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Mr. Macaw

A member registered Nov 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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So simple, so hard, and yet so good! I love how you also made death fun - that animation is extremely satisfying!

This is so creative, so polished, and so fun! The click sfx kind of hurts my ears, tho

A cute little game! However, it could maybe be more zoomed out, or give more warning about the obstacles approaching, but otherwise I love it!

Cool game, my brain is too tired for it lmao. Only note is that it could use a little bit more "juice."

An awfully good showcase of why more games should have a grappling hook! Ignore the fact that it almost took me 40 minutes to beat it...

I can feel my mouth watering as I type this...

Really polished and really fun!

I'm not sure I'm a very good god...

Oh yeah, this game's a banger. The devs must have used all 4 days to their fullest potential...

wait, they made this in 48 hours?

Really solid, and left me wanting more!

Very impressive! Although it's too bad it doesn't have a proper ending. The voice acting is great!

Cool idea, though the controls and goal of the game could be made clearer and, as another person already said, the game is a bit too hard. Still, considering the time frame, great work!

Also, why does the game window's name end in (DEBUG)?

I can definitely see the Slay the Spire influence here! I love the art style, and the scale is very impressive!

One question: How?

Also, this is awesome and I love it.

A fun, relaxing game about eating humans. What's not to like?

Also the pixel art is fantastic

The art style is fantastic! One thing: the hitboxes of the four stone walls feel way bigger than they should be.

I love this concept! One thing I think would make it even better, though: if you made the text, especially that above the other character's heads, stand out more from the background.

Fluid, gorgeous, thoroughly entertaining, and short and to the point. However you made this in 48 hours, I want to know.

"Wait, so if I don't get more points by nabbing the bait, how do I get points?"


Fun, clever, and darkly humorous! This is great!

Inventive, fun, and very well-polished! I love it!

I loved each and every ending! The Brawl joke especially got me.

Really clever and really cute! The art style is great too!

Brilliant and clever all around! 11/10, ultra-masterpiece

I kind of like the idea, but it ended up being nothing more than a small frustration in the end, as you can just jump in place with the bad ones to reroll for something better. Also, I feel like tight platforming would get annoying, as basing whether you clear a room solely on luck would remove its "tightness." And I know you used the assets from of the Unity tutorials. But it's definitely a cool concept that you could use in other ways!

Bug fixes:

-Touching a wall kills all your momentum

-Jumping while a die is being rolled still puts the new die in the second slot while the first switches to an error die that seems to effectively be a 1