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A member registered 58 days ago · View creator page →

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Actually game is nice! But I encountered a few bugs, including the bug that you can go home without going to work and you can immediately make a gun on a 3D printer, and after that it will not shoot on Q and E so maybe you need to add some barrier for player so he cant go home until he goes work

Yep, i mean developers really need to receive that kind of information about their projects

Hello there! Actually, I am pleased to hear the real problems of the game, thanks to such comments, I can evaluate what to focus on in future projects! Thank you for playing and good luck with your work! ;]

Heeyy! Thanks! Haha i'm veteran of breaking so that's the reason why so many pictures in game, glad you noticed ;]

Thanks! Yep jumping near objects is a bug caused by jump check, so i recommend raycast for checking method!

Hey! Thanks for playing! You're actually right about sound effects, I will improve that in future games ;]

HAHA no way it have level editor, that was so fun guys, i like the game! So powerful ;]


That was amazing! I like style so much(and funny frog) ;]

Actually pretty fun to play!

Beautiful style! I like this ;]

And also thank you for your kind words!

Heey! I understand that the game looks incomplete and raw, I didn't have enough time to finish it ;[  but I'm grateful for the honest criticism, so I can understand more where to pay attention!

I liked the game, it has a vibe of gameboy games!

Heyyy i really like the style, animations and idea! That was perfect, be sure that people like the game!

Heyyy thank you! Yep you're right about obstacles and checkpoints, it was a good experience to learn what things I need to pay attention to;)

Jesse we need to find sockets

Thanks man! Really appreciate that ;]


Glad you liked it!

Have some bugs