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A member registered Sep 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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there is a monster in the game that can be killed with a shotgun, but no one I know could get to the point where it appears. and the map is static by the way, but I think it would be cool to make it procedurally generated

I think you were one of the first to get to handler xD

I tried very hard to make the game intuitive, but apparently I didn't do it very well, and that's sad

that's how it's supposed to be, during the game the time is written above, when it ends you will be transferred to the store, to increase the time you need mine ore and buy items

cool game, interesting concept with the bomb guy, I saw a couple of bugs while playing, overall cool

Thank you for your feedback! I’m very happy that someone is playing my game and leaving feedback!

the game looks very cool! nice to play.

very cute game!

thank you for rating!

Thank you :)

one of the best games at the jam!

very cool idea, it's a pity that there are so few levels

Thank you for rating! and I agree about the textures, I will learn to draw pixel art and I hope my games will look better

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The person who did this definitely knows how to draw! everything looks very good.<span class="ryNqvb" <the="" person="" who="" did="" this="" definitely="" knows="" how="" to="" draw!<="" span=""></span>

a little game. but it's very enjoyable to play. like it!

simple and cool. definitely like it

bruh. I scored about 100 points and lost, funny remake.

underwater worm simulator. nothing clear but interesting

cool little game!

very similar to the game I made at the last jam. cool little game

amogus, wire simulator xD

difficult game. I like this, and by the way it reminds me of my game a little

Funny game!

Sorry for the swearing in the game, I didn’t think anyone would play it with children. I will add a warning about swearing in the description of the game, I hope this will be enough

I finished the game in 30 minutes or an hour. and I can say that this is the best game at the jam

<span class="ryNqvb" <there="" is="" a="" button="" at="" the="" bottom="" right="" of="" game="" window="" that="" will="" expand="" to="" full="" screen="" mode.<="" span=""></span>There is a button at the bottom right of the game window that will expand the game to full screen mode. maybe after this you can see the game better

i think Circuit Rush or UN-PLUGGED will win. maybe me if I'm lucky :)

(1 edit)

лютый пингвин летает по лютым ледникам. угарная игруля

very addictive game! I like it


can not understand anything. but funny

Bomb defusing hamster? Niceeeeee.

thanks for your rating!

very cool game. cool concept, cool implementation, good graphics. This is one of the contenders for victory!!

too hard for my brain

one of the best games at the jam. I liked it much more than the others!!

можешь сделать чтобы можно было играть из браузера? тогда гораздо больше человек сыграет в твою игру.

I found what the problem is! I played the game from firefox, I tried to play the game from another browser and the game worked fine.

ёу ты типо как мой первы фан? xD