way to implement one. For the time being, if you hit Alt+Enter, it should make you enter windowed mode, and you can resize the window to whatever size you prefer that way.
  • Custom made assets are the property of their authors. They can create their own licenses (if distributing), or choose to keep their custom assets for their own use. The license pertains only to the base software and the official datapacks we provide. Making minor edits on the default datapack does not count as new custom-made assets under a different license, however.

We hope this response has been clarifying. If not, please let us know!

Our apologies for that! We will properly build a version for Linux in the next release (1.2), so for now we'll remove the Linux icon from the app download. We apologize for the confusion caused by this!

Hi! Yes, we do have plans to add more weapons for our SV battlers. We're currently trying to figure out the best way to go about it, likely including a base pack with this generator for a future datapack update.

Hi~ Great suggestions! I am not 100% sure if this is what you're asking, but if you hit Alt+Enter, you can enter window mode and resize the window of the application. As for the saving character template, we are definitely working on that for a future version update!

Thanks! We'll have a substantial free expansion in the next few days for the generator so stay tuned!

Thank you! We should expand more  upon these assets soon. It'll make creation more dynamic and unique for game developers, and we hope that the consistency of the style will allow for a more coherent looking game!

Hi Gordon!

I believe a clarification is needed: Most of the asset packs in the collection are assets used for different situations (such as tilesets, battlers, etc).

The character Generator itself comes bundled with all the data you need to use. However,  the product is in an Early Access state. It means that the collection of assets as of this moment is limited, but will be expanded for free in the coming weeks.

When you unzip the character generator, you'll find an executable. You need to lauch that executable file for the program to start. Once it starts, it'll load and recognize the zips by itself. From there, click in any of the categories to check the assets.

You must always choose a body type first thing, or else nothing will load. Assets are always loaded by body types, and that might be the cause of the confusion.

Hope this helps, we'll walk you through if you have more questions, we're always happy to help!

- Rayane

Hi! Thank you so much for checking first. We're absolutely okay with that! Spreading the passion of game making is something we definitely agree with! Once again, thank you so much for your support and best of luck!

No worries! we'll investigate more. I suspect that, since our software scans the folders for the assets, the antivirus might be flagging it as malicious. We'll continue to investigate on our end, and perhaps put out a newer build.

For now we're maintaining the sprite size consistent with the rest of the Tiny Tales line. They're more aimed at very oldschool nes/snes style games, which is why the character is so tiny. We really apologize for the inconvenience!

Thank you. We have checked with multiple antiviruses, and others users, and got no flags. This is most likely a false positive.

Windows defender is utilizing a machine learning method of virus detection and sometimes may flag newer applications as a virus, especialy applications that has third party libraries (like this one). There is also the chance that the file got infected after you first download it. 

We'll continue to collect feedback in this regard, thank you for the feedback!

Hi, that's right! We're still working out the details on the rest of the hairstyle. It will be added as additional data pack for free in the coming weeks. 

You're very welcome! Thank you for your support!

Hi! Good question! While we won't fully rule out the possibility of paid DLCs way down the line, you can rest assured knowing all the upcoming datapack hairstyles above, as well as the male version counterpart, will all be part of the free datapack update that will be released in the coming weeks.

Can you give us a few more details? What antivirus you use,  what kind of trojan it warned you about etc.

Either way,  we'll investigate immediately.

Thank you! The software itself is working in perfect conditions, the data packs is what takes most of our time to work with. Fortunately we have a lot planned for this, and the room for growth is big.  Stay tuned, there is a lot of good things to come in the near future!

(17 edits)

Welcome, Everyone!

We're thrilled to introduce Tiny Tales Character Generator EX to the community! With the success of our previous Sprite Character Generator, we decided to expand and improve upon the core idea of the software, and come up with a brand new tool that is more powerful and versatile than the previous One. In this thread, you'll have access to all the relevant information in regards to this new launch, that for the duration of this month, is an exclusive Humble Bundle purchase!


Software VersionDatapack Name/VersionDate:Patch Notes:
1.1Base Datapack 1.1 (17.3 MB)09/18/2024- Added the Randomization Options menu
- More hairstyles added to the base Datapack
- Fixed a bug where hairtie layers were not being displayed in battlers
- Fixed a bug where parts locker was not working as intended
- Fixed several minor interface bugs
- Fixed several display bugs within the base Datapack
1.0Base Datapack 1.0 (5.78 MB)09/06/2024Initial Datapack containing base assets.


Below are some frequently asked questions to help you understand more about this product.

Q: What is Tiny Tales Character Generator EX?
A: It's a comprehensive suite for creating sprites, battlers, and faces in one unified solution. You can easily generate assets that are ready to use in game engines like RPG Maker MV and RPG Maker MZ.
Q: How is Character Generator EX different from the previous Tiny Tales Character Generator?
A: The previous editor was limited to creating map sprites. With Generator EX, you can now also create SV battlers and character facesets/portraits, complete with unique expressions.
Q: Can owners of the previous editor get a free copy of Character Generator EX? 
A: Yes! We'll be offering a free crossgrade option. To claim your free download, you must own the original Character Generator in your library. Unfortunately, we cannot provide external solutions at this time for those that do not own the copy of the software. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Q: What does 'Early Access' mean for this product? 
A: While the software is fully functional and ready to use, we're still in the process of testing, improving, and adding new features. Expect regular updates with new parts and fixes over the coming weeks to enhance your character creation experience.
Q: I've noticed severely limited options for clothing, hairstyles, and accessories. Will more parts be added?
A: Yes! We're planning to release additional parts in the coming weeks. We're also eager to gather feedback regarding visual bugs or display issues in the base assets. The changelogs at the top of the thread will contain all the relevant information in regards to new datapack releases.
Q: The product mentions custom-made parts. How can I create my own?
A: We'll be releasing a Creator Manual soon. This manual will provide guidelines and instructions on how to create and export custom parts for the editor, as well as outlining any limitations to ensure compatibility.

Preview of Future Hair Datasets for 1.2!


With the release of 1.1, we have released several new hairs! For 1.2 we plan to add several more variations as seen in the gif above. Export proccess takes some considerable time, specially with bug fix, so expect it to take a few days to get the rest of these hairs in your hands!

Please, let us know if you have any other questions, requests or bug reports in the replies below!

Hey, thanks for the comment! We do have that planned... but right now we just can't seem to find the time for it. Unfortunately, holiday season is pretty busy for our day jobs... Sorry. We're hoping we can start committing more time to this starting next year, maybe start a Patreon and setup more scheduled releases and updates.

Hi, yes we definitely have that planned for the future. We did not think that people would be interested in BG elements being broken down further but apparently, we were mistaken! We shall make sure to break down the elements more for these Background packs in the future. Thank you for the suggestion!