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KILL 'EM ALLView game page

Submitted by SAW MANKLER (@SAWMANKLER) — 13 hours, 52 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 58 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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This is my first time participating in a jam and it's probably my "juiciest" and VFX-y game yet. Paired with the retro 8bit sprites I think it helps to make every attack more satisfying - which you'll be doing a lot of in this game.

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Simplistic but satisfying gameplay
The execution is impressive and the game is really polished

Just managed to break the game design:
- When a cop spawns, he goes straight onto you
- When a cop only goes on 1 axis, it becomes a lot easier to "predict" his movements and to continue killing without any risk

Because of that, when the first cop spawns, you can basically align with him to "set" his direction and be in easy mode for the rest of the game


Nice SFX and visual! Also the music give a good "crazyness" to the game. Congrats!


Quite simplistic gameplay,  but enjoyable nonetheless.
The art was simple enough to understand what's happening on the screen, and I thank you for that.
Aggressive gameplay with the music that go well with this kind of game.

My rotten brain cannot quite grasp why it's important to kill the injured one before they call the police, as it spawn either way.

Overall, fun game, keep the good work !


neat little score-chasing game with a stellar presentation! the mechanics are simple and predictable, with room for some interesting dynamics that make it very replayable. overall a really polished entry with a nicely focused scope.


Scope was definitely my main concern when I started the jam, I wanted something that I knew for sure I could manage in a short time frame (I  actually only had week to work on this game!). So I'm glad to see it recognized with this comment, along with the visual polish with was for sure my main priority and the whole score-attack attack concept which you've also mentioned :D


It has a very polished feel and the music is great! The game ramps up in difficulty in a very natural way which is good too. 

It almost feels like a bullet hell without the bullets! XD


lol yeah I've seen that bullet hell comparison a couple of times here in the comments. While it wasn't my initial plan, I do like how it developed into something very similar, and had I realized that during development I would've probably leaned into it a bit further actually!


great presentation and game feel. i think the gameplay would be stronger if the people tried to escape in more random patterns - it would feel more rewarding to catch up to them / convey their fear better,  maybe they start a chain reaction putting other people they bump  into in the fear state and every kill from this chain is added to a kill combo counter.  


I thought that running in different directions would make it harder to spot when victims escape, but the idea of a chain reaction is for sure something that could be added to the game further down the line.
It sort of already happens accidentally with a higher crowd density but a specific mechanic for it would be a real nice touch I believe. Thank you for that suggestion!


I like the retro feel, and nice concept that you cannot let anyone leave the area if you don't want to be caught. the only real thing i want to see is more decoration and instead of the player stopping when attacking, then the player should just slow down. I liked how it starts to feel like a bullet hell when you play for long enough, and it really only become difficult when you make mistakes. Really fun game, and I will give it a good score.


This is great feedback. I think that some more level decoration would go a long way into improving the overall atmosphere and would also allow me to create more varied levels for the game, so I agree it's definitely something to consider!
And yeah, the difficulty increase as user error was intender for sure so I'm glad you appreciated it as well :)


Super juicy game, not only in terms of graphics, but also in terms of music! The idea is great, I would like more different weapons that appear on the map, for example a chainsaw which can cause a super massacre)


Chainsaw is a really inspired idea that I haven't seen suggested here before and I think would fit right in! Thanks for playing and for that wonderful suggestion!


The art in this game is amazing!


Why thank you very much, as an artist first and programmer second this means a lot to me!


Whoa what a crazy fun game hahaha! I love how the policemen are running around trying to catch you! Man I was really surprised by how crisp and cool the visuals are specially with the tittle screen and the tutorial was hilarious! 

The music was also on point, really intense and lol the people screaming added so much to the game. 

Great job! 


Glad you liked it :D I think the silly screams really add a lot to the atmosphere as well lol


The aesthetics were perfect, very satisfying visual effects and crunch when you hit enemies, very effective color palette. I thought at first enemies would alert police if they witnessed me killing someone, but I think it's smart you have to hit enemies twice to defeat them and they run faster the second time -- you have to take into account spacing before you attack.


Ahh thank you very much for playing and for the wonderful feedback. Double tapping the pedestrians was definitely a conscious choice to make the act of killing a bit more mindful, so you really nailed it there.


Very nice retro graphics presentation. The game is simple (gameplay-wise), but short and a bit addictive. Great work!


Thank you! Short and sweet is what I was aiming for, more of an arcade 2000s flash game vibe so I appreciate the comment


Very polished and very difficult. Also that scream sound took me back to the sword and sandals games I used to play as a kid hahah, good stuff!


