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Michaela du Preez

A member registered Jul 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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So much fun! Love the interesting controls

Thank you so much for your feedback, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

I'll be sure to add a restart button and repost it when I get a chance :)

Voted for community favourite- Michaela du Preez- Quaranteam 

Hey Linda! I really liked your game. I think the story and visuals work so well together, and I think you've delivered the message in a really clever and thoughtful way :)

What a great game! Visually, I think it looked great. The animations were simple but very effective. I also think that having such simple mechanics meant that I could focus on the theme of the game. The theme conveyed was very effective, and I think it tackled a difficult topic well. I found navigating myself around the game was quite challenging. I would have enjoyed for there to be a map of some kind, but other than this I thought it was a really well made game.

Well done!

-Michaela du Preez, An Ordinary Day 

The core concept is really interesting! I think the visuals are really cute and I enjoyed trying to work through the puzzles. I found the moving mechanics a little difficult because of the fact that the player would go through the walls, but other than that I really enjoyed it! I thought the level design was well executed, and progressed with reasonable difficulty.  I think it was a great game, especially given how quickly it was made, so well done!

-Michaela du Preez, An Ordinary Day 

I really enjoyed playing this game! The mechanics were simple and easy to understand. I think the level design and progression of difficulty was well executed, and made the game easy to understand. I think it would have been a little easier to learn the rules if they had popped up as the player progressed, as the many rules were a little bit confusing. Additionally, I accidentally went through one of the walls, and the fireflies got stuck in it. This didn't cause any major issues though as I could just restart the level. Overall it was great, and I think given how quickly it was built, it's really impressive :)

Well done!

-Michaela du Preez, An Ordinary Day