I've added new community copies - I forgot to add some after generous purchases from recent buyers. Feel free to grab one!
If you end up not getting one, feel free to message again, I can send you a personal copy.
Hi! Apologies for this reallllly late reply, as I have not been active in making games as of late.
* Ideal game group for AGGG can consist of 3-4 players and 1 GM. But the game itself can run on more players given the game's focus on the conversation and not on the game mechanics loop.
* Average play time is 2 to 3 hours for each session or adventure. Noted on adding game time.
* Solo mode is currently not part of this game.
I understand the frustration, as this game is initially designed to be a hack of 2400 games (see link to 2400 game jam in description to find out more), so it is intended to have gaps in the rules. You will often see it in other games as well if they are part of a game jam, or intended to be a hack or supplement of another game.
I appreciate the interest, and I hope the answers above are sufficient. Feel free to ask more questions if needed.
I'm reading this and I am HYPED by its innovation, specifically the stat sheet. It is intuitive yet hackable, much like the tone and setting of the game.
Probably the most fun and interesting rpg mechanic I've seen in a while.
The potential is high on this game, in that you could do:
- advancements by adding a bit or two on the square edge
- conditions/effects that "shuts down" certain bits
- rearranging the bits into a different shape, to create new stats
- classes/jobs that have a weirder starting shape and many more!
Thank you! It's not so much as an abandoned project, but just taking it to a different direction. Currently it is version that I like enough to show it off to people, but some aspects of it I wanted to rebuild without making the game too clunky with attaching new mechanics and player options.
I am aiming to update this version to a more complete one to make it playable, like putting short rules for Grip (which is the game's mana and sanity, used for casting spells and abilities), adding more tone-defining concepts to the hinted world/setting, and explaining some of the terms used here like Punyal and Agimat.
Thank you again for checking it out!
A big part of the game's style and humor is the language I use, which is street conversational Filipino-English, which may not translate well when done in English.
I do have a good number of requests to have an English-translation, including yours, and I will consider it strongly this time. I'll figure something out.
Thank you for checking out this game!
I have 3 rules-light tabletop rpgs; 2 are PWYW and 1 is a Filipino-Tagalog paid game, hope that is ok.
This is the SWORDDREAM-est OSR rpg I have ever seen. It hits most especially the #6, #,7 and #8 principles.
I... wanna break it apart and attach it to other games because I know it will only make them better. Every cog in this machine is a mind and a muscle that is amazing to be read and experienced.