RIGHT?? I was so sure I was using the same sound bite as the Swords and Sandals devs because it sounds so similar but I thought I was the only one who'd notice it lol

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The level of polish here is awesome, the crt filter, the sounds and overall game feel is very good. The mechanics are fun, I'd only say it felt a bit limiting to be killing mostly one guy at a time but maybe the slower pace is what you were going for.  My highest on hard was 93 (25 actually)


Wow ok 93 is definitely a new record, congratulations! You are a menace lol. Highest I've gotten was 59 and I was struggling.
And thank you for playing, I appreciate the feedback. The slower pace was intentional but I see a lot of people wish it worked a bit different so it's definitely something for me to consider.


You made me double check and I was seeing the total kills 🤣my bad, my record was actually 25


Hahahaha got it 🤣 that's still impressive though!


This game has a really nice and well presented atmosphere. The lighting and the tv effect feels AWESOME. One thing I have to criticize is the hammer. It really wasn't as satisying as the rest of the game. You could've made it a little more smooth, and not make the character stop in his own tracks. You could also allow for dodging and the ability to hammer in all directions. Overall, you did a fantastic job!


Thank you for the feedback! Dodging/dashing could be a fun mechanic that I haven't really seen suggested here before and it could be interesting for the player movement.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

wow the amount of juice in this game is insane! this game is so stylized in its presentation! the UI layout and its use of that flashy font, the screen post processing effects, the colored lights when the police. all of it comes together so well to create this cool and sleek looking game, gives me a lot of Ape Out vibes, well done! the sound effects also add a lot to bring out the hectic nature of this game. i like how its organically gradual due to how the game handles civilian spawning, i assume more civilians spawn as time goes on, which means more chances to hit them, leading to more screams and ensuing chaos, thus tying the atmosphere together so well!

also this game is just flat out addicting! i saw some of the previous comments earlier and can understand how the movement delay may not be appealing to most people given the high-score nature of the game and its simple rules which gives off more of a casual 'anyone can play' arcade experience, though i personally like the delay! i think its because the game operates on simple and easy to understand rules that the delay adds a depth to the game where you have to care about positioning. the delay after attacking also especially makes sense after realizing that the cops aren't just randomly spawning based on a timer or smth. maybe on easy mode a middle ground could have been reached where the hit delay is kept but instead of the blood bar being a lose condition like in hard mode, it could act as a gauge in easy mode where if you gain enough blood, then you can enter a "rage mode" that removes all the delay from your attacks and allows you to keep swinging your hammer until a certain amount of time passes. this could allow the game to retain that sense of difficulty while also allowing players to feel empowered and gain a score boost through encouraging them to be aggressive and not be afraid to attack. though again, since it feels like an 'anyone can pick up game' i understand the others feedback, i just personally like the function of the delay in this game xd.

i had a ton of fun with this game, unfortunately couldn't get the big 50 score, cracked under pressure. still had a blast playing, great work!


Thank you for such an in-depth comment, I'm very flattered!

You are correct about the civilians spawning, so there's a bit of a race against time to kill as many people as you can as quickly as possible before it starts getting too crowded.

Also I'm glad you appreciate the delay when killing, it's definitely an intentional choice to balance out the game. The rage mode is a fantastic idea and I do agree that something like it could help out a lot in that sense of slowness some people have mentioned. I actually had similar ideas to what you said but in the end I just ran out of time before I could implement any of it lol

Happy to hear you had so much fun playing! 


Great graphics and really juicy feedback! Really enjoyed it :)


Thank you for playing!


Super impressive visual presentation on everything, really cool and loads of juice, wish the game loop had a bit more to it though.

The music is crazy good and really sets the mood, gives me darker hotline miami feelings, fun little game. I also like the store page which is very on theme and in characters, committing fully to the edginess is definitely the way to go.

While everything is really well presented it is a bit too dark, potentially an issue on my monitor? A gamma slider or slightly more contrast on the text + civilians would help make it just a little more readable.

Really cool stuff, I'm jealous of your ability to make such a stylised game with a really consistent visual feel!


Thank you for playing and thank you so much for the comment! The game's visual presentation is definitely where I spent most of my time and where I was most comfortable working on.

Now that you mention it, a brightness slider would probably be very helpful and super simple to implement after the jam.


Wow really impressive entry! You weren't kidding when you said it was juicy. This is a super polished game that feels fully realized, which is incredible for a 2 week period. 

The art style and music fit super well with the gameplay, and every time I died I was itching to go again. The hallmarks of a great game!

Nice work!


That is really fulfilling to hear as a gamedev and I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as you did! Thank you for playing and thank you for the kind words.

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