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A member registered Apr 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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Not looking for audio help currently but damn your stuff is impressive.. Great work ! 

This was a lot of fun to play. I only wish it was longer. The music was awesome and the mix of 2d and 3d was a nice touch  . 

Thanks man.You too Not sure i will complete anything im kind of annoyed that there is no theme 

Just seems like very little effort was put into the jam . Will they even bother to announce a winner etc?

I dont know i asked when it was being announced but i think there is no theme..

When is the theme being announced?

Sci-Fi Game Jam community · Created a new topic Winner?

When will the winner be announced in this jam?

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Doesn't work for me

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I honestly think place holder sounds would go a long way too making this demo more enjoyable ..The concept is great and the puzzles are fun and interesting . But it just feels kind of lifeless without any sound .Even the most basic sounds will make this feel a lot better.

Hi abdullah33. I made a small game .But it didn't fit the theme very well and i didn't finish it.I was looking forward to voting on others games though. I will upload the game all the same when its finished . 

GuyFam jam #1 community · Created a new topic Sad

Cant believe nobody finished...Oh well Thanks for the jam all the same

Lol i wouldn't worry too much about it .Most will not be signing up for the prize. Thanks for the jam

Sorry I didn't mean to be negative. I just didn't understand what I was meant to be doing. Keep up the good work

I enjoyed this .The cds were...square but  wth it was quite fun anyway 


Loved the art style in this game. especially the crt look . jumping felt a little off somehow but overall great .

Took a few shots to figure out what i was doing. But enjoyed learning i could mix the colors .My winner .Nice job

Yh I have to fix that collision with the sliding blocks.Also the seperation of the tiles you can see in the same picture .I will be adding a lot to this game .And also spending longer on the art . This is now my main project for a while Thanks for playing

This was a great game . i instantly thought of the mario shells when i jumped on the first 3 blocks . This mechanic could produce some pretty insane levels .a well put together game . Thanks for sharing 

A finished game..You already get massive respect for that . Shooting and controls feel smooth .The grass texture is perhaps tiled a little too much and the crossbow feels a little weak but These are small complaints .Nice job dev 

This is great ! I had to ask the dev if throwing the puppy was the right thing to do .He confirmed . i had a good laugh when i dropped the phone whilst nicole was ringing. Not the most complex game in the jam but one of the best .well done 


I have not rated this because i could not get it to work .On chrome/ie/or firefox I assume that this is a problem on my end . Just commented to let you know i tried .

Great game! one of the few i will not delete afterwards . Hope nobody takes offence at that . The sound is cool the graphics are cool .The gameplay is smooth .Overall a great game Well done to the dev

This is fun. it reminds me of a stacking game . which i find really addictive but simple . The difficulty curve is possibly a little steep but i will definitely play this again .good work .

Lol yes That was the end because ..deadlines and overscope + ineptitude .Thank you for playing it ..How many times did you waste the bombs before you realised you needed them and they  do not respawn lol? 

You choose a level by jumping on the platforms labelled level 1 level 2 etc and press n . And it teaches you how to punch in the tutorial .which on the first platform .It is quite fun .The graphics are simple but i love the animation. However the first level was to hard ..

I agree the dev is an idiot :P

Like clayton said the shooting was very satisfying .The movement and collisions were smooth . And i loved the kickback from shooting .I think the kickback was a good alternative to screen shake due to the rapidness of fire. The art is simple but cool ..Well done to the developer

This game is quite fun.I would prefer to not have to re-collect the gun after each death . i forgot it a few times and had to go back lol.  The only criticism i have is maybe the radius of your light could be increased .as it was quite annoying at times . In all a fun game well done to the developer

To be continued. quite a fun game the only the second jimjam game i have finished .checkpoints were very welcome and well placed . The second level was quite difficult but just easy enough to keep me trying . The art style  is minimal but clever . i love the solitaire guard ..Overall a fun game well done zombievirals. 

Sorry i have no idea how to do this. I will look into it thank you