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A member registered Feb 17, 2024 · View creator page →

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heres mine: 

just your casual every day real life sim

You are a true legend, thanks for playing!

This was really cool and feels quite polished. Good job!

Sadly I died in the bridge when I noticed I could shoot my colleagues

Just the dev vibing with his creationCasual Day guy

The dev vibing with the boys


Sadly this game doesn't start for me, The description mentioned the first level taking a while to load but when I press start nothing changes, I can press start again or close the game. I then restarted thinking click start once and don't touch it maybe something is loading but even after 10 minutes of waiting (in the background) nothing happened.

Sadly another entry without the .pck file in the upload. Can't play the game without it

Sadly in this game as well, the .pck file is missing making it not playable :(

There is an error when starting the game, more detailed comment about this is on the page of the game.

Really liked the style though, would've really liked to try it out, perhaps you can fix it and reupload after the jam.

the comment below is absolutely correct, when launching with console I get this error when the first dialogue comes up: 

### Exception ###

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at StartDialogue._Process(Double delta) in C:\Users\josep\OneDrive\Desktop\Dev\Godot\PolyZero\Junker\3D\Mods\Area\StartDialogue.cs:line 35

   at Godot.Node.InvokeGodotClassMethod(godot_string_name& method, NativeVariantPtrArgs args, godot_variant& ret)

   at Area3DMod.InvokeGodotClassMethod(godot_string_name& method, NativeVariantPtrArgs args, godot_variant& ret) in C:\Users\josep\OneDrive\Desktop\Dev\God8

   at StartDialogue.InvokeGodotClassMethod(godot_string_name& method, NativeVariantPtrArgs args, godot_variant& ret) in C:\Users\josep\OneDrive\Desktop\Dev8

   at Godot.Bridge.CSharpInstanceBridge.Call(IntPtr godotObjectGCHandle, godot_string_name* method, godot_variant** args, Int32 argCount, godot_variant_cal)

### Logger exception ###

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at Godot.NativeInterop.ExceptionUtils.LogException(Exception e)

And you get stuck in here:


thank you!

that is such a bummer, does it completely close itself or does it just show a grey screen? The grey screen would be an indication of the shaders loading and you would just have to wait for 0.1-20 seconds depending on hardware. If you want you could try my slightly more web optimized version in your browser here: Casual Day after jam fix but make sure not to rate the game if you only played this version as it has some bug fixes and fun improvements compared to the jam post. I will also replace the current version on itch with it once the jam is over

does the cannon actually do something? The game is also really easy to beat if you just walk outside of the map or put walls into the enemy cannons. Other than that really cute

I really like the idea of the game, I think i played it through but the end is just a violette screen? That was the only thing that seemed really off to me. Also the switching shadow places and with enemies wasn't really needed for anything except jumping over holes , I am sure there is some more potential in its uses, maybe add a small damage explosion when switching for the first time or something like that. 

The art is really cool, the feeling of the game as well. 

I don't know if I like the one shot kill range enemies that shoot really fast as I sometimes got stuck in an infinite loop of dying and dying again because they just shot me instantly when I was back alive.

I am very glad that respawning is that generous because if it weren't, I wouldn't have made it till the end.

You should definitely continue on this!

Game crashes for me when the police is trying to open the door :(

Didnt really know what to do at first. In the second run the tv got stuck and I couldn't watch the show anymore :(

This game saves your progress.

I am so sorry.

I will now attend a huge event nearby and try to be normal.

Hey, based on the feedback i got today i made an updated version with random timing and combos. Dont change the rating though, only if you wanna try to finish the game faster and with a bit more fun. casual day after jam

(1 edit)

I updated the game based on some comments.
It now has variable posing duration, (small) shader preload, Combos and double damage poses. To increase difficulty, I have decreased the time window for a perfect pose from 1 second to 0.7 seconds.

No more camera wobble on Chrome, but the walking is still smoother in Firefox and Opera.

Thanks for the feedback. The endless posing bug was discovered when clicking out of the game and back in again. Thats because my game checks for just pressed and just released events for posing and not actively pressed. If you press and release the key of the same pose again it should return to normal (Please inform me if you think the bug was different)

I will work on the gameplay! Really glad that people like my idea

Works on my machine, but not in VM. VM says its not a virus (Had to check because of the comment underneath).
Its a quite cute game and fun to play for a bit.

