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Moira Games

A member registered May 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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Toda boa campanha se beneficia de uma bom povoado inicial (um tipo de material que, aliás, não temos tanto por aí). Arvoredo Pálido entrega isso e ainda coloca um pouco de tempero brasileiro por cima.

Parabéns, DaDo!

(1 edit)

Material maravilhoso! As ilustrações do Kakapo são incríveis, o folheto é lindo e clama pra ser impresso em alta qualidade. Mal posso esperar pra ter essa aventura em formato físico!

Acho que Magi Cítrico consegue representar perfeitamente o tipo de fantasia extremamente específica que só uma boa aventura de Mausritter conseguiria propor: casas de cogumelos, um covil dentro de uma laranja oca e mofada, suco de laranja mágico, etc.  (o único ponto negativo é que até o momento esse é o único material disponível no itch do Kakapo! Hahah)

Obs: o fato de você poder coletar um tesouro que é "Queijo Minas embalado" (com chance de 3-em-6 de estar estragado) me pega muito!

Parabéns Kakapo!

The site is perfect for exploration-based adventures, offering a richly detailed environment that provides players with an open-ended and engaging space without restricting their freedom. There are multiple ways to navigate the location, and it’s clear that the order and manner in which the PCs explore each area can drastically change the experience.

The faction design is also a standout feature, making the adventure incredibly dynamic: the NPCs have distinct interests, and each group has its own charm — both in their descriptions and in Foletto’s marvelous illustrations.

Tivemos o prazer de testar Carcará no servidor da Moira Games, e a experiência foi excelente!

Há muito jogo para ser tirado desse pequeno folheto: 

O material é perfeito para aventuras de exploração, oferecendo um ambiente rico em detalhes que proporciona um espaço aberto e instigante para os jogadores, sem restringir sua liberdade. As diferentes frutas e condições dão um sabor estranho à aventura, o que recompensa personagens curiosos. Existem várias maneiras de navegar pela locação e é evidente que a ordem e a forma como os PJs exploram cada área podem modificar drasticamente a experiência.

O design de facções também merece destaque: os NPCs possuem interesses distintos e cada grupo tem seu próprio charme. Esse aspecto torna a aventura ainda mais dinâmica (sou fã principalmente dos insetos haha).

E, por fim, Carcará é bonito de doer!  (e olha que já deu pra ver que não é só um rostinho bonito).

Obrigado ao Téuri pela iniciativa, e parabéns ao Foletto pelo trabalho!

Baita material! Parabéns, pessoal!

(1 edit)

Salve, pessoal! Amanhã (Segunda, 21/10) vai rolar um playtest de uma aventura para RequeiJam lá no servidor do discord da Moira Games. Ainda temos vagas pra mesa!

Resumo da aventura:

"Um jardim abandonado é muito visado por muitos povos, devido às plantas exóticas de efeitos misteriosos que crescem lá. Mas este território foi dominado por um jovem Carcará, cercado de aliados e inimigos interessados no seu poder e nas plantas locais. Os ratinhos chegam no famoso jardim quando o jovem falcão ainda dorme. Os aventureiros vão tentar derrubá-lo de seu trono? salvar aqueles que sofrem sob seu comando? ou vão ousar roubá-lo e sair de fininho antes que ele acorde?"

Estendo também o convite a todos que quiserem se organizar para testar suas próprias criações com a gente por lá!

link pro discord:

Hi, thank you for your interest. Please send an email to with more details about your proposal.


Unquestionably the best entry in the Knave 2e Adventure Jam. So cool!

Alien is my Achilles' heel. I was upset with myself for not reading this adventure earlier because I missed the opportunity to organize a themed weekend after rewatching the movie!

The rooms are very well described, to the point where I actually think they might have too much description. It's certainly a matter of taste and style, but at certain points, I think you could be more concise. For example: "You can find the detailed description of all special items in the appendix" could easily be replaced with "see more in appendix p. 16" or simply "(appendix, p. 16)." That said, I really enjoyed this. The use of map snippets accompanying the descriptions is excellent and will certainly be a big help during the game session (and it's something I'm excited to implement in my own adventure after the game jam ends).

It's gritty and dark in an evocative and well-written way. And I think after all these comments, we can say that the time mechanic is great, right? For me, it could easily be expanded into a more structural model for a setting or even a system.

Thanks for the shoutout to 'Morass of the Melting Men'! Unfortunately, I haven’t had much time to read many of the adventures yet, but I can already say that I’m really excited about many of them.

A very well-organized adventure, with hyperlinks everywhere. The items are simply magnificent and hilarious. Dregnora's room is certainly the highlight and climax of the adventure (who wouldn't want to roleplay with a massive open-mouthed head of debauchery?)

Pretty horrific stuff here (in a good way!). A simple yet effective dungeon. I specifically like the handout and the music room. Good layout!

I love the short, objective, and straightforward descriptions. This is my favorite style of TTRPG material. But I think the text has too many bullet points, which ends up making the feature lose some of its usefulness. Overall, it's a very beautiful module, and I love the use of black-and-white contrast.

A beautifully illustrated dungeon. I particularly like the central mission, which asks the players to collect specific items. I think this helps create a different mindset in the players, making them observe their surroundings more carefully. The section describing the books is great. I love a good, strange library!

I feel that the faction descriptions would serve a better role if placed before the map description, though. Nisaba's illustration is specially horrifying (I loved it).

Hi, Francisco. Great work! I've been reading your dungeon and I think I stumbled on a few minor thinks: 

I think there is a minor error on p.7: "Raising the lid it unlocks a false wall, leading to 15. LIBRARY." Shouldn't it be "14"? Also: "There is a secret passage behind." This was not clear to me. Where does it lead?

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! Haha

I'm really glad you liked it! What a great story!

Damaceno's isometric maps are one of the best in the game by far and here is no different. The bonus of having colorful maps adapted to 3 different systems is certainly a sign that Christmas will arrive earlier this year!

A very well-designed rules-light game with some very interesting twists, especially the magic system and the way the game handles defense.

Corrections have been made. Turns out that other smalltranslation errors were also found on page 7. The new version (1.01) is up.


This is awesome.