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NSFW - Metalloyiff Games

A member registered Oct 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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No problem. I'm glad it's working for you now!

Instead of clicking the link (whatever link opens the text file), try right clicking and clicking "Save As". make sure it saves as "donation_key" with no extension, right next to the executable file.

I apologize for the delayed response, I'm not meaning to ignore, I've just been super busy lately. I'll keep this tab open, and when I get some time, I'll filter out the irrelevant code and send you what's relevant.

The game is too graphics heavy to run on Android from my previous tests. It's possible I could make a lower graphics version of the game for Android, but unlikely as the game is going to get much bigger from here.

What system are you on?

If any artists offer collaboration with me, or I get in the mood to draw myself, I will make (better optimized) small 2D games in the future. Currently, I am focused on other projects, but smaller 2D/mobile-supported projects are not out of the picture.

The next update will have "interaction wheels" with different parts of the characters. For example, you can walk up to Rhea's rear, and hold F to show an interaction wheel, where you can initiate scenes and custom actions like rimming. Users will also be able to make their own actions and scenes/animations. I plan to make it as user friendly as possible.

I'm not sure about RenPy, but the way I'm doing it is by getting the mouse position when the penetration starts, and then subtracting the start mouse position by current mouse position. This will return the offset. With the offset, I create another variable which I lerp to the real value, giving a smoother effect.

Progressing the bars is just using an absolute value of the offset, divided a bit to get a good speed.

If you use Python/RenPy, I would highly recommend trying out Godot. It's a little confusing for the first week or two, but Godot's GDScript is very similar to Python, and my experience with engine and language has been great overall. It's a pleasure to work with.

In my opinion, GDScript feels like a more "refined" Python. It's like Python with better typing and less confusing naming conventions (variables are defined with var before them, functions are called func instead of def, etc.)

Feraline has an Android build.

Toy Tester cannot support Android, and Wilden likely cannot either. I've not tested with Wilden.

Thank you for the suggestions! I like all of these ideas. Some were already planned, but I will likely add all of these in the big update. The only exception maybe being clothing. I'm definitely down for accessories, but full-on clothing will be a later thing if at all. Some socks would be very nice though, now that I think about it. 👀

It could be related. I know that another game I'm working on flags as critical malware on Windows PCs, and the best part is, it has "!ml" at the end of it, which means it was detected by machine learning. So, despite the game having nothing harmful in it, machine learning must be used in places it shouldn't be used, unfortunately.

I just wish I could figure out what part of the game is trigger it, so I can remove it. I'm not sure if it's the same deal with Wilden, but it's likely.

I just checked, and I forgot to add the functionality with the new models!

Thank you for letting me know. There's no issues on your side, it was my mistake. I'll get it fixed and push out an update when I can. Unfortunately, Itch has been a pain and keeps "quarantining" my page. I'm afraid to publish a build until I hear back from them, in fear of postponing their response further. This is the second time it's happened, and they're not communicating why it's happening.

If you do really want to try inflation before I get an update out, the previous build does have functional inflation, if you want to compromise with the old models.

No worries! Your PC specs will be in Settings > System > About, assuming you're on Windows.

The log is stored at %AppData%\godot\app_userdata\Toy Tester\logs\godot.log

I may've got the "Toy Tester" folder wrong, but it will be in the app_userdata folder.

You could technically place the pck file somewhere on your PC, and use ProjectSettings.load_resource_pack("path_to_pck_file") in the editor. From there, you'd have to load the main scene.

But, that shouldn't be necessary. I'll do what I can to get the game working for you. Can you attach the game log file here for me? Along with your PC specs.

Yes, it was paid-only early access for about 2 weeks. I will likely release it to the public today! ^^

No, I don't have any Apple/Mac devices, and the developer experience for Apple products are a bit of a nightmare, unfortunately.

It's a bit of a pain, but the game may be lightweight enough to run in a Linux virtual machine with smooth enough performance, depending on your device.

I'm glad you like it! I will likely be doing mostly 3D for future projects, as I struggle to get myself to draw but enjoy programming and 3D stuff. I may make other 2D projects, especially in collaboration with other artists. 

For performance issues, have you tried both the regular build and the Vulkan build? You may have better performance with or the other.

I'm happy to hear you like it! One of the next few updates will have male-on-male, along with feral-on-player.

For other species, I will be teaming up with an excellent 3D artist to make an open world game, where we will add more and more species to it. In this current game, there won't be any extra species besides variations of big cats, but the open world game will be very similar in art style and play style. You can sort of think of this game as a demo for the open world game, but it wasn't initially the purpose.