The security warnings are because its a GameMaker installer.

Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback!
The game wasn't created as a web game at first so the bugged option does close the game if you downloaded the file, in the web version it just freezes.

The long loading is also a result of that.

I will work on a more optimized web version if enough people want me to continue on this game

Works for me but very noticebly lags a bit more than Firefox or Opera where I have tested it on. If you see greyscreen after stripping or lags that look like nothing is happening is most likely the shaders being loaded in, in chrome though I noticed the camera smoothing works against the player by wobbling around a lot. Thank you for the feedback, I'll add a warning to the description. I would be happy if you could try a different browser, but I understand if you won't try again.

Way too addicting,

I now feel horrible but want to continue playing.

It looks really cool and the sound is also very fitting, good job man.

(1 edit)

The Mac Zip is in the "added after jam" folder in the one drive, as I don't have a Mac and can't test it, please let me know if it works :)


Thank you so much!
Kinda wanna know what you look like now :o

Originally the main character was based on myself, I am not yet as buff as him, but I have the same clothes 

I will try to upload a mac version tomorrow, am currently heading to bed. I'll notify you once it is available on the onedrive as well. Sorry that you are having problems :(

Did you play the browser version, if yes which browser did you use? Just want to know if i can reproduce the problem

The art is truly amazing.

Found some bugs where the people who died in your group still get attacked and then you can cheat your way until you get fully healed again. I quite liked the idea with switching positions but when one guy in your team dies that has a switching ability and the enemy is stuck in front of you, you do pretty much no more damage.

Still had a blast. With a soundtrack and some minor fixing this is lit

I think the idea is quite cool, I tried setting all aberrations at once and completely died but it's still cool.

When using moving platforms I bounced around a lot and when respawning I sometimes just fell down again because I respawned on the edge of a moving platform. When pressing R to restart I got stuck in the air and had to completely restart. That together with me generally being bad at jump and runs made me close the game because I didn't want to get back to where I was again. Nevertheless, the time I had until that happened was quite fun.

Thank you! I will definetly continue on it, I already have a state system implemented where I can add special features to each pose, just didn't have the time to use it.

perfect, works as intended

This is absolutely sick.

Got the endings badass developer, support and can play other games.

What is the last ending. What am I missing :(

Loved it in every way, very creative.

Thanks a lot for trying to play my game. I sadly forgot to upload the .pck file. I also uploaded it on one drive now, it works with the exe file on itch as well. 

casual_day ,!Aou_2CxgRL00ku5Z0ZpDqxtUI3qUzA?e=f9mgQW

I wallked the entire map, There are a lot of soft lock states where the ghost will not change its position and you can't leave the salt circle anymore. If you know the route to evade him it always works.

The ghost gets stuck on the bottom right salt circle,

the player gets stuck if you walk into the top left corner of the top left house,

The keys stay picked up if you die so you can get them, die, restart and instantly drive away.

There should also be some kind of indicator that you have to press g in front of the door or that you can just walk through the door.

The idea is really cool. Though I am a bit too stupid for this I think. I managed to go through the first room and hack the computers. Notice for people with different keyboards, scrolling the phone worked using the "ü" and "+" key next to the enter key as my german keyboard doesn't have [ keys.

I got the glasses and went through to the first hackable door. I really love the hacking system here it feels really cool its funky and you feel like a hacker. I messed it up the first time and couldn't close the menu so i had to restart. Then i got stuck after the door because the camera was there in all dimensions. I saw the hole in the wall but didn't see a way to reach it as i couldn't jump or anything. I then accidentally closed the tab pressing shift and space whilst trying out keys and didn't want to restart.

I see a lot of potential here and how did you build this in one week, that's amazing.

This game really confused me at first.

After 2 rounds I finally understood what to do

The third round I won.

With a little bit of sound effects for what you choose to do, or maybe some more visuals to explain what happens and more levels, this would get me hooked for hours.

I really hope you continue this after the jam