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A member registered Mar 15, 2022

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we love this game!馃挄 But, new colosseum is so boring! We can't spend 7 days (24h 脳 7) to gather a few items! It's useless! But, in that old colosseum we gathered some items within 2 days!(In my country Friday & Saturday)

New colosseum helps low level players, but not much! New colosseum is so unfair for the high level players! Please understand what we say!

If you can bring back the old colosseum, we all respect you!馃挄

So tired to play with this new update of the colosseum!馃 I lost some beautiful maidens because I have no more toys!!!馃槩

Hooligart, we love this game!馃挄 But, new colosseum is so boring! We can't spend 7 days (24h 脳 7) to gather a few items! It's useless! But, in that old colosseum we gathered some items within 2 days!(In my country Friday & Saturday)

New colosseum helps low level players, but not much!

New colosseum is so unfair for the high level players! Please understand what we say!

If you can bring back the old colosseum, we all respect you!馃挄

So tired to play with this new update of the colosseum!馃

This game is boring now! Are you kidding hooligart?

Fuck this!馃挜

Colosseum is so boring! Give the old one BACK!

(3 edits)

You always fuck this game with a silly unplayable update! Stop it!馃馃挃

Old colosseum was so good!馃挄 It gave us a real game! But, there was a few bad things in that old colosseum too!

1. Girls took 24 hours to rise again after a battle.

2. We could not choose a new maiden from a pack! The packs didn't give new girls!


But, now you have fucked the game! Unplayable! We were expecting a big surprise in the game in this Christmas!  Now, all good!馃挜馃憤 I'm very happy! Big surprise with some shitty things!


(An honest request)

Make some new event walls and new monsters! Fighting with same old monsters is so boring! You use the old event walls and the old monsters for the new girls! Bring some new arts & creations!


(1 edit)


Something went wrong with my game! The whole game processing is too slow! I also checked my internet connection! But, nothing wrong with that! The loading is slow! A tower game takes 3 or 4 minutes to finish! It's so hard to play! I restarted my lap & refreshed the game page over 10 times! But, there is no good sign! I'm stucked! The bad thing is my event time is going on!

What do I do now? Give me a solution soon!


Look! I'm so gonna miss this MYTHIC TOY!馃槳馃槳


Trust me! After opening the mythic room of current event, I opened 22 event chests! But I didn't get the mythic girl's cards! (Shansa馃挋) It is so unfair, because if I want to get the mythic toy I have to upgrade the mythic girl to level 5! Without cards how do I get the mythic toy? (Mythic event monster takes 8 hours to rise again!馃槬)

Hooligart, the abilities of this event girls are not working! Check it out & make it!

Hooligart, there are so many blue circles in the game now! I mean loading errors! Can't play! Check it out!馃槳

Hooligart, it's so hard to complete BUTTPASS LEVELS! These buttpass levels cannot be completed within 7 days! Shit!馃挃

I really, truly love馃挌 this perk! But, the abilities of the set is pretty boring! (Random gems eliminating)

I hope some powerful abilities from your next set!馃

Hooligart, I gathered this set before! Actually, this week is so boring for me! Can't you give us the other event or missed girl event? I mean you have our data! You can give an event what actually we want!


What is the meaning of this current water perk?

How is it working in a battle?

How many years should we wait for the pit?馃槀馃え

Very funny!馃槀馃挃

That's true!馃憤

I miss the OLD pussy market!(Old prices/old refresh price)

Hooligart, what is your plan after this event?

That's ma boy!馃槀馃挃

Here we go!

Can I ask you something? What are your new plans for 2023? How is the schedule?


Make a difference in this game in the new year. It can lead to the excitement of the players. Put an end to the current idle schedule in the game. (Seven Days New Events and Seven Days Old Events)

There are many unfair things in this game.

1. Consider the daily/event rankings of the seven-day events.

The players who pay and unlock all 5 rooms will receive a large amount of pirate silver and stay in the top rankings for the entire week. (45 quests = 50-55k pirate silver)

2. Consider buying new girls.

There is no new event to buy a new girl who was missed in a previous event. It is a big loss. There is no point in giving a seven day old event, because it starts from the first quest too.

3. As for the World Bosses event, 

it's very boring. Because, same colour girls are fighting. Even if we have perks, they also give advantage to the enemy. And they have millions of HP.