Also, the next update of this game will have his models as a replacement for the current, so you'll get a peak at how the open world game will look.

I do have a Patreon page! I need to add it to my homepage, but the link is here!

My apologies! I just realized that I never responded to your previous comment. Have you tried running the game in compatibility mode for Windows 8? And if that doesn't work, could you provide me with the log file? It should be at %AppData%\godot\app_userdata\Wilden\logs\godot.log

Thank you very much for your suggestions! 1 and 2 are already planned. One of the next few updates will have a male character, and I may add an option to change the genitalia of existing characters. There will also be feral on player scenes with the male update, and a female character option.

For 2, I'd only thought of cunnilingus, but I love the other ideas and will be putting them on the to-do list!

For 3, I will be adding some vore scenes and micro stuff, but this will likely be a pretty later update, with a unique character that has these "powers."

I probably won't do 4 due to the complexity of it, and that sort of rendering multiple characters less valid. There will be more submissive and dominant characters with completely different dialogue. The next planned character will be a male snow leopard, with a more dominant personality.

Try a different web browser and see if that does anything. If it's not downloading, that sounds like either a web browser issue or an issue. If another web browser doesn't work, I can send you the donation key over Discord or Telegram, if you're okay with that.

You put the donation key in the same directory as the  x86_64 and pck file?

What are your PC specs?

You may also try running it in compatibility mode and see if that changes anything.

These are all really good suggestions! I really like the tail lift idea. I plan to add some non-sex interactions as well to the game, but I am adding your suggestions to the todo list. I'll also think of some more out-of-sex interactions like the tail lift if I can. 

Thank you! ^^

Are you able to send me the error code?

I didn't do it for Windows 8. Something with the API past 8 is causing issues with the game. I'm not sure what it is, because I've tested it with my Windows 11 PC and it works perfectly fine without compatibility mode. It seems to be random on who has the issues and who doesn't. I haven't been able to figure out the cause, so I haven't been able to re-create it or fix it.

Do any of the different renderers (the .bat files) work?

I plan to improve it mote when I work on the next update. Though I know it has issues, I'm wanting to gather user input on it too. What would you like improved about it?

I'm glad it works now! Sorry about the time being wrong, I needed to do a little more before I released it.

For anyone who needed to use any of the .bat files to launch the game and have it run properly, please tell me your experience with each rendering method here.

Actually, it looks like OpenGL may not work for this game, since it utilizes more shader functionality than Feraline did. If you wouldn't mind doing some testing for me, please see if any of these options work. (Apparently it wasn't necessary to make a separate vulkan/opengl build.)

You'll need to run it through the terminal. I believe on Windows, this would be Shift+Right Click on the empty space in the folder where you have Wilden installed. Find "Open PowerShell Window Here" or "Open Command Prompt Here", something along those lines.

Then, try each of these commands in order. They will run the game with different rendering methods. After running one, see if the game crashes, doesn't open, opens with problems, or opens and works well, then run the next and repeat.

  • ./Wilden.exe --rendering-driver vulkan
  • ./Wilden.exe --rendering-driver d3d12
  • ./Wilden.exe --rendering-driver opengl3
  • ./Wilden.exe --rendering-driver opengl3_angle

My predictions are, the first one will crash instantly, the second one may or may not crash, the third will launch with graphical glitches, and the third one will never open.

If none of these work, unfortunately there won't be a way to make this game run on your system without using opengl3 and having graphics artifacts. If any of them do work, I will add a compatibility executable next to the main one.

Alright, it must be a Vulkan issue then. I'll try to release a non-vulkan build for Windows with the next update.

Try running the game in compatibility mode for Windows 8.

Are you able to play the Vulkan build of Feraline? This game is Vulkan by default. If the Feraline Vulkan build doesn't work, I will make an OpenGL build for Wilden.

In the next update, later today, it should be fixed. I replaced the functionality for the toggle button with a "Force Ejaculate" button. It basically sets the climax level to 100%, so it will happen naturally.

After I release the update (I can reply to the thread when it's out if you'd like), let me know whether or not it fixes it. There are some other bug fixes as well.

Does this happen every time you use it, a one time thing, or after using it for a bit?

We are planning to have paw play in the game, but not a reversed role.

How much RAM does your PC have?

Free cam will be added in the next update. ^^

Please try running it in compatibility mode for windows 8, and see if that works. If not, please send your log folder (instructions on the original bug reports post)