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A member registered Nov 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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grafisch total süß gemacht!
ich hab etwas gebraucht bis ich verstanden habe was ich tun soll, aber ist ein cooles kleines game geworden!

Erstmal Respekt, dass du nochmal von vorne angefangen hast!
Die Grundidee ist auf jedenfall sehr cool und hat gutes Potenzial :)

super witzig gemacht, allein auf die Idee zu kommen :D 
hat mich echt abgeholt!

Gniesbert hat im Sturm mein Herz erobert! :D 

Sehr cool gemacht, hat mir richtig gut gefallen!

aaaah okay yeah I didnt get that, thank you! 

I really liked the graphics and I really think that this game has potential. I'm not sure if the game is already finished because at some point I can't walk anymore, but the rest of the game was super deep and fun, because of the choices you have to make. I'm pretty sure the game is even more fun with some music and an ending, but good job! :)

Super cute and fun game. I personally love pixelart.

I really liked the concept and the topic of your game! Also I really really liked the artworks! 

the visuals are absolutely stunning!The game is a bit difficult, but it is a lot of fun! 

I really love the graphics! I struggled with the control first, but it is fun to play! Good job!

it's so much fun. I really love the Sound effects😂 good job!