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Monkey Man

A member registered Jul 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Appreciate the comment, thanks for rating!

Thanks! Web builds truly suck if you're not ready, as I've learned the hard way :(

This is probably because the game isn't fullscreen, which the web version just sucks in general so it makes sense. Sorry for the confusion, this is our first game jam and my first upload to itch.

you can, press escape!

Thanks a lot! Really appreciate the feedback.

if its the doors, only humans can interact with them. but thanks for playing regardless!

true, definitely is when you develop and debug stuff, so a workaround would be cooler

came in with high expectations from the name, left feeling very judgemental of my navigation skills. great game, but i suck at it. love the cel shading!

was absolutely misled by that intro scene, didnt expect whatever i just played. 10/10 would crush people again 

thanks a lot!

Mostly the menus, pixels typically make things harder to read, ive struggled making games pixelated due to that very issue. still a great game though!

same here!

cool idea! very ambitous for a game jam game, even with full cutscenes. impressive!

fun game! mechancis are great, well adapted to the theme, but i do wish the visuals were a bit more clear, as for sometimes i find it hard to see. otherwise very well scaled game! the progression is flawless.

Really well done, especially with the scaling aspect. Its not too easy, but doesn't hold your hand, making it great to replay and hopefully if seen expanded upon in the future. great work!

strange, ill check it out. Thanks for the advice!

i love the art style! overall good idea with good execution, just maybe a bit more environmental clues if theres a fly platform or something could help. great game, FLY OBLITERATED

did you download or run it off web? the web one is a bit buggy due to the amount of post-processing there is. 

nice game, fits the theme perfectly and has a good gameplay loop. would love to see this with some more art and animations, that would really take it a step further.

very nice style, love the little creatures. a tutorial would be nice, but a very cool idea! could be great with some more clarity

the art is very funny and i want to eat it. the game itself was a tad bit confusing, but the art is amazing. nice submission!

thanks for the advice! the web version does kinda suck, and yes the mouse is annoying, i was briefly considering 3rd person movement for the mouse.

amazing style, music choice and overall coherence. very good job making a game feel full and complete, love being a goofy little creature running around climbing stuff

the game looks really cool and has some neat ideas, just maybe needs some better dashing & cam movement. love the art direction though. keep up the good work!

i genuinley shed a tear when the mouse gets hurt. i just want my base :(


at first i was confused. 2 minutes later, i was at peak gambling of just "one more" and dying over and over. i love gambling. 10/10

the drink mechanics are a bit odd but it IS a mouse type game so therefore it IS really cool. hashtag mouse mode 4 life. love the voice lines btw

10/10 if only we could have the threat of nuclear potatoes instead. this is the worlds most potatoe-like game

love the unique spin on things! some clarity would be appreciated, both visually and gameplay wise, but i can see it being a really fun game! i love placing 3 bars and casinos beside eachother

i love how goofy the mechanics are, i just guessed one and it happened to not have contraband. i should do this irl

very nice style, i love breaking all the little plastic. best part in real life too

i love the impact frames, really good job on that. i think this would be really fun as some kind of versus mode, maybe with some more intuitive controls. very very chunky-like baseball mechanics and im all for it. just needs some refining 

really liked the concept! with a little bit of more love put into the player controller i think it could take off and be a really amazing game!the most frustrating was the floaty jumps and no ability to drop down fast, but otherwise amazing idea!!

really fun gameplay loop with hardly any negatives, definitley would love to see this expanded upon

i dont know why theres hotline miami like music playing while i make an annoying pizza but i think im losing my mind

i dont know whats happening but it feels good to press the buttons so my goblin brain is satisfied

i love this one, great gameplay loop and played for a long long time. very fun.

very funny im sorry fishes for killing you :(

great use of the scaling! love the work, maybe would want a better was to zoom especially on the tree but really great!