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A member registered Dec 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing! Unfortunately, they liked it so my effort to annoy them was wasted :') 

The last brain cell going vruum vruum

//This is so great, I love the details! I wish I had played it when I still studied psychology :')

(9 edits)


VCR OSD Mono Font

Sound effects
Monster Footsteps Sound effects
Horror Ambience (Seamless Loop): The Lurking Within

Freesound - "SE-drink.mp3" by CaKon

this game has ruined my life

(2 edits)

A quirky and nice game, well done! Did you submit this to the Ludum Dare jam page? I would love to give it some positive reviews/feedback, but can't find it :')  

I know, not even minecraft could achieve this amount of og fish sprites. && Very much thank you!!

The best #tonttu game I have played

Aww thank you, hearing that brings me happiness!

Oh thank you very much for your feedback! Nice to hear that someone had enough patience/interest to complete the game, feels like a  victory already

John appreciates your feedback, he is trying his very best to be the coolest fish around. Thank you for playing!

A good game to test out your reflexes! And the art and atmosphere are really enjoyable, based on this I would gladly play your other games as well.

NOOO MY HAND! How can I dress up my fishes now without a functional armleg? Also, do I collect fishes to dress them up and to eat them after that, or do I have a separate collection of fishes I'm going to chop and fishes I want to feel pretty?  Are those pretty fishes still alive or am I dressing up dead fishes? Or are the other fishes just sacrifices so I can make money to buy more equipments for my favorite dead fishes? I have so many (very) important questions on my mind right now. 

But honestly, this have the coolest pixel art style and it's admirable that you decided (and managed) to do not just one but three fishing mini games. Also, will Bob get one of those hook hands after cutting his hand of? Will that make him a pirate?

I'm always amazed when someone manages to create a 3D enviroment that actually looks and feels good :o I was just looking around being all "wow what an atmosphere, they must know what they're doing"

Thank you for the feedback! I promise, by training with this game you will get the most powerful left hand one has ever obtained :')

Shh no need to care about the Russian speech, just keep fishing and everything will be fine . . . Also, thanks for playing!

Thank you! :-)

It has been interesting to follow your journeys mr. Bob and I'm thankful that you decided to stop by testing out our waters as well.  I appreciate your feedback and hope that someday you will find your pirate again

They are really nice! I must definitely play the full game after the release :o

Honestly, my favorite game of this jam. Fun mechanics, unique visual style and a cat. I was suprised that it actually had a second level! 

I love the visual style! You should really make a longer visual novel with it, I would definitely play it

I can totally relate with the pain of getting started with programming :') it's great that you managed to finish this much though and I believe your next game will be twice as good!

Truly swimming with the fishes lol, I like how it gets harder the more fishes you collect.

Having a fishdex awakened my "gotta catch em all"-attitude. Nerdwell bass is my new favorite fish

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A lot of fishes/vibes, I really liked how you made it an underwater fishing game! Wanted to catch an angler fish but couldn't find one before I died :(  

An interesting take on fishing, nice to see an ice fishing game! I felt my inner alien wanting to capture everything.

The shark is absolutely the greatest. A cozy little game

The style is cute! Do you have the rest of the fish sprites somewhere stored? 

Nice shooting fishes. The shotgun reloading animation 5/5 

Didn't manage to launch the game but it doesn't look like a fishing game to me?

24.7. bug fix

If someone has had problems with moving the boat, that should be fixed now. Also, remember to follow the bobber with your mouse while typing!

The idea is fun and the rolling mechanic looks really smooth, so good job with that

(2 edits)

Reminds me of those times when we tried to make our own die out of paper (didn't work out for some reason though). I like how you managed to combine two game mechanisms, aiming the fishes with rod and gambling! I actually showed this game to other people as well since it's interesting and both idea and gameplay have some potential.

Glad to hear that!

Thank you for playing! And you're right, sometimes it's nearly impossible to win the game  with the cards you got.   Getting no gardeners  is the worst  

Thank you for your feedback! This prototype is "finished" so it should be working. However, if you've encountered any bugs or other problems, I'll gladly hear about it so I can fix them and make this a better experience for everyone. The enemy AI is kinda primitive, so sometimes they play really badly. If that's the problem, restarting the game may help you.

Thank you for your feedback! I think it's actually an interesting question, like would you still be you even if you weren't in control of your actions anymore? 

We are currently trying to fix the charger station problem by making more visual and audible hints for player :) Thanks for pointing that out!

(2 edits)

Some useful tips:

1. If you exit the game, try to reload the page if you want to play more.

2. If you feel like there is no more pieces coming just wait for a second or two. Or ten. TetribleS isn't the sharpest one out there.

3. Be nice. It's not our fault if you don't know how to play TetribleS.

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What to do if you get stuck?:

- Restart your game by pressing esc.

- Use space on everything that looks abnormal. Especially if there is birds in it.

- Watch this walkthrough video:

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All bug reports:

- Wall colliders are working badly and you can go through them pretty easily. You won't get back tho so stop doing that pls.  So Tatu had frozen our player's rigidbody's X-position while I was crying. There shouldn't be any bugs anymore.

- After unfreezing our player's rigidbody's X-position there has been some problems especially when our player is trying to jump. Like dude, stop shaking. That makes me feel nauseous. So our gravity was something like 30. That may not sound much but believe me, it is. Now we've fixed that too and there definitely isn't any bugs anymore.