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A member registered Jun 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed this game and played for quite some time! My only criticism is that the tile placement was drag&drop, which made putting buildings a bit finicky, but it was not a big deal.

Cool game! It was fun to skip reading the description and discover the main mechanic by accident haha.

Cool game, love all the artistic parts of it!

Glad you enjoyed it despite it not being your cup of tea, we're super grateful for your comment! Gotta love "work games" as I call them haha.

Loved it! At first I was a bit confused on how to progress since I went in blind, but the moment it clicks it feels amazing. Thanks for this wonderful entry!

Loved the atmosphere of this game, please expand on it!!

Thanks for the kind words! Glad you liked it :)

(1 edit)

Hope we have the time and spirit to implement the features we had to cut and several enhancements like the ones you mention. A tutorial and UI revamp are almost done so we can't wait to publish those next week! Thanks for playing our game and for your feedback!

Good to hear that you found a strategy and were able to finish it! That's what we were going for so I'm super happy. And great comparison, thanks!

Thanks for commenting! We couldn't make it in time but I'd love to implement a tutorial later to gamify the learning curve a bit and lessen the need for information all over the place. Thanks for your feedback!

This has to be in Mark's video. Awesome game!

Thanks for checking the game out! We found out this bug just after we shipped the game haha, so it's definitely on our TODO list!

(1 edit)

We are using a particles plugin, but we weren't able to make it work with our different render layers. We'll try to fix this in the future. Thanks for your feedback!

We were able to upload a version that should be more compatible across the board. Please let me know if it works for you now. Thanks!

We were able to upload a version that should be more compatible across the board. Please let me know if it works for you now. Thanks!

We were able to upload a version that should be more compatible across the board. Please let me know if it works for you now. Thanks!

Hey there Lee! Thanks for hosting this one! I've sent you an email yesterday, would you be able to double check and let me know if you got it? Thanks a lot!

Thanks for your feedback! We'll definitely adjust that in the future, buildings should register hits a bit better, I agree.

Thanks for playing the game and commenting!

(1 edit)

Thank you! We're glad you enjoyed it so much haha. And I love that the music had the effect we were going for!

Awesome game! Congratulations! I really enjoyed it, sadly I don't have a controller to play it as you recommend but it's still really enjoyable with the keyboard.

That's weird. After doing some digging, it should work with Chrome v113 and forward, could you please check your browser's version? In any case, I will contact the jam's organizer to see if they allow us to upload a downloadable version since submissions are closed.

Thanks for your feedback! We will probably make some adjustments later down the road.

Thanks for your kind comments! Your game is phenomenal, I loved the theme!!

Using Linux?

Unsure if it could be an OS thing, but most people using Brave were able to play it :/

We'll figure it out later when we can push updates to the game again! Sorry and thanks for trying to make it work.

We had to cut the auto tiling feature so that's why you see such "harsh" borders around mountains (I think that's what you mean), but I'll work on this in the future! And as for the dragon color, we decided it would be best that it had good contrast so you could always see where you are at. Thanks for commenting and for your suggestions!

Amazing game! Top notch quality. The overall theme is hilarious and very creative, and some of the dialogs were funny (Dr. A. Corn, come on!! alol).

The puzzles were a bit confusing ]though, as I was expecting to find really compromising stuff in the pictures (the tire tracks are a great example of what I went to check first, but a couple and a grafitti/poster weren't so obvious), so I had to look at the hints provided in the description.

What can I say, I see a rat, I like! lol. Nice game.

If I may add a suggestion, in the first level (the tutorial) I would rephrase the text so it better explains why the player has to perform these actions and what do they really do, instead of just telling them what buttons to press on each of the boxes. I found it a bit confusing at first so maybe this could be a great enhancement. Thanks!

Loved it! Great retro game.

I had one small issue on a run I did where I had the shrinked ship and I could not go "back" thus I got stuck in a hole and lost :'(

No problem, thanks for reporting! I'll investigate if it's something easily fixable, or we could always try a different graphics API for our web builds.

This looks really cool! Good controls, great intro, nice audio. And that Game Over screen was so disheartening!! Haha I loved it.

Thanks Lucas! Glad you've enjoyed it. We'll add more ways to destroy worlds in the future :D

Glad you liked the controls! We aimed for "light Survivors" elements but we didn't want to go overboard as it's full of these games lately IMHO :P so we stayed a bit more "arcade-y" if that makes sense. Thanks for your comment!

Alol all those brave soldiers fear no one, not even death by a rain of fire! Another commenter suggested a "flee" mechanic which would be hilarious, I'd love to implement that. And going around different map types would be cool, I agree. Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks for commenting! We couldn't get our soldiers into ships in time sadly :(

For the map we went for that "ancient map" kinda feeling, but I think it would work better if enemies and buildings had more contrast.

Thanks Mati! We generate the map by using a very basic algorithm and Perlin noise. Bigger maps would be great, but we'll need to optimize a lot of stuff first!

I really liked the controls and the gliding mechanic. And it looks stunning!

I had some lag spikes when performing certain actions (like opening a door or picking up items) but this could be an issue on my machine though.

Thanks for your comment, and your suggestion is very valid. I hope we can push more of what we had originally planned in the future!

Glad you've liked it! We wish we had more time to polish it up and add more effects (sound is so crucial in games!) but we will try to push some more updates in the future.

Your game looks really cool btw :)