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A member registered Oct 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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I beat every single boss including Margherita! Art style is phenomenal and adorable, controls were confusing at first but you get used to them after a while. Spinning the bosses attack is really unique, but I wonder if also spinning the background arena would make it more clear on what's happening.

For anyone struggling on this game, the best advice I could give is that you don't always have to hold down shoot.

Definitely my favourite game of the jam.

criminally underrated, by far the best take on the "space" theme most people have taken and ran with. As many have already said, the pixel art is amazing. Returning the bosses attack is genius and the fact that each stone has its own angular speed and direction makes it more engaging. Less hp on the boss, perhaps a dash and more bosses and you've got yourself a winner. Would you be interested in rating my game too? that would be cool.

(1 edit)

Sick as hell! Thanks for rating my game too btw. The speed of the beyblade being your hp and your source of damage is genius, but I think having your speed decrease a little as you move leaves more room for strategy, then you can't just trot along the arena to get to the next charging station. Also zooming out the camera might help with clarity. Adding a story to a game jam game is crazy too, well done!

the art is adorable but it was a bit confusing at first. i didnt even realise there was a ui at the right for like 3 minutes

interesting take on the theme, very polished!

space is the perfect setting for this jams theme, i think some animation and screen shake can be used to sell the impact of each hit, and some smoother movement might suit the game more instead of stiff movement, since space ships irl have a lot of weight to them and dont move as staticly

yo we both have a snake boss! i'll admit yours looks alot cooler hhaha. the game looks cool asl but the controls felt a little bit strange. might need some polish but pretty cool otherwise!

hmm im surprised out of all things, unresponsive controls was a problem. I'll try work on that in my next project, whenever that comes

i dont blame you, also when it sticks to the air its a bug 😅

I should mention the distance the boomerang travels depends on how long you hold it for, I tried adding a charge meter but it didnt work like i wanted it to and i ran out of time :p

there is an infinite hp and infinite time mode i added to alleviate the difficult, so you can see all the content, but i think its like a safety net solution to the actual problem

I guess if you play the same bosses everyday tweaking them you don't realise how hard things actually are hahaha.

I know its so awkwardly silent but I worked on this project alone and had no clue how to compose a song despite being a drummer myself.

Art style is amazing and the attention to detail with the little dance after each round and the small laugh when you miss is cute.

I'm surprised people are finding the kangaroo to be harder than the others, it was the first one I made hahaha. thank you for your feedback!

Yea these are my first attempt on making a boss fight ever, so they can use some work. I'll work on improving for future projects

Generally, avoid making sudden movements and staying near the bosses helps a lot especially with the kangaroo and snake. You don't have to throw your boomerang at max speed, since it will return to you at that speed too. You want it at around the same speed as the boss is moving so you hit it multiple times as its coming back.

all my friends irl also said this game was pretty hard, but once you get the feel of it I think you will find it quite fun.

good luck!

Physically moving around the mouse to reload, especially after dodging and shooting feels gangster as hell, great job with the art and music! Maybe just needs some balancing with the amount of Hp and damage the boss has.

Ran out of time before I could make any music, also have literally no experience producing.