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Monster Eugene

A member registered Jan 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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was going to use but it says it was made in godot 3... Could convert but I honestly dont want to deal with that rn. Sorry 

what are the controls? 

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I did enable shared array buffer on this page... not sure what the issue is

YO how did yall make it sharable... I just did the web version for rn

did you participate? 

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I'll be participating in every day to the best of my ability w/ godot

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Yes but how can you get to those rooms without the double jump? You have to go up these glitchy moving platforms and without a double jump, I don't think you can get off them. Maybe with a perfect wall cling off one but timing the wall cling on the moving platforms is ridiculously hard. 

People who want to finish this version just list it as "possible" and use my strat to see the (short) cute ending. 

Did some testing you can get up to the wall jump portion without the double jump but if you complete the wall jump and go down to complete the fire it's impossible to get to the crotch section. 

Edit: after many many attempts you CAN get to the crotch section with only crouch. Just really really hard is all. So don't be me: be efficient with time and follow a simular guide to mine :/

pretty glitchy.... 

Fun otherwise. Boss is kinda easy and you can die on purpose to speed run the game. Wish the story for the knight would show because it didn't 

Hey you played my game and I'm glad you found it because this was really fun. felt good to master each ability. Should have been a linear game though. I got softlocked many times because I took the wrong "dungeon". Creative and fun... art needs some work though :) 

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if you want to finish listen to me: do the top levels first. the best order is croutch > wall jump > double jump > red/ fire. 

This game's enjoyment would have been 5/5 (minus some small glitches) if it had been linear in this way or if the dungeons could be completed with only their staple ability. 

I didn't know what to do for this jam... Thought this could be funny. Glad I at least got someone to think so :) 

Day one: I made the "joke game" but it just felt like I needed slightly better gameplay or people wouldn't finish.  So I decided the next day would be spent building the car game which could have been fun but the particle system turned off for some reason and the game was meant to be a web build... Not very happy with what I put out but I truly am happy it had some merit. Cheers! 

wow you're the goat

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if this isnt top 20 I quit

Edit: did you work in a team? it says only you submitted 

yes i remember that one

I think the breaks should have also slowed you down as you were moving. IDK though. Is there a point to the speed limit? spamming w kinda breaks it. Super creative and interesting though

needs music but the difficulty was that perfect "I should be better than this lemme try again". Impressive for 2 hours... it got me embarrassed lol 

click esc and mouse click to start over... Idk what RPM is but for windows that worked for me

Idk if there's a glitch but sometimes the attack won't work.  Kind of interesting but not sure how to make fun with the controls changing so often. 

i love the main idea but the gameplay loop wasn't that satisfying. There is no loss state so the high score feels unearned. The bombs are unavoidable when you're in the fruit state so it feels like dodging the star fruit may actually be better. (though i like it gives you so many points) To fix these I would make the bombs damage the player and the star gives them a heart instead of points. Additionally, since the bombs and fruit have collisions why not make it where if you hit the bomb as the fruit it moves/gets destroyed? I think with these changes you have an extremely fun interesting game for this jam. 

Thanks - Monster Eugene (discord lol)


Sometimes the star fruit took eating multiple times to change states. 

The dino player got pushed under the environment where I could only see their head. They could still collect fruit and move though. 

Fruit took why too long to respawn after taking control of it. 

you die randomly sometimes... other than that extremely fun 

I haven't bought the game but I can't defeat the boss lol. Great game. Little jarring that the song completely changes every time you change screens

It was originally designed for speed to finish before the lava rises but I ran out of time to balance it correctly and set the lava to a (broken) escape sequence. If you just have some fun puzzling out some of the later challenges it was a simple fun little experience. I agree some of the later challenges could have used more unique obstacles. Thanks for the feedback!

You could have the platforms spawn every height distance to make it possible. 

I thought that was the story and I accidentally pressed it. :O

Yeah, I'm not sure how to play at all. I just die to the second or third skeleton every time. I'm just spamming "f" and attack. Not going to rate it because I basically didn't play it

Good simple game. If this is one of your first good job on submitting and finishing 

This game made me question my gamer abilities. I enjoyed the physics and died at the part with two swinging axes way too many times. Should have been a checkpoint directly after that. The sound effects were kind of buggy. Fun game

Fun game but I apparently suck at it... good polish and everything. The full package now you just have to work on uniqueness. The hardest I beat was level 6

Had to extract it and it still didn't work... I'm on windows 

Music is definitely something I will be integrating in the future. I'm quite happy with the final product after only a week too :}

Yeah, sound is something I'll look into in the future. The mask was exposed to be the objective but the player was never really told that. It would have triggered the rising lava.

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Idk if there was more but the screen turned white and the music faded out. Nice simple game. I personally didn't like that the platforms were moving and moved you but that's nitpicking. You should have stopped moving imminently after not pressing the movement button. Momentum-based platforming shouldn't be used in a tight game like this. Really sucks when little games make little mistakes because it heavily affects the experience. 

Edit: if you go left at the beginning you get soft locked. 

The art looks really good except for the dangling ropes. Gameplay wise it is really simple but unbalanced for the 5 minutes someone will play the game.  The red platforms seem to check if you are over it and not if you actually land on it. Lost many times due to this bug. The spiders can be pushed off the platform when you have I frames but the swinging spiders plus the time-based falling platform made it sometimes impossible to progress.  You need to add the drilling bits sooner because that was the most fun part. 

I made the checkpoint system last second. It saves your last position and your ship's last position when you collect the crystals. When you die it's meant to send you there. Did you collect the mask? It's meant to trigger the lava to go up and be an "epic chase sequence". But if you die it doesn't reset properly. The tiny things really added up to make this game just not work... sorry. When the jam's over I'll send you the updated version and I'd love for you to get the full experience. Thanks for playing. 

I don't speak Spanish.  :(