Post your games if you made one for Day 1
Using UNITY 2021.3.18f1
Mine is a very unfinished buggy mess top down shooter with a slot machine aspect.
Would love to see someone who knows what they are doing pick this up!
Mine is : pretty solid systems prefect for day 1
Here's mine:
It's pretty expandable atm
Mine is a 2D top down shooter along the theme of breakfast. Right now it’s just fighting an endless wave but feel free to change it however you deem necessary! Iggywise is picking it up but feel free to use it on the later days. Happy programming! this is mine, i would LOVE if someone would continue it as I put a lot of hard work into it My first ever game jam! I would love it if people checked it out and built on it. Thanks!
A Slime Appears: Idk it's an endless card game RPG deck builder thingy. It looks pretty but actually really bare bones at the moment. Hopefully it isn't too complicated and somebody can do something interesting with it.
I made a some kind of Tower Defense game where YOU have to destroy the enemies with your body
I made a world mirroring mechanic. Here's a quick demonstration
You can download the source files here:'m one of the very few people to use Unreal Engine, but if anybody happens to be knowledgable in multiple engines, it'd mean a lot to me if someone were to continue working on this one. I cranked out a lot of hours to get a ton of features in like basic AI and splitscreen play. It's a racing game where you leave a trail of paint behind you as you drive, and you get rid of enemy paint when you drive over theirs.
I hope someone picks it up, the game loop is not finished, but the basics and the idea is there:)
It's a bit rushed, since i almost forgot about the jam, but I'm glad i got somewhat of a gameplay loop for it.
Made with Unity 2022.3.4f1.
Hopefully someone will pick it up.
Just submitted my game 3 minutes before the deadline time didn’t get time to work on day. worked for some time and came up with this check out my game. Survive Made with GDevelop
I made a simple 3D GTA top down clone in Unity. Features a character controller / drivable vehicles (motorbike / car / van) / pedestrians. You can play the web game and download it here: - made in Unity.
Here is Mine:
Was not able to upgrade to Unity 2022, sorry about that.
Is a Tower Defense base game, using CodeMonkey tutorials, so is also great for learning about Inheritance, Singletons, ScriptableObjects and more.
This is my day 1 submission (Unity 2022.3.16f1)
It's a simple heist game that could expanded upon.
Here is my day 1 submission. If someone likes working on 2D platformer games.
Using Unity.
(SUPER RARE) unreal dev needed for: (zombie apacolypse where u play as a zombie)
Here is mine:
It's just the concept, without anything interesting yet.
Some sort of card game I did if anyone is looking for a Day 1 Godot 4.1 game:
Here's my submission for Day 1:
It's made using Unity 2021.3.22f1
here, play my little battler
Mine is Bug Bandit: Would love someone to fix what I started lol
Made with Unity (2022.3.0f1), where you play as a small spaceship trying to collect space junk while avoiding asetoroids. Written with complete game loop, sound effects, music and some good clean code for the next developer. Link:
Unity game that has a skeleton for building a Vampire Survivors / Brotato like game:
I'm not good at art so a lot can be improved there and there is lots of Component based code to use on new types of enemies.
I have made a 3D third person random maze in Unity.
Maze Mastermind:
( with Unity) I made this for day 1:
here is mine! It's about a chicken that has a gun to protect his egg. I made it so you can exapand upon it easily and however you like.
if you already have a project to work on, don't be afraid and try my game!
any feedbacks are appreciated :D
I made it using unity