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Moyzhes and Morvil

A member registered Oct 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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I like minimalistic games, and this one seems really good - easy, dynamic and at the same time full of flavor.

It's neat. I'm usually not into random generators, but I'll consider using this to introduce some acid tornados and blood lightnings into my games.

It's a smart way to look at Christmass craze and seems to be a good way to spend an evening pre-holidays or afterwards. I like creepy liminal carols events most of all. 

Thanks! I think I will use the same system for some future gamesm although I don't have a particular idea right now.

Oh, thank you so much!

Neat, I like the way you integrated Christmas spitit into your setting.  The layout and illustrations are also great.

That looks nice, i love the area generator (reindeer dragon!). 

Hi, everyone. I'm Morvil (they/he/she), translator, GM and mythology enthusiast, now leaving as an expat in Czech Republic. Together with my husband (Moyzhes) we create indie TTRPG's for some time now. The Winter Horrorland Jam offered me a great way to express myself out of depression, so I managed to devise two small games to submit. One explores the themes of home and homelessness and involve group of people escaping from a monster on the streets of big city. Another is inspired by Icelandic tales of a draugr - a sort of evil undead - creating havoc at the roof of the household and centers on feelings and conections. Both are light-ruled, the second one - GMless.

This is very nice game, which I would be happy to play! I liked the way L&F rules applies here, especially the problem generator, it really highlights what the game is supposed to be about.

Спасибо большое! По корректуру и вёрстку понимаю, но тут у меня, увы, прямо совсем нет навыка, буду совершенствоваться. Но очень здорово, что сама по себе механика зашла, постараюсь довести до ума!

I honestly like it that way, it felt really nice. Espesially since at the beggining I felt that I will be able to jump only a little bit, but then I suddently soared!

The game was genuinely creepy, espesially for such a small project, but at the same time somewhat cozy!

(1 edit)

I like the riddles, and (i'm nut sure if you wanted to do it) jumping felt awesome.

I like the idea a lot and the game looks very stylish. But I have a question about music. It the song supposed to be scary? I must say - it is not bad in itself, I actually like the music a lot, it just didn't sound very cozy for me.

Nice little game! Maybe would be a bit more fun if your starting speed would be just a tad faster? 

I know that you need a room to grow, but right now the little guy felt a bit clunky. But Idefinetly had some fun, thank you very much!

That's OK! It is my first GameJam, so  did not expect much, and just wanted to make something nice. But  still would be happy if you crack this game later and send me some feedback!

Thank you very much!

Не, гипотезы валидны, и мы, например, не успели поиграть в несколько историй, там спираль может на "больших дистанциях" возникать. В любом случае, спасибо за интерес, мне сам этот движок нравится, и хочу довести его довести до ума, так что критика только приветствуется.

Спасибо за комплименты, очень приятно! По поводу "воронки смерти" - на тестах она не образовывалась. Всё-таки в рамках базовой механики, чисто от бросков, там очень часто ресурсы не столько полностью исчезают, сколько заменяются противоположными, что заставляет игроков менять планы, но фундаментально сохраняет базовый коридор возможности. Плюс каждая история предполагает наличие Возможности, то есть горы "дармового" ресурса, который можно как отразить, так и использовать. Собственно, с этим связан и ролевая часть: игроки не могут просто менеджить ресурсы как в настолке, они должны переключаться между нарративно разными подходами к решению возникающих проблем. 

По крайней мере концепция состояла именно в этом, посмотрим, как будет работать, в любом случае, большое спасибо, что ознакомились.

Спасибо огромное!