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A member registered Nov 02, 2016

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In week 1, I used my open time slot to practice with Ana for +5 self defense, then the next scene was Jarrod's date. At the end when he talks about finding a bride i said "let me know if you find her" and then it re-played the bit about practicing with Ana and I got another +5 self defense before it moved on to the next morning.

Am I understanding it correctly that if you play a widow and haven't fully unlocked the rebel secret chain it's impossible to get anything other than the worst possible ending for your character?

When Gisette came to see me during the final week, she realized I didn't know about the rebels, and just got dissapointed and left, and I was not able to have any input on the negogiations that just ended in war. I understand that the Revaire/Rebel plotline is difficult, but just..

In order to fully unlock the rebel scret chain you need at least 60 insight (specifically for the scene with Gisette and Jarrod at the cliffs in week 2). During the welcome feast I focued on roleplay/personality rather than farming insight, so did I just fully doom my character with a roleplay decision made durng the first event of the game with no possibility to do anything to change it afterwards? That seems harsh.

If you get the jiyel/arland war ending and have not romanced zarad, then avalie's ending says her engagment to zarad fell through, but zarad's ending still says they got married.

i think the bug checking for low rivalry instead of high in jarrods political path is still there in 1.12? i'm still getting the same result

Yeah, that would explain the issue I reported earlier where Jarrod seemed to hate me for no reason as well.

Not sure if this is  bug or if I'm just not understanding how it works. When asking Jarrod for a political marriage he reacted as if he hated me, but I've got 0 rivalry with him. Is it a bug or is it just that it's checking for something other than rivalry?

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I'm still on version 1.10 since I didn't want to update in the middle of a save file, so apologies if this has already been fixed.

From the dinner scene towards the start of week 5 regarding the play: "The best about theater is" - i'm guessing it's meant to say "best part" or "best thing".

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During the romance choice in week 3 Clarmont was not even given to me as on option to pick. However, at the banquet, it still played his "breakup" scene where he said he understood my choice.