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A member registered Feb 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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I have ideas for developing it further. For now i just focused on basic assembly, but i want to add a solid game loop with a few customers arriving every day, uniqe parts, upgradable workbenches and scifi level design instead of this block out :p

very cool

clever and fun

5/5 tbh, perfect little puzzle game. One little thing tho i think is kinda weird is that the ball doesn't go perfectly straight, so for a straight jump i need to rotate the ramp. It could be a mechanic for a ball to go different direction but it should be shown.

Very cool, using the UI elements for gameplay, really nice idea.

Dang, a nice little brain teaser. Great job


Yes, totally agree. I focused on the single day so much i forgot about progression.

Dude pulled uno reverse card on the game jam

Nice foundation for an interesting game :v

Yeah, the parts could use some more work, not very readable, but there's only so much time to spare so had to go with simple shapes :v Good luck too!

I can only walk around, i read that you should use LMB and RMB to interact with items and machines but it doesn't do anything

We need more speedrunning spectator simulators

Well i'd like to actually play it, for now it's quite broken, can't interact with anything. RMB doesn't do anything. The art and audio is nice tho, the idea seems cool.

Honestly cool idea, but the game is pretty broken, the monsters do nothing and you can't give any quests, at least i couldn't. The audio gets annoying quite fast and i would really like the auto run :v

Well, dungeon makers is not a new idea, but there's definitely a room for it. Designing a dungeon for players to explore and monsters to fight is cool, but i feel the game didn't quite hit the mark. Some feedback for player would help, and no audio is really a con.

Yo, that's cool. I'd play it in school on boring lessons, just needs a timer (how much we lasted) and a leaderboard and it's a great game to pass the time :v

Well, it fits the theme. That's about as much good i can say about this. There is no feedback, the player doesn't really know what is going on, there's no audio and no effort for UI. Poor execution but I'd take some time tho and actually make a game around this idea because it has some potential.

I think controls require some work, it's annoying that i have to click the mage to pick a spell, there's not enough feedback, no audio is really audible :v. Anyway, i don't think the game fits the theme super well, but it's a cool idea for a puzzle game with a potential. I'd play a polished version of this.

Actually a really cool idea for a small game. I dig being a cartographer, The music fits the game with turning up the heat. Some cons: regions are often not visible  because of bright terrain and they're just paint. Maps are often quite rigid so making a map from segments could be a better idea then just connect one region with the other, that would give more visibility, better aesthetics and probably a better gameplay. Good game nonetheless.

Could be a cool idea, being an NPC would be a nice escape from constantly running with quests giving a player chance to hand out some too. But in current state the game is broken, the only mechanic which is constructing quests from 3 blocks is rarely working which leaves player stuck with nothing to do.

There were a few bugs people reported already, this being one of them. A bunch of fixes and a few more options are gonna be in upcoming patch :)

Maybe i'll develop it further but it won't be with 2 buttons only lol.

It's easy to fly out of the playing field and this could use some basic indicators on where to move. In current state you just fly around and either you get to the earth or fly out of the space.

No response on email so offer still available

Yow, mrk here with another project. Some kind of a logic game. Yes, i don't have a good rate of finishing projects but this one feels fun and i wanna work on it some more. I created the mechanics and everything but i'm kinda lacking ideas, not for systems but for the levels. I'm not really sure how to make a compelling, fun design out of what i have so i'm looking for someone that would want to help me. I'm not expecting anything really just probably a tester who can play the game and tell me what's fun what's not, what to balance and their ideas for the level.

The game is in UE4, not like it matters but hey, i'm a Unreal programmer. I made a showcase vid a while ago so here it is.

Place Bloker Demo

I can join your little endeavor, i'm making my own games in UE4 but i'm programming in blueprints so if it's not a problem we can have a talk.

I can help with UE4 blueprint programming, i want to get some more experience. U can poke me on discord.


Is this VN or a proper game cuz i kinda learned nothing from what you said,

Interesting, might be cool for some abstract puzzle or adventure game. And for someone that's not afraid you'll come to his house with a knife and a lollipop asking when the game is done xd.

My plan is to make a few more characters with unique skills and an arena to play on. So, those chairs like you can see on the game screens with characters (but not necessarily) and some props probably. If you're interested, send me an email on and we'll talk more.

It's paid if i get paid, that's why i'm looking for beginners that want to have a playground and learn rather than experienced artists cuz there is no guaranteed revenue and i'm quite a beginner myself.

Hello. I'm currently working on a chill project mostly to learn UE4 further but i also want to make a proper game this time. I have an idea to make a pong in 3D but much more complex. Instead of just planks flying up and down i want to make a serious character design each with unique skillset like teleporting the ball around. Also arena, cheering crowd. I already made a prototype and a few updates here on but 3D design was never my thing really so if you like modelling and texturing feel free to join my project. I won't promise anything other than experience but if i'll ever make a buck or two out of this i'm gonna share :P

Also feel free to comment if want to join but can do other things. I probably could use some music or testers.

Link to my game