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A member registered Nov 14, 2019

Recent community posts

(5 edits)


1. When you "praise" action, it seems that the resulting text shows the current total consent, not the actual amount of consent "Gained".

2.  The same applies to "Reward with Sex" action.

3. When you "Repeat" a skill -  instead of closing the interaction and clicking the skill again - you don't get the same gains to the skill-USER, eg repeat sedate doesn't give the same wits gains to the sedate user, and repeat praise doesn't give the same charm gains to the praise user.


I didn't think of that this time around, but I totally should have; I think I once set it to 0 at some point.

I'll certainly keep that in mind for this time as well.

(3 edits)

Oof, okay.

I'll try just putting in Main_quest_loan and see what happens, I guess.

My preferred method was just to make the loan quest never start in the first place; the only reason I do this instead of just go sandbox is to play the normal story mode without the loan-quest annoyance.

Thanks, whether it works or not.

I don't know why I can't seem to find the old files like I used to with a search for words like "Loan" or something.

Edit1: [Seems to be a problem with some setting or other on this computer, I'll have to try to fix it but fuck if I even know where to start.

I've told it to search within files but it still doesn't pick up on words that are clearly within the relevant files...]

Edit 2: OKAY, solved the "Can't find text in files" problem by downloading agent ransack, since fiddling with settings in Windows itself didn't seem to do enough of anything... now on to the next level Zero coding struggles.

Edit 3: Okay, instead of anything else, for now I just deleted the line of code "code = 'add_timed_event', value = "loan_event1"," from the file "" and it seems to be fine at the moment... hopefully I don't run into any problems because of that.

I've been away for a while, and I've forgotten.

Used to be a simple matter to edit a file and disable the bank loan main quest.

It probably still is but I just don't recall much of anything about it; which file do I edit to get rid of that and so on, again?

Ah, Thank you!  I'll make a note of that once I confirm : O

(2 edits)

Yeah, travel system doesn't seem super intuitive to me either.

I figured out how to use it after some bumbling around, but still.

A winning option might be to just show the location and the characters FUNCTIONALLY at the same time.

(4 edits)

(I just added some concerns about peons and dates to the first post at 6 and 7)

Also, it looks like my version may not be current anymore; I'll re-download and try to edit above (or just make a new post) accordingly.

Edit: (21/Aug/2020)  Perhaps sometime later I'll try out the very beginning of the latest update and see if anything else changes; I probably won't re-play the main quest immediately though!

(28 edits)

I haven't gotten far in at all; I just have some minor observations.

I finished the main quest in 0.3.0c, though I removed the loan's time pressure.

OS is Windows 8.1, 64 bit, playing the Windows  64-Bit version.

1. It is actually MORE unwieldy than before to check on slave information.
Before, I would just make the pane nearly transparent, and click from slave to slave when checking their growth factor and other info.
Now I have to click OUT of one slave's char info back to the main screen, and click into another's Char info, increasing click busywork.

(If there is an option to make it transparent here again, to do the same thing as before, I am afraid I did not find it.)

[EDIT:  It appears that you can just click through the slaves on the upper left of the Char info interface in the "Gear" Screen.  The functionality is thus still present in some places; one way to address this concern would be to make it available from all screens in char info, and not just the "gear" screen, perhaps.

Concern still current in 0.3.0d]


2.  After you click Fast Speed, clicking the PAUSE icon does not PAUSE the time; instead it makes it flow normally.

There should just be a Fast Speed, Normal Speed, and Pause button, with the active one highlighted, as before.

Concern still current in 0.3.0d


3. If you switch away from the window while the game is first launching, then it launches off-centre of the screen again.

This old bug was cured again in 0.3.0c (and maybe the update which remained titled 0.2.0b)


4. The Food tab says "Materials" instead of "Food"

Concern still current in 0.3.0d


5. Paladin class doesn't say it allows usage of heavy armour.

Concern still current in 0.3.0d



6. It appears you can't enslave peons anymore.  If you can, I missed it.

Concern still current in 0.3.0c

It actually works, as observed by Wraiths!

As such, please change the concern to it being RIDICULOUSLY unintuitive; it has nothing to do with selling at all.

- A solution would be to have a "services" tab as there has been in the past, which would include upgrades of factors, sterilisation, and enslavement.  I'm not entirely sure that the SLAVERS' GUILD is the medically suitable place to do sterilisations, but regardless, a "services" tab seems like a good idea.


7. The "Date" function doesn't appear to be working at all.  (If it is, then I am not doing whatever I have to do in order to trigger that.)

Concern still current in 0.3.0c

It actually works, as noted by Wraiths!

As such, Please change the concern to it being unintuitive.

(Also, I liked the "Push down" function from the previous game; I hope that it comes back.)


8. When I'm typing in the save window to name saves, I start or stop time because the hotkeys still affect the game.

Concern still current in 0.3.0d


9. For some reason, after character-creation, it saves THE WRONG FOODS as your favourites.

I chose meat as liked and fish as hated, got Vegetables as liked and Grains as hated.

New to 0.3.0c

Appears to be solved in 0.3.0d


10.  In the sex system, sometimes actions are taken which were NOT selected.

(Especially if clicking repeatedly; an item NOT clicked on can end up being used)

Concern still current in 0.3.0d


11. Slave requests sometimes do not recognise that you have suitable slaves.

Servant's guild requested a female slave with charm at least 27.

I got a female peon with charm at least 27; it was not recognised.

I assumed it was because she was a peon and not a slave, but after enslavement she was still not recognised.

Concern (possibly) new to 0.3.0c


12. Penile Virginity does not appear to go away.

Concern current in 0.3.0d


13. Yeah I've actually just about FUCKING HAD IT with Monster hunt quests in this game.

Locations don't tell you what monsters you can find there, and sometimes the monsters probably won't even spawn in.

That's a candidate for the worst annoyance for the monster hunt quests for Fighters' Guild, but not the only candidate.

To improve the situation, how about those quests just provide you with a specific quest location with nothing but the 6 or 7 monsters they need killed? 

Not only would it be more immersive ("Kill these SPECIFIC monsters plz"), it would also remove the RNG source of annoyance.

Monster hunts are this game's worst trash RNG-reliant busywork fucking irritation, and since the Fighter's guild doesn't seem to provide much else, they're basically MANDATORY.

Concern current in 0.3.0c (I have not checked the later update;  playing through on this one.)


14. You can do the Lich quest multiple times; get a skull from the ambush and you still have the option to "Call out".

Concern current in 0.3.0c  (I have not checked the later update;)


15. Might be neat to be able to order someone to stop restraining; there doesn't appear to be an order to do that.

Concern current in 0.3.0d


(In case I run into any bugs that I follow the FULL bug-report format to report, a general note in case the uploaded save seems weird: 

I'll probably have removed  - (i)the timed quest, (ii)conflicting classes/class restrictions, and (iii)a couple class requirements , -

as I don't care for them.)

Aight, fair enough!

Might want to consider branching out to include SubscribeStar or whatever other places to receive support, in case anything happens with Patreon.

Suggestion:  Make a way for us to set ALL occupants of the mansion (including ourselves) to a certain task.  It gets old having to do it manually for everybody.

Game Version:           0.2.0

OS:                                    Windows 8.1 64 Bit

Bug Description:       "Praise" action sometimes locks up the game; there is no error message in the bug tracker.

Way to Replicate:      Just "Praise" in the morning, just after autosave; sometimes it'll lock up, most times it won't.

Save File :              

Additional Details:    The absence of any error in the reporter is suspicious, but it happened to me about 3 times, so maybe not a fluke.

(1 edit)

In addition to the 0.1.1 bugs mentioned in, and the sex class bug noted in 0.1.2 by Pallington, in, (which I have also encountered) it seems that sexuals stats can't go over 60.

Main char has the top 3 skills at 100, and the capacity to naturally reach 100 from sexuals factor, but he's capped at 60.

Other chars also do not appear to be going over 60.

(3 edits)

In version 0.1.1

1. When you right click the class icons to see what is going on, the "X" button to close that info screen does not actually work.

2. After you obtain a class, your master's EXP remains green, even though it is too low to obtain any other class.

3. You can't complete the Workers' Guild "food supply" quest, nor can you forfeit it.

4. You can't complete the quest "Wild Wolves" because you can't actually set your party or move forward in it.

5. You can't complete the quest "The Red Cave" because although you can move in it, advancing on the final stage is endless boss battles.

I don't know if any or all were fixed in version 0.1.2, but I didn't get a CRASH from any in 0.1.1.

Bahamut, this is late, and you may have gotten an answer from browsing the earlier threads already.

Regardless, just start the program and then don't click on ANYTHING until it launches.

It's a very strange and annoying bug, but if you know the secret, then it's easily dealt with.

(1 edit)

1. Game Version:  Pre-Demo-Test 0.3b

2. Your OS or if you are playing Web Version: Windows 8.1 64 Bit

3. Bug Description:  The green crown for Obedience still goes red after maxing out loyalty, from time to time.  (I don't know about submission but I assume WITHOUT KNOWING that the same applies.)  The redness goes away when you do obedience-raising activities so it looks like obedience is still dropping.  It should  just be set to 999 or whatever and frozen there regardless of all else.

