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A member registered Dec 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for trying it out! Hidden gem though? That's a bit too much, haha.

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

Oh, okay. it's only a short 2 scene extension to the Reimu ending though, revealing the "real" reason why Tokiko took up a job at the SDM in the first place. I originally planned it as a sequel hook but idk if I'll ever finish that project haha.

There are 2 requirements. If you haven't found the cameo character yet (instantly recognizable as she's not even part of ZUN's creation), then you've never even landed at Reimu's normal ending yet (Tokiko visiting her in the shrine after the event), as recruiting her is one of the event needed for Reimu and Tokiko to open up a bit more to each other.

Right, my memory is a bit fuzzy as it's been a good while, but here goes:

The first step is to go to the Metal Tower the first chance you get (around day 2 iirc). There's a split where you can go either with Mystia or Daiyousei there. While you can go with whichever, you can pick Mystia as she'll lead you to the tower immediately.

Entering the tower, make your way up to the 7th floor, where there are a bunch of crystals and two unbeatable knights guarding a passage further in. You'll need to "turn on" the crystals according to a pattern. You'll find the pattern by observing the crystals at floor 2-5. If you enter the pattern correctly, the two knights will disappear, allowing you to go further in. Now just interact with the object in there and Tokiko will get teleported away. Just complete the maze there and you'll get the new character.

Second step is just to recruit Ruukoto. That is, go to the shrine in the 2nd branching option.

Those are the two requirements for Reimu's ending. For the true ending however, you'll need to do the following;

- Once you get Reimu during the event in the Earth Tower, do not immediately go into the portal. Instead, go upstairs and go out. Head to Suzunaan for an event with Kosuzu.

- By the time you end the game, make sure you have at least 250000 yen in Tokiko's pocket. It's absurd, but not really unachievable.

And that's it. Hope you find it helpful. And no need to thank me. I'm always happy to answer! That means someone out there is also playing this unknown game and I'm really happy for it. So you're maybe tired of me saying this but THANK YOU for playing!

p.s. I have a playlist for the true ending on my channel. Maybe take a look there if you're stuck and I can't answer fast enough.

Haha, don't mind the spoiler. It's an old game at this point. There are 3 branches. actually. The Rin/Koakuma ending, the Orange/Daiyousei ending, the Ruukoto/Reimu ending, and there's the true Reimu ending, which is the one I consider "canon" for this game. Though there was some comments made that the true ending violates Touhou lore because there was a cameo character from another franchise in it. My argument is that Gensokyo is where all things forgotten went and that character hasn't had any new project announced about her until pretty recently, so her winding up in Gensokyo should be possible.

Oh and there's also the default ending if you don't fulfill the requirement for any of the above.

That bug is known. Unfortunately, I can't pin down the cause (I'm not a programmer and it's  solo project too), so sadly it'll always be there. My apologies. I do want to once again thank you once again for trying the game out however! Thanks!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

Thank you so, so much for trying it out!

I knew I was gonna screw something up . There are only so much hiccups you can pick up on your own. At least it wasn't game breaking this time. I'll fix that up when I have the time. The cards thing is... well why the heck was it still there?! It thought I went through that old script already! Geez... It was a leftover from the previous game I made. Scratch that "when I have time" thing. I'm fixing this right way. That was embarrassing.

As for the last two, I'm actually totally clueless on how scripts work, so if it isn't in the engine there from the get-go, it's pretty hard for me to implement that kind of features. Excuses, I know...

Anyway, thanks a  freaking ton for the feedback!

Edit: Oh, forgot one thing. Law and Chaos are just "Magic Attack" stats. Fire and Water magic use CHS, while wind and healing use LAW. In universe, it was supposed to reflect how chaotic their on-stream persona is. That's why Risu got a ton of CHS, and Anya and Reine are more leaning to LAW.

Sorry for late reply. Haven't checked in a while. For now, I don't have any plan to expand on this one. It was intended as a one-off for a game jam afterall. My apologies, and thank you for trying it out.

Really? I don't know about it at all.

Well, in that case, the default font used is VL Gothic. Pretty sure you can just Google it for the download.

okay, can you screenshot the error AND the content of the Audio/BGM folder?

Okay, for a stopgap measure, here's the file that was missing according to the error:

However, maybe the problem is actually your system can't read the Japanese texts on some of the file. Maybe...

May I suggest you change your system's locale to Japanese first before anything? Go to Control Panel > Clock, language, region > Region > Administrative > Change system locale > Japanese.

That might help.

Huh, okay. That's new. I can tell for sure that this file is there and it's not a bug or anything. Maybe the downloaded file got corrupted?

All I can advise you is to re- download the game, since there's no telling if this is the only file that got messed up. Sorry about this.

Ok, one at a time.

First, the problem with covering fire was definitely fixed prior to this.

Second, I don't have that BGM anymore, since I swapped it out. Got deleted immediately after.

Now, don't take this the wrong way, but are you applying the patches correctly? Maybe you placed it in the wrong folder afterall?

Just in case, I made this a while ago to show someone how to do it, as well as checking the new Easy Mode. Maybe take a look and see if you did it correctly.

That's ok. Try to redownload and apply the new patch.

At this point, try redownloading the game as well as the new update.

You can just drop the old save file there so that you don't lose progress.

Thank you! Will definitely check it out soon! :D

Thank you for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed the game!

