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A member registered Jun 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing my game.

I'm glad you enjoyed forming your party with fun creatures from parallel dimensions.

Music would be good to add but will be a hard find a good match for.

Thanks for playing my game!

I do agree that the UI does need to be remade, and music would be good too. Animal sounds would be a nice to have and a general combat tutorial would go a long way. I did attempt to bandaid fix a tutorial in the games description.

Thanks for playing my game!

It is endless but there is technically level where you start seeing the same formations over and over but that's at like level 75ish which is incredibly difficult to reach currently.

Yes, it was an intentional choice to make it so creatures can't regenerate SP. You constantly need to cycle the party and alter your game plan as you progress, adding some 'abbreviations' to your strategy as you will.

The portal light leaking through the wall was an oversight but in my limited testing, I found it more helpful having the light than not when it came to navigating the maze. Because of that I decided to include it (and totally not cause I couldn't figure out how to stop it).

Thank you for your considerate comment and hopefully that answers your questions.

Cute lil game that I enjoyed. I like the sprite work you drew and I think the little slime is so cute! I really liked the effect with the dream peeker item and thought it could house a lot of potential. Maybe have it like an item the player always has but only has limited uses per level.

That was a very cute platformer. It felt like it was plucked from a SMBW kaizo hacking contest. I like how the controls felt very responsive enabling quick changes to suit the precision platforming. Even though I thought the difficulty ramped up too much too fast, I enjoyed the lay outs and mechanics introduced. My favourite part was the boulder chase. I liked the character sprites and the boss sprites, and that was le epic explosion effect. Must've been hard to draw with that limited colour palette.

My time was like 9:40ish

I'm glad you liked it. I agree that the difficulty curve is a wall and will need to be adjusted in the future. Thank you very much for playing!

I do have licensed music I've purchased that could've fit but I wasn't sure if I should include it as it was out of the jam's ruleset. Definitely up for consideration outside of the judging period. Thanks for playing!

Thank you so much for playing my game and thank you for the kind words!

Sorry about that lol. Hope the wolf became a good companion.

Yeah, I totally see that. I tried to remedy that a bit with the games description but it would've definitely been nice to have a tutorial. Thanks for playing regardless! :)

Yep, they tend to do that. The creatures around 7-10 are over-tuned for what you are expected to fight. I'll definitely need to tone down their strength or increase the parties in future updates. Glad you made it as fair as you did none the less! <3

I wasn't expecting that twist in gameplay. I liked it :)

I loved this little game. I love the level design, the animations and the effects used. I love the different ideas you came up with for the different sections and the creative uses of each of the powers. I also enjoyed the weight of the duck forcing you to commit to jumps, and the snappy respawn upon inevitably failing. I thought the music and sound effects were charming and wasn't expecting area 2's bgm to go so hard.

Really enjoyed my time and was sad to use the 'end' ability

That was a cute platformer with the subversive twist of not being able to jump. I liked the worm sprite, and I liked the music too. I think a momentum based platformer could be good -> see celeste levels 1A 1B and 1C.
The credits made the last tedious jump all the better.

I had a whale of a time playing through it. Thought it was funny that the way to heal is to just pick up cool looking weapons. I didn't feel like this game was challenging but I'm glad it wasn't as that would become very frustrating running around the whole map looking a gun. It had that fun turn your brain off kind of vibe.

This seems like it would be a fun game, but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. (I guess that's kind of the point). It would've been nice to have the option to have at least one filled out book that you could use as a reference to understand what some ingredients are and use experimentation to derive what the others are.

Very cute metroidvania! I liked the level design and how it worms in on itself with new power ups. I never got lost and always knew where to go next which is uncommon for me when it comes to metroidvanias. I think the last boss was good but I thought the others were way to cheesable (hide in the corner of the room and shoot). I also think some of the enemy placement was poor, especially with that leap of faith you need to do before the second boss (ladder keeper). Solid game! :)

The sprite art is phenomenal! Probably the best UI design in the whole jam! I love the colours and creative use of the themes. I love the story and world building. Very impressive being able to develop it in just 12 days. Unless I got unlucky with my item pulls, I found the combat quite repetitive and the hurt boxes were inconsistent to the visuals.

I liked the intro cutscene! I wasn't sure who the protagonist was though. I liked the phasing mechanic and the only way to heal through defeating enemies. I like how you can also sequence break at a cost to HP. I did find myself walking backwards due to those sequence breaks though, so some direction in the level design would've been nice. Great game! :)


Was a fun kaizo experience. Was able to show off to Lindsay so that was a pro. The level that starts with 4 cross bows and a boulder was too tough for me. I couldn't find the pattern. Was very good besides that. Nice work! :)