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Michael Harris

A member registered Jun 27, 2016 · View creator page →

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Awesome game! Lots of content to get through which is always great.  And I love the ever increasing list of abilities you get.  I played this longer than probably any other game in the jam.  Nice and simple but deep.  Really good work

This really reminds me of Ibb and Obb haha.  Really cool idea, very unique and executed nicely.  Good job!

Appreciate the kind words! :-)

Yea I'll probably go through when I have free time and improve it.  Thanks for playing it :-)

Thanks for the play :-) Yea I think I'll go through and add more things to it after the fact, I have some ideas for additional enemies and maybe a boss fight.  

That's a good idea.  Thanks for playing!

Nice take on the theme.  I really love the coin flip mechanic and the animation for that as well.  I'm surprised by how much content is here too.  Really great stuff!

The visuals for this are great.  Like the dimension jumping mechanics too.  Good work!

Cool game.  Visuals are very good and the dimension jumping concept is cool

Interesting concept but I wish there was more haha.  

Instead of using different keys for changing POV I think it would be better to just use one, and toggle between the two.  Like the Shift key or Spacebar.

Good job though!

Fun to play but very hard haha.  

Cool idea.  Pretty hard though!  Definitely reminds me of like flappy bird.  I have no idea how to balance the ball in the middle haha.

Interesting game.  Took a little to get used to it but once I got used to it, it was fun.  There seems to be a bit of a big though whenever the moon changes, all of the spots disappear and you can't plant anymore.  I see what you were going for though and this seems like a hard game to make in 3 days so very good job with that one!

Cool idea.  I like how there's no controls screen but the idea it is obvious what to do by the first level.  Some of the puzzles were interesting too.  I really wish there was a restart level button though, and some audio would be nice.  The stairs also didn't seem to work as expected.

Regardless though good job!

Awesome game!  What a great use of the theme.  The puzzles are well thought out too.  Really good job with this one.

It's a pretty cool concept.  I couldn't get very far because of the bugs unfortunately, but I can see where you were going with it.  This could be fun with some cleanup and fixes.  The victory sound was cute too.  Good job either way!

(2 edits)

I really like the design of this all around.  Really cool take on the theme and really interesting way to handle it in a top-down shooter.  Decently challenging and not frustrating at all.  I loved how some of the fruit bounces around the room and ruins everything haha.  If there's one point of feedback I would say I guess it would be I wish it was a little longer, but hit's a short 2 day game jam so totally fine.  Really good job on this one!

Thank you! your game was fun as well.

I wish I could have used Yoshi's instead haha

Thank you, I enjoyed your game too!

Oh awesome, thanks for the update!  Works great now. 

I really like the 360 rotation and the way the rockets curve around the planets like that.  I think the only issue I had was when an asteroid would sneak up behind me.  Maybe a larger indicator or a beeping sound or something when an asteroid gets within a certain distance would help.  Or maybe putting the player more towards the center of the screen. 

Relieving when I finally curve a rocket around a planet to hit an asteroid.
Good job!

Cool idea (I'm sucker for hookshot mechanics).  Pretty challenging because it's hard to use an on-screen thumbstick like that on PC.  Probably works better for mobile.  I would suggest on PC just have the aim follow the mouse instead.  

Another thing to mention is it seemed like the world state didn't reset when I died.  For example if I knocked the apple off the platform, when the level reset the apple would still be gone.  Not sure if that's intentional or not.

Either way good work!

Thank you!

I couldn't figure out what to do to be honest.  I somehow made the d disappear but I wasn't sure what to do after that.  Some music, sounds, and instructions would really help.  Even if you just put it on the game page to tell people what to do.  Other than that all I can really say is the animations look cool

Fun game.  Music and concept is good.  I agree with the other comment, an in-game score indicator would be great.  I like how the game gets harder as it goes on and the multiple different hazards.  Good job! 

Nice concept.  The controls did take a little bit to get used to but once I figured it out it was fun.  Had to really think in some of the puzzles (I quit on the last one haha).  Really wanted to be able to rotate either way but I see that how would change the game drastically.

Also good job getting all of this done in 2 days!

