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A member registered Mar 01, 2023

Recent community posts

I've wondered about that as well, and you make a compelling case! One other detail is that Lauren has a very small tail (being a Lynx), which could be easily hidden in the sweater that Ghost wears.  If this is true, it'd be quite interesting to think that Lauren is a skater double-agent of sorts. 


Apologies for minor background noise, caught this while hanging in a Discord call with Instant Replay.  It definitely seems like characters with good balance are best for combos due to the greater ease of Manuals and Grinds.

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This challenge makes my one combo challenge feel like a cakewalk. Turning enough to keep in the spines, timing the inputs for spine transfer and manuals, and balancing manuals is incredibly difficult. I barely pulled this off, great challenge! 

Though less frequently I've now seen this bug occur in other places as well, both on some of the interior Grinds on the Costco map and in some places on Pacific Avenue.

Morgan's Epic journey to the [Redacted] Dimension.

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I made several attempts at a download to see if the results would repeat. They did until I made another attempt just now. The file downloaded quickly and when I opened it and checked it with Winrar the errors were completely absent, the file appeared to have everything it needed. I then unzipped, booted the game up, and played as normal. I think at least for windows the issues have passed, and I haven't seen any signs of file corruption. 

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 A link to a screenshot showing what I meant. 

Update: I managed to download it, but when I opened the file it gave me an error calling the archive 'invalid', then when I opened it with Winrar it cited an "Unexpected End of Archive" 

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I'm running Windows 11, to help with testing I attempted to download the Windows version. It started download for a time (at an unusually slow speed) but then stopped, citing a 'network error' 

Clicking the button to resume, it continued to download for a time. Then it gave me the same thing. Clicking the button to resume again, it stopped and stopped citing 'no permissions'. 

Clicking the refresh button then seemed to generate this mysterious thing called "9156248" above it. Clicking the refresh button on either this thing or the zip just generates another 9156248. 

This is definitely something new as I had already downloaded the game near .005's launch without a hitch. 

Waifur Maker!

Sometimes when doing grinds, I've had the character suddenly teleport back to the beginning of the rail. This has happened particularly on the outdoor grind spots (both rails and the tops of ramps) of the Costco map. It's absent on the interior and beyond that map I've only seen it occur on the red rail on Warehouse. 


Behold, majesty in contrast to mediocrity! 

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Challenge: Revenge of the Rat Queen!

For another Photo challenge, here we switch things up! Peeved at the Skate Crew's photographic shenanigans, the Evil Rat Queen wants vengeance! So now, take a pic of one of the Evil Skate Squad flexing on their rivals! (Check the README_PLZ file on your install for directions on how to access Photo mode pics)


1) Use one of the Evil Skate Squad members (Tori, Chloe, or Ghost, or even the Queen herself!)

2) Perform a Trick within clear sight of Morgan, Roxy, or Ashley. Use any map where those characters appear! 

3) Take a picture featuring both the player and target character within the frame.

4) Include a fun title/caption for the image as a final touch! 

It's here! And it's great! The game feels a lot better to play now, the bugs I mentioned on Pacific Avenue have been squashed, and the new Costco map is great! The tutorial level is also a neat addition. Well worth the wait! 

T-Pose to Assert Dominance! 

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Challenge: Flex on the Evil Rat Queen! 

This challenge is focused on the Photo Mode, and the idea is to take a photo of one of the Skate Crew flexing on ERQ with a trick! Get creative with choice of trick, approach, and the angle of the camera! Check the README_PLZ file on your install for directions on how to access Photo mode pics. Just like my first challenge, this has no deadline. 

Also, to help keep things organized try to make your entries in the form of Replies to this specific post, thank you. ^^

1) Use one of the Evil Skate Squad's rivals (Morgan, Roxie, or Ashley).

2) Perform a Trick within clear sight of the ERQ in the Warehouse Level. 

3) Take a picture featuring the character and ERQ within the frame.

4) Include a fun title/caption for the image as a final touch! 

I recommended Warehouse due to the somewhat buggy nature of most of the Beach's ramps, otherwise if you can nail a better combo on the beach go for it! Not bad at 135940 though! 

I'll add a mention of screenshots to the challenges then to be inclusive. Preferably I'd like entries that don't end in a tumble though. Seems like you can pull quite the combo!

Whenever story mode comes into production, I think a good detail that could spice things up is to remove Ouch regeneration during missions. It would add some challenge and incentive to avoid beefing it other than just losing points. Of course, this would also need the little 'hop off board midair and keep points' thing to be addressed as well. But I think this mechanic could make missions a lot more interesting by making bigger combos carry a lot more risk and wipeouts have some consequences. This might also be neat for any free skate missions that might be added as well.  


I'll bet some folks could do much better, but here's a start from me. I hope to see you peeps pull some bigger combos! 

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Challenge: One Combo

Get the most points in a single combo. Use any character (I suspect Winona and Avril will be preferred). Multiple posts can be made, but please don't make them in short succession and try to send your best clip. There's no due date so consider this like a leaderboard. If someone does beat your score feel free to try and make a post to beat theirs. Any Map can be used as well, but I would recommend Warehouse for now.  Start the challenge with full Shred either via doing tricks beforehand or visiting the Bepis Vending Machine. 

Edit: If recording causes issues, I'll welcome screenshots! 

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I got a fun idea to perhaps give us some things to do when waiting for updates: Community Challenges! The idea being we post challenges under certain criteria and rules and see who can do the best. People who want to add challenges make replies to this post in the form of their own challenges, and those who enter these challenges make replies to those posts which include clips (Or screenshots) as their entry.  Check my first challenge below for an example. 

We'll see how much this takes off; I'd love to see what challenges people will come up with! 

They say patience is a virtue, and I'm feeling quite virtuous!

An update, I have another possible culprit for what could be causing these bugs, alongside some others. I'm starting to think that the top platform of vertical ramps is being collided with at times. This is because alongside the two bugs mentioned before, I've also had bugs such as 

- A combo being performed only for the points to be indicated as just an ollie with no more than 1400 points upon landing. (Seemingly due to the game registering landing down from one platform onto another)

- Rare instances of bouncing off the top of the ramp on landing. Even getting stuck at the top upon performing a manual when landing.


The Curved Ramps and Half Pipes in the WIP Pacific Avenue and Test Map seem to present two recurring bugs related to jumping off and landing. Releasing jump at the top of a ramp while applying any amount of steering input sometimes results in an instant wipeout. This doesn't happen consistently upon applying that input, but when it does happen it's always while that input is applied. It seems like at an angle the forward thrust of the jump crosses over the top of the ramp's hitbox more than in a purely vertical approach, causing a collision to be registered.

I've also had instances of properly aligned landings resulting in wipeouts on this map as well. I have not found an exact input which triggers this bug, and it's rare to occur. Both Bugs have been almost entirely absent within the Warehouse map. The one and only instance I encountered either bug on the warehouse map (the first bug) was on the one ramp that wasn't either parallel or perpendicular to the others (The ramp on the outside corner of the warehouse itself). Even with that ramp, it hardly ever happened. 

I don't know squat about coding, but I hope the details here might make spotting the cause easier. Best of luck adding grinding, hope that doesn't present too much malfunction and frustration!