Thank you for playing! I'll pay extra attention on balancing the map size and travel speed for future projects!

Thank you for playing!

I appreciate everyone's feedbqck. I'll definitely pay more attention to the pacing and speed concern for future projects.

Thanks! And yup, check your back one last time in the end! XD

Thank you for playing!

My apologies on the walking speed though. It was indeed for the atmosphere. 

Okay, this is odd, as I expected.

First, this track should've never been a thing. It was from a build before I released the game... The final boss theme was changed right before release, and this is probably the first complain I have for this specific error to appear. During that I've personally cleared the game twice without this glitch to appear, and no one, even those who I knew have completed the game ever met this glitch.

Second, you CAN save after leaving the SDM. Keine gave you an even more powerful scroll than what you've been using so far. Look for the Great Hakutaku Scroll in the inventory. You cannot start the final sortie unless you talk to Keine and get the scroll from her, so I believe it should be in the inventory.

Back to the track though, it's weird. It's like you somehow got the version that I have sitting on the Recycle Bin when I uploaded the game... a few months ago. The one that was NEVER uploaded... What is going on here?

I'm not joking, this is legit weird stuff...

Anyways, I would suggest downloading a fresh copy and transfer you save files there, but this might be worth a try first.

If it doesn't though, please screenshot the scene before the error pops up. That can narrow the problematic script a bit.

I won't update the official Bug Fixes just yet, because I really hope this is an isolated case. Good luck.

Ga sempat!! XD

Well, I only have 12 hours total to make it.

Overall I guess it's okay... Thought of adding other things like Genderuwo but when you look at what it actually does (kidnapping and r*pe) it's probably better if I don't... Kearifan lokal need to be properly filtered for foreign consumption, lol

Thank you for trying the game! 

I don't really like jump scares myself, so there are none here. Probably for the best.

Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed the game!

Well, I guess you can if you freeze her immediately...

Doesn't stop her from kicking your team's ass though. I'll consider this an exploit instead of an actual bug that needs fixing. Not that the outcome changes anyway.

Thanks for sticking around this long though. Really appreciate the help, man.

Oh dear... Just when I thought I'm ready to move on to a new project... XD

Thanks, bug fixes updated. Can't seem to pinpoint the cause of problem for the pots though. Maybe it was a bug from the RPG Maker engine itself.

I can't replicate the 2nd game breaker nor the 1st minor bugs.

All the other issues are fixed. However the fairies can now be defeated properly. They still won't let you through the front but now you get something for defeating them.

Updated the bug fixes, current version 1.08

Thanks again. I'll see if I can fix the last two.

Ooookay... That's a lot...

I think I can fix the minor ones just fine. Except the covering fire one since I played through that character's route a few times and never get to keep that skill. I can't wrap my head around the second game breaking one though.  Might take some time to fix these ones.

Haha! Thank you!

Don't mention it! In fact, Thank YOU for playing the game!

(2 edits)

Right. This one is somewhat necessary.

The scripts used will crash the game if you recruit a new member and not use him/her at least once in a battle immediately.

For example, if you recruit Lily but not add her to formation and battle with her in the party in the very next battle encounter, the game will crash right after.

Some characters like Daiyousei joins right before a boss encounter, so you won't notice that she's actually also fixed in her position.

Unfortunately, I found this bug in the script late in development, so it's a bit too late to change everyone's first battle into a boss encounter of some sorts.

Since I am not skilled enough to alter the game scripts, and the one who originally wrote the scripts has left the RPG Maker community AFAIK, this is the only workaround I've discovered and can reasonably use.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Each statue plays a different sound when you interact with it.  Keep interacting with them until all of them play the sound of a bell.

I'll need more detail on that spell card thing. But do note that some status/skill and equipment do prevent you from using spell cards.

I see.

The one at the school is the "bad" ending, as that means you failed to trigger the flags for the 3 characters. Nothing inherently bad about it story-wise though. The shrine is pretty much what I'd consider "canon" for this story, well, the extended ending of that route, actually.

Glad to know someone actually went to try the different routes though, especially since I've yet to figure out how New Game+ works. I'll make sure to have that feature in the future games.

New bug fixes are up, current version 1.07.

Though from the last few comments, it's obvious you've finished the game already.

Thanks for playing. And may I ask which ending you get? Just a bit curious, that's all.

I appreciate that you went out of your way to find these. Noted that one down. 

Should be home in a few hours, then I'll get into it ASAP.

Got it.

I'll get to it once I'm back home.

(1 edit)

I'll need more details on that repeatable event. Is it after the pressure plates on the crystal realm? Unfortunately I'm outside of town right now and didn't bring my laptop with me, but I can check once I'm back.

Eirin's Shady Drug... At first I intended it as a quick solution to both mind control and bind status, wile also actually giving the downed member some significant permanent stat boost (there's a reason why it cost quite a lot). Seems like there are also a couple of side effects huh... It lives up to its name...

 If it's not breaking anything then I'd rather not tinker with anything regarding this item though. It might break something else down the way.

Also, Metal Tower V1 is intentionally skippable, as its only reason is to recruit a secret cameo character, as well as triggering the first flag for the game's true ending. This one's not a bug.

Bug fixes updated, current version 1.06.

You're probably sick of me saying this already, but thank you.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the game!

Ah, I see, I see.

Never bothered to backtrack so this one kinda slipped under my radar.

I'll update the bug fixes in a few minutes. Again, thanks a ton.