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A member registered Apr 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Creative idea!

The hero is defeated!

I finished the game! Interesting idea though it was confusing at first

Confusing at first but I thought it was an interesting concept! I'd like to see more clarity about when the reverse begins and ends

Browser version unfortunately did not load

Tricky but fun! I'd love to see this project continue

I only made it to lake-2. I like the idea but it's definitely not easy!

I cleared 15 rooms!

I was defeated by wheel man! I would've liked to be able to hold down the mouse button.

Take care laika! Fun game, very zen.

Fun game! I stopped playing at 8000 points as it didn't seem to be getting harder.

I got him. Mission completed!

Took me a while to understand it but was fun when I did! I can definitely see this being fun with friends.

More variation would've been nice. Great job submitting your first jam entry!

Adorable art!

Great job!

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I liked the easily readable art and the music/sound effects! Very polished. However I ended up playing it like a regular twinstick shooter except that sometimes you slow down, can't move, or can't shoot which felt quite strange.

I liked not having a turn limit! Would just like to have a guide for the other sides of the dice

I see the potential! Would like to have another way to know which character was mine on top of the glow. Maybe a different coloured shirt?

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Honestly a surprising amount more than I originally thought! The dice could rotate, flip, add, subtract, I’d have 4 dice on a 4x4 board…

Thanks! This was a two person project

Easily a top 20 contender, amazing work

I beat the game!
Really enjoyed the vibes and the level design was great. Beating each level felt satisfying. I'd love to see more levels added in the future!

Finished the game! Clever concept

I won!
Looks like you have the basis of a greater idea, hope that we get to see this project expand in the future!

Looking forward to it!

I completed the game! Clever idea

Unfortunately the game isn't running!

Unfortunately the browser version isn't working!

I think I played levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. I'm not sure if there were any more.

Infinite dashing is satisfying!

I'm pretty sure my mouse is going to break from this, 10/10 would build a dice factory again

It's too bad we can't see your project but good job on participating in your first jam!

Hope you learnt from it and that we can see more from you in the future!

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Unfortunately I couldn't get past level 3

Good effort, especially for someone who is so new! It's not easy to put together systems like you have. I'd like to see a version where the player can move faster so I don't have to wait a long time between each step.
I hope to see more from you in the future!

Unfortunately I didn't understand what to do and the looping sound was hard on my ears

Unfortunately I get knocked into the void or respawn in the void :(
Getting knocked forward by the cars was fun though movement was really slow

Unfortunately I just get a black screen

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Like you said in the description, unfortunately the camera was motion-sick inducing :(

I managed to get in the maze but nothing happened after getting to the cup and I didn't see any exits. Maybe I missed something? The music was nice!

Unfortunately I couldn't get the game to do anything after dropping the dice.

Curious to know what the planned project was!

Stuck inside an empty room with a looping run animation. Bruh/10

Curious to know what the planned project was!