Cool idea.  It definitely has style.  I like the alien guy who explains to you the entire game before playing it, that's a cool way to make the instructions less boring.  The only thing was it was a little wordy and people don't like to read that much haha.  For me it was fine though.

The game itself isn't super deep but is interesting enough.  Have to be quick with the descriptions but not too quick so that you mess up.  Good job!

Unfortunately the game crashes whenever I shoot an asteroid.  It does seems like a cool concept though the music is a banger.  Didn't get very far though because of the crash.  Hopefully you can fix it up and ping us so we can try again. 

Took me a second to realize you needed to tap the thrusters instead of hold it.  Originally I was holding it and wasn't really moving at all.  Either way good stuff.  It was pretty hard to avoid the asteroids properly and the spike balls moved so quickly you kind of had to guess and hope for the best.  I really like the comment at the end though about running out of time to progam haha.  

Good job! 

Hey cool stuff.  It recording everyone's answers at the end was pretty cool.  Good job!

Hey thanks for playing!

Pretty cool game.  I was having a hard time until I actually read the instructions and learned you could merge guns and use the mouse haha.  That was a pretty cool idea.  It would have been cool to split merged guns as well but you can only do so much with limited time.  The hit sound effect reminds me of Plants vs Zombies too haha.  Good job!

If you have a second and want to shoot our game a review as well that would be greatly appreciated :-)

Really enjoyed this!  Very well designed and very impressed that you did mostly everything yourself.  The cutscenes were really cool and I liked all the different mechanics.  Really liked that extra camera that pops up when one of your characters goes off screen.  I can tell a lot of work was put into this.

If there's one gripe I would mention it's that I didn't love the movement.  I slid off a lot of platforms which was a little frustrating.  Some of the jumps required really precise and quick jump inputs.  But I was able to figure all that out in the end so not a huge deal.

Anyways, really good job!  Would really appreciate a rating on our game as well if you have the time :-) 

Cute game.  Definitely seemed to be made by someone who really loves munchies haha.  Literally everything was about munchies.

Anyway I would suggest adding some more instructions, I almost completely missed that there were upgrades and pets in the game.  The gameplay loop also gets a little stale after a while so something like enemies that either hurt you, your pets, or steal your munchies would be great.

This is a cool idea and I had fun playing it.  The graphics are simple but all fit together quite well and are nice and crisp.  Fits the theme decently as well.

I have to say I didn't enjoy having to start over from the beginning each time especially since the ending levels were quite complicated.  It basically became a trial-and-error game where the only way I would win is when I memorized the route out after dying a bunch of times.     Would have preferred more levels instead as a way to make the game longer.

Regardless though good job!

This was pretty cool.  I liked the overall look (I'm a sucker for glowy lines).  And the simplicity of the artwork kind of helped me line up some of the jumps using the grid.  It was definitely a bit challenging and the acceleration seemed to be a little high.  But I still had fun.  Good job!

Cool stuff.  Very cool concept of using your previous dead bodies to help yourself in the future haha.  I have to say I didn't really like the jump cooldown though.  And when I played I had some weird collision issues (colliders being in places where there was no object).  But overall an interesting concept and good work!

If you're interested in trying our game it's here:

This was really fun.   

I'll admit, I almost gave up at level 2 when the melee robots came in, because of the bug they seemed impossible to kill without losing a ton of HP.  But I realized if you get real close they don't hurt you at all, so I continued playing.   I'm really glad I did because I had a bunch of fun and ended up beating it.

I really like the artwork all around.  I'm a sucker for glowy Tron lines.  And I really appreciated that I could change my character's hair and shirt colors.  The sword swing effects were really cool too.  I didn't get all of the upgrades but the shotgun was fun to use.

If there's any feedback I could give, I would say the sword felt a little weak.  It seemed like it was always the better option just to wait for my gun to cool down, especially after upgrading.  I would say maybe add some helpful effect to the sword, like maybe the ability to reflect bullets or something, to keep it relevant even after upgrading your gun.  

Honestly though, really good work!

If you have a minute, I would also really appreciate checking out my team's game: