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A member registered Apr 07, 2016

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Good point. I'll try to do better to get back at some of these devs. That said... a nice and friendly donation reminder isn't such a bad thing as well.

HA! Great ending... wont spoil it.
Merry Christmas!

It dawned on my that sometimes I might have downloaded something for free and after the fact thought, dang, that was awesome, I want to give that dev a few bucks. Would be nice if there was some how a way to have a donate option AFTER you try out the thing. Not a replacement for the donate option when downloading, just an extra... "hey, did you like that? If so, consider getting me that coffee."
No clue how that would work.
Thats it.
Lots of love

I've used this before and it worked well... if I recall correctly. :)

Another triumph! I Love your games.

(2 edits)

Very cool tool. I'm attempting to use this tool for blood splatter when an enemy gets hit.

One question: Animation Time... what is that based on? Is that mile-seconds? If not, maybe it should be so that if you need to time something based on how long a cycle of animation takes, it might be easier to connect the two if they were both working with mile-seconds. For example, if I knew that every frame would be there for 20 ms, and I have 12 frames of animation, I will know that I have 240 ms of animation and then I can delete my plane in 240ms.

One thought: It might be nice to have the looping ability to be a checkbox toggle and not just set by a variable. Could help to keep things simpler when using this tool for things that are not for 2D characters.
Still... a very cool tool... thank you.

Awesome! Thank you.

That worked! Amazing.
Thank you,

I tried this out... and I get a blank nothing when I add the action to the before first drawing Behavior. I'm using CopperCube professional version. Any idea why this is happening?

Very cool. I tested it out on the default cube, and noticed that there's a noticeable pop on the object just before it starts to fade. It's like the object pops off and back on. Am I doing something wrong or is there a way to fix this?

Curious about how it works on a Terrain. I have an Island terrain that I made in Blender. It's not huge like yours, but large enough. To cull properly, do I need to break it into smaller chunk mesh objects, or will this somehow work on the single Island mesh and cull properly?

Nice... does it come with that skybox too? :)

Can't download or install this game.

Would be cool to get a Godot Engine version of this.

(2 edits)

I really liked this game. The re-wiring mechanic was pretty cool.
A couple of thoughts. Once I noticed it, I couldn't ignore it. It feels like there is a disconnect between the narration and what is happening while you play. There's the main character's inner/reaction dialogue, then there's the narration in the past tense. It confused me.. is this a memory or is this found footage kind of thing? It's weird to be narrating in the past tense when as the player, it's literally happening in the present. So it got me thinking about a second disconnect I was feeling. I know it's all the rage these days to make your game look all retro, but what is it really adding to the game? This game might have been just as fine without the pixelated effect. What I thought might work better is to do a found footage treatment. As if we are reviewing a recording from the main character's helmet. This might help it feel like it is something that has happened all ready, even though the player is playing it in the present with narration talking about it in the past tense. It might help better connect the two realities.
This is just my personal opinion. I really did enjoy it over all.

Congratulations! I look forward to it.

Hmmm, just looked on Steam and there's nothing there. Is this project no longer in development? It seems really interesting. Has anyone out there tried this at all?

Nevermind, bashed enough keys and figured it out... I think.

Keyboard controls? I'm not getting past "Hello. I'm Onessa." for some reason.

Great to hear this isn't totally dead. Looking forward to future news. :)

I enjoyed it. I dunno.. I think some people are being a bit harsh. Sometimes it's good to take a simple concept with minimal mechanics and run with it. How many games have down down the drain of history for just being overly ambitious? Too many to count I'm sure. Good job. I hope much was learned from this and will be added to your next endeavor.

Wow.. sorry for not seeing this 86 days ago. lol

Good news is that there is in fact a new version of S2 Engine HD. I have it, and it's feeling pretty good. I think the user base is still small, but there youtube videos that keep coming out. I too hope for some more exposure and success for this engine.  Right now my biggest wish is that I had more time to muck around in it. Really busy with work and family these days. :(

No worries. Interesting... didn't know about S2 being abandoned. I thought there was a big update coming soon. Ha... thats just the way things go in this world. Anyway, good luck with keeping this going. Looks great.

Hello, happy to see that there was a fix for the offline issue. I just re-downloaded the file and now I notice that the only available option is the Game Guru, one. I can't seem to select any of the others. Also... I don't see a button for the S2 Engine or CopperCube. Looking forward to trying this out.

This is looking pretty sweet. More videos would be great. Maybe showing some basic usage for some other engines? S2, Godot, CopperCube. Can never go wrong with more videos, I say.