4. Consider killing an enemy in an event.

Even if we open the mythic room with difficulty, we can't get a chance to get the cards of that mythic girl. (Because of this time range - mythic monster=8 hours)

Earlier, when we opened the card packs, you gave us the opportunity to randomly pick any girl's card. But now only the cards of the girls we have opened earlier are received from the packs.

THE PIT --> You have not presented yet.

We expect a fair and fun game from you next year.


Hooligart, can you give Red Light District event again?

Don't you remember, during this fire event, we had a tower problem!(Last August)

Can you give the card packs(common/rare/epic/legendary/mythic) in one colour during in each colosseum event?

I mean, You give us the water packs at one colosseum event! Then, you give us the fire packs in the next colosseum event that starts after the World Bosses event!

"One colour common/rare/epic/legendary/mythic pack"



{About the colosseum packs}

What is the rule of these packs?

>Any cards are obtainable


>Only the cards already unlocked are obtainable

Hooligart, is this your stupid world bosses event? Look!

The power of firefly girls = 4200+14800+6300+8400+5100 = 38800

This is extremely unpleasant and boring. Think about us and give a suitable solution. Firefly kills us in his very first turn!


You told us there was no more pussy market. But you have also presented a new set of toys. How do we get them? I saw it today.

Hooligart, you know what,

The game is boring now! Every event we have same 45 event quests! We are tired of completing those quests!


Previously, after an event you gave a pussy market with fair prices! So that, we could buy new maidens and enjoy the game!(Common-500/Rare-1000/Epic-2500/Legendary-6000/Mythic-15000) But, there were some fucking hard quests to complete! It depended on player's fortune! {Open an epic/a legendary/a mythic chest!} That is ridiculous!


Then, you brought the fucking world bosses with 100M hp! You presented a few shitty abilities for some mythic girls! Except those mythic girls we couldn't fight with them! After that, you gave packs! We could choose any maiden from earlier packs! But, also the packs don't give new maidens now!

Now, after an new event, you give us an old event! Also it is given like an new event! From 1st quest to 45th! That's not fair!

And also, old previous mythic reward in colosseum is 11000! Now it's 20000!

Finally, I kindly want to tell you, GIVE US AN NEW EVENT WHICH CAN GET NEW MAIDENS!

Also pay attention to reducing the timers of enemies!

Hey bro, why didn't you copy the letter "e" in the word "Before"??馃槀馃ぃ

Please Hooligart, don't do that damn thing again.

I was really happy with the previous timer.(24mins for every monster)

I thought it was a result of your new update. It is fair to give that 24 minutes to every enemy. Please, I am asking you again not to give us the fucking previous timers. It's fucking madness. Give each enemy 24 minutes to respawn as before.

I'm still not impressed with the world bosses.馃槬馃

By the way Hooligart,

Can't you give us the past event from the quest we stopped? (Like in the World Bosses event)


Do we have to start all over again when we play past events?

Otherwise, should we continue playing from where we left off those past events?

(1 edit)

Not impressed!

Imagine if it happened like this,

All quests are given to us at once. We choose the easy quests that we can complete first and complete them first.

No problem. The first quest unlocks the common room and after completing 5 quests the rare room unlocks.

After 15 quests, the epic room unlocks.

After 25 quests, the legendary room unlocks.

After 40 quests, the mythic room unlocks.

Think about this! If we don't have the special items, we can't complete the quests easily!

Open any 3 chests in the shop(8hrs)  /  Open any 4 chests in the shop(12hrs)  /  Open any 5 chests in the shop(16hrs)

These are some of them! There are many quests that take very long time!

We requested the colosseum event from you! But, you don't care that!

Hooligart, think about this!


Daily ratings are very unfair. I was in 3rd place last night when I finished the game. But when I came back to the game I was rewarded as 11th place. It's really bad. I had high hopes that I would get the third place rewards.馃槬

Hooligart, give us an event where we can get back the maidens we missed from previous events!

Look at this!

How do we collect 25000 pirate silver per day? To reach at least 5th place, we need to take 22900 pirate silver! We can complete only a few event quests per day!


"Find 90 event epic cards"

"Get 6400 gold"

"Defeat any event monsters 45 times"

At least these quests take a day!