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A member registered Dec 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's a good tip actually, I'm not sure if I have ever heard of edu-game platforms but it's not surprising if there aresome. I definitely gotta check that out. I probably should change my narrative before that tho, don't want kids to play games where you torture pigeons :')

I KNOW RIGHT Descartes was kind of a jerk! The reason why I chose him and not some other philopher was totally cause a lot of things he did were against my own morals. But after making this game he feels more like a problematic uncle to me so. Also, I haven't heard the joke lol, it actually works, I appreciate this valuable commentary 10/10. Thank you for playing, I also hope we both get to the next round!

Pst. the hard difficulty level is totally untested, I'm not sure if I recommend it unless you are ready to come up with some totally new functions 

(Actually gotta add, I didn't even realize you could use sins for your advantage that way lol, you clearly beat me in my own game)

That's understandable, I wasn't sure how to balance it so it will be fun for both, people who have studied advanced maths and people who haven't :') Good to hear the story worked for you!

Thank you for your kind words!

Input box was actually more of an extra feature since I used it myself for function testing, but after the game was finished I wanted to leave it there for people to try out as well. Poor pigeons, you really chose the Descartes route here :D Thank you for playing!

That actually sounds something that could be fun to do! Someone like Pythagoras would be a really interesting main character, tho I believe all the historical figures / mathematicans tend to be quite personalities. I will have to consider that. Thanks for playing! 

I have definitely achieved some kind of goal if someone who actually studied Philosophy could enjoy this, so yey! I mostly know Descartes from his mathematical achievements (since I studied Math at some point), but learning more about his philosophies while doing this game was also quite... Interesting. Thank you for trying this out!

Good to hear you enjoyed the game even tho it included math, thank you for giving Descartes a chance!

Great to hear you enjoyed it, I also liked the abs levels the most, that's why I ended up including so many of them lol. Thank you for playing!

I love the projectile mechanics a lot, very interesting way to implement different kind of ammos. I would like to see this developed  further, like more puzzles (or even a math game!) (I like math games you see). Also, the story is really sweet and your artstyle is cuteee ~~

I still remember your first version of the game and while it was more like an alpha build, this felt like an actual demo. I'm impressed how you managed to build this good-looking and -feeling 3D-game in the given time window. The story was also interesting and dark, the crow is awesome and I kinda want to know more about what had happened.

Did it work all fine in editor? There might be a part in your code where you try to call something that no longer exists, like an element in array. But if it worked before, it might also be a memory issue caused by webgl. I hope you will find the reason and be able to fix it!

Okay I tried to play it again, the screen went black and I got this error message (to clarify, this only happens during the fourth map and I'm using edge as browser): 

Uncaught RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds

    at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0x59c832     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xa5240a     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xa4fdf0     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xa4b6cb     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xf04b33     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0x1c476e     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0x2cd53e     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0x12dc7cc     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0x1292f67     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0x3a0a89     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xe8fd3a     at invoke_iiii (IhaveNoTime2.framework.js:10:370022)     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xa4417     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xa9eaa0     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0x278861     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0x7902d2     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xa23bb0     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xf3cdf5     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xf3daa2     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0x7b5178     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0x7b54f6     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0x7b5565     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xeae869     at IhaveNoTime2.wasm:0xe8fcf8     at browserIterationFunc (IhaveNoTime2.framework.js:10:208651)     at callUserCallback (IhaveNoTime2.framework.js:10:162273)     at Object.runIter (IhaveNoTime2.framework.js:10:163513)     at Browser_mainLoop_runner (IhaveNoTime2.framework.js:10:161809) IhaveNoTime2.loader.js:1 Performance warning: deleting framebuffer on context thread release!!!!

This is so emotional right from the beginning, the music kinda revealed where it was going but then I started to think about my own previous pets and just cried when throwing the ball one last time. What a soul purifying and destroying experience. You really nailed the storytelling part (and also the other parts), what a genius masterpiece. 5/5 game in every category but I'll never want to play it again.

ALSO the way you tell the story via simple gameplay works really well, it reminds me of Edith Finch and some of the minigames there, especially the baby bath and swing ones. Don't know if you've played it but had to mention.

A funny and creative game! I enjoy your frog cinematic universe and the story is very different from your typical game jam stories, so you get a lot of bonus points for that.  I'm not 100% sure how to get more confiedence tho, I feel like even after speaking with the frog and throwing drawings to the trash, I still only managed to draw as much as previously :')

(1 edit)

Bwahaha yes that was my plan all along, you are all trapped to learn math and can't do nothing about it. But omg thank you for playing and liking the game! I can promise every level is playable, but I tried to make optional levels hard so I'm not even sure if one can solve those without already knowing the correct order.

