Isn't this a mix of minesweeper and that one eletrode minigame from Gen IV pokemon?
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Hitbox sorunları olmasa çok iyi olabilirmiş fakat maalesef :(
Jamden sonra düzeltip güncellemeni tavsiye ederim, fikir olarak beğendim. Ayrıca oyuncunun mouse'unun tam olarak nerde olduğunu belirten bir sprite da koyabilirsin ve gerçek sistem mouse'unu görünmez yapabilirsin, malum mouse'un büyüklüğü monitörün büyüklüğüne ve çözünürlüğüne bağlı.
It appears things are happening after almost 11 years of development!
so far the 2nd mod published :)
ravary also had a rumnogg+ mod, his maps were edits on the existing maps, but he also had custom music and spritework.
I just released a mod for eggnogg+, called rumble-, AND eggnogg+ map editor, which I used to make my mod.
My mod features 5 new levels, each with a different gimmick (mostly) unexplored in the base game.
Even if you have zero experience with modding or mapping, the tools are very simple and you can make your own easily.
I think this theme overall isn't that good because it implies the exsistance of a role being played straight, thus limiting the amount of possible ideas you can come up with, and sometimes resulting in story related ideas rather than gameplay ones. This is why I decided to make my own "roles" and reverse them in the same game. Hope that explains why I interpreted it differently than most.
Fun fact: Originally, the player would die if the CIRCLES touched the enemy, and there would be no hexagon. Later I changed that just to get more of them stars in the originality criteria (because I saw a lot of games that did that in discord). Turns out that made the game extremely fun! (...and me original!)