I think this issue was it was too much too quick. The pace of the last version felt perfect. I wanted to play with each concept for a longer time, before the next one was introduced. I hope that makes sense.
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Thanks for playing and for the kind words. With puzzle games, getting the balance right for each level is tricky. I had two playtesters, but I probably needed a dozen to get it perfect. Also, curious what you meant by "story in the background". By any chance, did you not have sound turned on, as we have voice narration for every level?
Great game - one of my favorites. I love the setup, that your computer has been hacked. You did it really well. the gameplay was challenging but fair and I was really proud when I won. Excellent job hitting all the requirements Lastly, I loved it when the cat complained about how good I was at the game. Excellent work!
Psyched to see another C3 programmer in the mix! Fantastic game. I loved it. Great character animations (deaths were really satisfying). Love the surprising death loops (with upgrades). The only thing I didn't like was the platform jumping - I'm terrible at it and kept bumping my head on other platforms. Still, that didn't distract from an overall awesome game. I can't wait to see what you do with it next!
Thanks for the kind words. Honestly, I feel the same way when I play so many of the other games.
You can tell the level number by looking in the bottom left of the screen, where it says which robot you are facing (there are 10 levels). And, if you want to see what happens in the story, without having to solve all the puzzles, you can skip to levels from the main menu, by right-clicking on a robot head.
I love old school Doom and I really enjoyed this game. Although, it actually reminded me more of Castle Wolfenstein (which I also love). Anyway, this was a lot of fun and the rat made for a nice change of pace challenge. Oddly, this might have been one of the few games I think was a little too easy, but I'm sure if you continue it, you can begin to ramp up the challenges. Really well done!
Great opening sequence - excellent way to setup the story without any dialogue. I like twin stick shooters, but having to use the keyboard to aim and shoot was really hard - I wish I could have used my mouse. I'm afraid I died a bunch and didn't get very far in this game, but I think just adding some other control options would help a lot. I hope you keep working on it.
Absolutely love the opening scene - great animations and voice acting - really awesome. I even really liked the game play, but it was too hard. The countdown timer killed me over and over again. I really wish you had difficulty levels here (which I think would be easy to implement - just change the countdown settings). Luckily, I was able to skip levels when I got stuck. I do hope you get to continue this as I would like to play a much easier version again.
I remember really loving this from the first round. But, I was a little confused this time. I couldn't get past the first screen. I put squares all over the map and tried to highlight where I thought the mines were, but I guess I wasn't doing it right. I think with a slightly better tutorial, this would be awesome.
I loved trying to save my dog here, but is it possible to actually save the dog. I tried a few times, but always died in the end. Also, I'm not sure what the icons in the corner do. I clicked on them, but nothing happened. If you get a chance, add a tutorial to this game - it would help us get more out of it. I hope you continue to work on it. Well done.
This was my favorite game in round 1 and I still love it in round 2 (I collected all the upgrades and made it out of the cave). But, I was hoping there would be a bit more gameplay in this round. In any case, this game is still crazy fun (there is just something so addictive about getting those upgrades). I hope you get to continue it and I get to play it again.
This is definitely one of the coolest looking and sounding games (that voice over narration was awesome). I also loved all the story you packed in here. I really appreciate all the amazing work that went into that tutorial, but if I'm being honest, I found myself still a little lost at the end of it. I did my best to figure it out and play the game, but I was in over my head. I honestly think if I had someone to teach me this game, I would love it. It's easily one of the most professional of all the games and I have no doubt it will move on. I'll look forward to playing it again.
Adorable story at the beginning with great images. I like this cat and I want to save this bird, but jumping is really hard and I'm terrible at it. I kept missing the platforms, falling down, and having to start all over again. I wish there was an easy mode. I would love to see someone better than me play this game, as I would love to see the ending.
Great setup. I love the way you got us into the story here. However, the shooting/moving mechanic was difficult for me, I like that the gun blew you back, but it would be cool if we had some movement control. Still, the story here is really interesting and I hope you continue to work on this game. Well done.
Extra points for doing something so original, I've never even heard of someone doing it before. I had headphones on and the experience was very interesting - actually a little scary not being able to see anything. I'm just not sure how fun it was. Overall, as an experiment (or even for a game jam) this was cool and very unique. Way to push the boundaries.
Love the opening animation and especially the animation when you get the Cat Gun 3000 - so cool!
I am on an Apple laptop and unfortunately, control and arrows are bound to some window commands, so I couldn't change the yarn type. But I was still able to play the game and shoot the default yarn, which was really fun (great sound effects).
I did run into two small bugs, I couldn't move after the cut scene and another time, I found myself moving to the right, even when I wasn't touching any keys. Neither of these kept me from enjoying your game. I hope you get to keep working on it and, if you do, maybe offer some other key choices for the actions.
Love the opening scene - that book animation was awesome and so was the story. Honestly, this game was so much fun. I loved it. I did enjoy the egg shooting more than the rocket propulsion, but both still made for some clever and challenging puzzles. Really awesome game. Definitely, one of my favorites.
This game is so insanely polished and professionally. I feel like I can learn so much from you and your level design.
That said, I loved your game in the first round (it was definitely one of my favorites). I still think it's great, but I think you upped the difficulty too quickly here. That first round the progression and learning was perfect and fun. This time, I found myself struggling early and often. I did push though, but if I'm being honest, it just wasn't as fun for me.
To be clear, I still love your game. It's definitely still in the top ten, but by adding the other elements, I just think you might have made it harder for new players to get into. I'm sure this will continue though and I look forward to what you will do with it next.
First off, the frog is adorable. Second, I love throwing paper into the trash. This was a fun and original take on the genre. I wish there was a bit more to the story and maybe a second challenge on the throwing like a breeze or a frog tongue getting in the way. But, even as is, this was a lot of fun. Well done.
Simply brilliant! I think it's my favorite game so far. Amazing story and storytelling. The pacing throughout was great for me and it matched the story. I adored the look of it. The music was fantastic, as was the ending (sweet and sad). Also, such a perfect title. If this isn't in the top ten I will be very unhappy.
Love the look of this game, especially the robot and its little cat side-kick. I also like that this was a pretty forgiving platformer. It was also cool the way you revealed more of the story throughout using the signs. I think this is the start of something pretty great. I hope you continue working on it.