I'm happy to hear someone is interested in math (and Descartes) too. Thank you for your kind words! I wasn't sure if people would receive a math game that well so seeing your comment was a big relief to me, even if it was only you who enjoyed it :')

The bomb system is a good addition to your previous game, in my opinion there could be even more digging around.It got me a while to realize the cat is used to search batteries, but that definitely made finding batteries more focused. Nice job with the storytelling too, using letters instead of basic narrative was a good idea. 

There is a bug that prevents me from using keyboard sometimes I launch the game, but I managed to fix it by reloading the page.

You got lucky since your 1. round game already had very interesting and well-build projectile mechanics :D Nice to see you still decided to develop the game more and didn't just publish the same build twice. 

This was kinda hard for me since even though I fully respect the innovativeness behind making a game where you can't see, listening at stuff has always been hard for me (especially in English since it's not my native language) so I wasn't entirely sure what was happening and got quickly quite impatient. I appreciate the lively performance of the voice actor and sound design tho!

The first time I played this, I accidentally press shoot instantly after the game begun and ended up shooting the dog :') For a while I was all like, "OH NO I'M THE MURDERER", but after I restarted I realized it was just me spamming the left mouse button a little too aggressively.

This was my favorite game during the first game so I'm glad you decided to explore the concept a little more. This is basically a puzzle mode with minesweeper and I'm surprised how well the story mode goes together with it.

I got to the fourth puzzle before the game crashed  for unknown reasons. It was as fun to find mines as in the first game and I would like to see how far you managed to develop the functionality and how many levels did you create in total. I'll also return after you've provided some further hints about the winning conditions.

I love the duck, what a gorgeous and creepy creature with many gimmicks. The story is intriguing, I need to know what happens next! I'm also impressed with all the juice you managed to add, shooting & moving feels good. No complains here.

The platforming were already good during they first round but I feel like the threat of lava really added something to it. At first I thought lava was rising too slowly and didn't really care about it, but at the end I failed a little and was panicking that it would get me. I also like your character art.

"I AM BUT AN AIMLESS PROJECTILE" what a narrative masterpiece. You surely have talent as a writer. Also liked the 3D rotating circus tent and well, all the characters.

Nooo the project :( This game is a timeless tragedy, thank you for sharing it. I also hope you'll finish the original game and publish it, I would be interested in playing it even tho it can't compete in this round.

I like the starting cutscene, a joyful asteroid disco. And this is still a charming game, I was honestly glad when I heard you got to continue to round 2!

One thing I noticed was that your canvas settings are probably wrong and you might want to change them to scale with screen size instead of the default option. 

Also, is the first version still playable somewhere or did you just completely clean it out of your way?

I like the idea and the ninja frog mechanics - actually, I think this would've done really well during the first round, game mechanics & progression are both well implemented! So I'm happy you managed to publish this even tho you were busy. Okay but a funny story: I noticed that for some reason I acted as I was playing a fps game and tried to reload my gun by pressing R. That of course didn't reload anything but instead I ended up resetting the level multiple times :') I have played too much Marvel Rivals lately, I think.

Okay but you really manage to tell a story without using any words and that makes me impressed. I'm not going to spoil anything but I actually laughed a multiple times, a wonderful duck hunt parody game.Especially the third duck was amazing, I added it to my personal "things that bring joy"-file so I can look at it whenever I feel sad.

I agree with the previous comment, this game was honestly one of my favorites during the first round and I was really happy that you got to the next round, but I also wished for more content for the second round. Not necessarily more genres, but at least more levels and such.

The intro is great and some aspects from the round 1 submission are more polished now. I wish you will be able to add dying at some point so this can really become an intense survival minigame.

Well, I hope you'll fix it anyways so I can try it out even tho the rating period is already over :') 

Glad to hear this, thank you!

Thank you! I was especially worried about if only 2 cards would work in practise since in most of the card-based roguelikes you always have at least 3 cards available, so good to know you think that worked. 

This game looks really good and could be a really cool game with strong narrative, however the walk speed as it is now is really slow and just walking from my mom to the door felt like 5 minutes passed. So maybe you could speed that up in the future versions, even a little bit.

This is Path of Exile the Jam experience with its skill tree, I want to see what else you can do with this concept. I also like the auto-shooting, makes this feel like a rhythm game kinda.

The visuals are one of my favorites, they are charming and create this mysterious atmosphere with surprisingly good animations and effects. Gameplay wise alright too, maybe requires some more unique mechanics to actually stand out from other platformers - even though art already manages to do that.

Your 3D-layout and environmental design are atm the best parts of the game, so if you just manage to add the rest of the components, this could actually be a fine survival game.

Even though being short, this really gave me a feeling of playing a metroidvania. The abilities complemented each others and the shooting was visually rewarding. And while it probably were pretty linear, it gave me a sense of open-wordlness. Also visually pleasing, what a great entry.