4. Way to replicate (if complex):  It's not complex, just max out loyalty and wait some days.

5. Save file (if possible)

6. Any details you wish to add:  I edited ass_size of one of the slaves in the save, but as I didn't know which entry to edit I just changed all small ones to big in a scattershot manner : D



It looks like stats  don't affect battle in any way; I think they should, in order to add to the feeling of progression in the game.

For example, damage and defence are some of the obvious things for them to affect, as in the previous game.

"When selecting a class to unlock, it seems to take into account the current gear they are wearing; so say someone could put on a "Maid Dress" to surpass the needed stats to get the 'Dancer' class, when without the dress they have less then 20 Charm. Fairly sure that is unintended?"

In the old game boosts to stats were taken into account when unlocking classes, so I personally assume (without knowing) that it is intended.

In the previous game, he had changed Beauty so that only base beauty was taken into account; I brought it back into line with the other stats myself.  Whether this particular instance is intended or unintended in fact, I can only hope that it's as easy to fiddle with the stats and requirements in this game.

(1 edit)

Other info same as above, but sometimes the Hard dungeons plain don't work.  As in, you go to what should be the bossfight (or any fight, or try to complete area, or whatever) and the game locks up.

Third is that some of the skills don't work, for example the Knight's protect just hangs the game.

Would be nice to be able to customise your skills bar too, so you can have your own choice of fighting skills available in combat.

Strangely enough, sometimes you seem to NOT get that problem in the easy dungeons, so I don't know if it's only bought easy dungeons that do the strange thing with your first slave, or if it's only "not the bought ones" that do it.  Regardless, I have completed some easy dungeons and not lost my first slave temporarily, and I have "taken prisoner" some characters and successfully gotten them at the end of some dungeons, so I don't know what is the determining factor to make it happen or not.

Honestly probably playing this demo rather more than you had intended but I'm quite happy with it so I'm not even done as YET.

Time; waiting and hoping he doesn't mutate.

Might be nice if we could get a spell or item to clear it.


"It also could use more information - you can't tell how long travel will take without opening the send characters screen, and it generally lacks immediate information on what each location does."

Seconded for sure, but this was probably in with those you already had under consideration.

(3 edits)

1. Game Version:  Ver. Pre-Demo-Test 0.2a

2. Your OS or if you are playing web version: Windows 8.1 64 Bit

3. Bug Description: On completion of dungeons, about 3 different things seem to go wrong.  MAYBE only when you click "take prisoner" instead of "execute" for the relevant person that gives you that option, I am not sure.

i) Your main/first generated servant disappears. 

ii) You DO NOT get the boss or whatever person you were trying to take prisoner.

iii) You get your main/first generated servant back, but SLIGHTLY different; I think mine lost the "slave" penalty that restricts their base efficiency and damage to 90% of what a free servant's would be.

4. Way to replicate (if complex) : Not complex, but just complete a dungeon and click on take prisoner instead of execute.

5. Save file (if possible): I have absolutely no fucking idea how to upload any files that aren't .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mp4 or .png in this forum, sorry.  You probably don't need one for something like this anyway. EDIT:  Oh right, Sendspace!

6. Any Details you wish to Add: Nil

This isn't really the place to put feedback, due to the title, but hell, I started the thread already so I'll just close it off with this post:

I like this game QUITE A LOT.

My favourite touch so far is how viable crafting is, so you can potentially play the game as Atelier [Char-name]; the Sex-Alchemist of Greenwind, or whatever.

Apart from a couple hiccoughs, every system seems pretty solid and enjoyable.

I can see having to constantly manage obedience as eventually getting pretty annoying, though.

And I wouldn't mind seeing a loyalty meter make a comeback, especially for if you don't usually run a high-fear playstyle.

Good shit as usual sir.

Ah, okay.  Just not changing the window at all allowed it to start centred.  Yeah, that's a very strange bug, I'll be glad to see it gone.

So the game opens too far to the upper left for me to actually get at anything.

Can I interest you in making it open in a normal window like every other program I use, so it can be moved around and maximised etc?

If not (and even if so) where is the option that would be fiddled with to make it open centred properly?

(2 edits)

Hey, if you're that into modifying the game, you could also just use Notepad++ to remove the line in "events" that has the game delete your slave.

(Or maybe you already do that, and that's part of what you meant by 'editing the script files' which you do now, but didn't do then.)

Regardless, was just throwing that out there.