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A member registered Aug 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Yes, I can add a windows download for it once voting ends.

The art and sounds are amazing! I could see this as a relaxing game to play if there wasn't a timer, but it was still quite fun. Great work!

Great game! I liked that there wasn't a limit on the blocks, it made it much more fun imo. I ended up putting jump pads everywhere and finished the game only using them.

That was amazing. For sure one of my favorites of the jam. One thing I would recommend would be to flip the jump/boost arrow when you change gravity, that one change I think would help most people clear the last stage. Other than that, Great Work!

Quite fun once I got the hang of it. Great work!

Great start! Having procedural generation with sand physics and blocked-off lighting in 48 hours is pretty amazing. I can see this game going somewhere if you plan on working on it more.

One of my favorites for sure! Very creative and fun. Only thing was the last level seemed to be very laggy for me on web. Other than that, great work!

I love the concept of switching to a different class depending on what you need. I think you can take this even further! Great work!

Cool interpretation of the theme! I was about to walk into the boss fight ungeared haha, glad you put some dialogue there. Great work!

An amazing entry! Very creative and fun, I was planning to only give it a few minutes, but ended up finishing it all. I really like how in every level you change something to keep it fresh. Great work!

Really cool concept and execution! Being able to make a card game in this amount of time is impressive, good work!

Cool concept! The strategy involving the traps was really nice. Good work!

Amazing concept and execution! Very creative!

Amazing stuff! Great concept and execution! That last level though.......

That was a lot more fun than I thought it would be... Great stuff. Those sound effects were also top-tier, well made!

Amazing concept of the theme. The words was an aha moment for me, wasn't expecting it at all, but works very nicely. I can definitely see this as a full game if you plan on working on it more.

Cool concept! The only thing I had trouble with was knowing where he was running. Perhaps, you could make a way to show his current straight path.

Cool concept! Great work on your first game!

Cool role swap idea!

Thanks for the feedback. Changed it to be straight facing along with other game design changes. o7

I made this game with Unity

o7 Here is the link

Thank you! Sadly I have not been able to keep the itch version up to date, so I only kept the web version. I moved my game to Steam. On Steam, there is a free demo you can download for Windows and Linux and that is the most up to date version of this demo. The reason I did not want to keep the downloadable version on here was because the files that this version and the Steam version create cause a bunch of conflicts if not used by the correct version.

Fixed in v1.0  o7

Tester signup is back on the Discord, if you are still interested. I only require a screenshot of the beaten the speedrun mode. o7

Thank you! for listening as well, haha. And good luck to you too.

(1 edit)

Great work! I know exactly what video you are talking about, haha. I don't use any special formula, just the built-in Unity stuff. I pretty much just number/code tweak until I find something that feels good. In this case, I started with just a fixed number I set, the direction between two magnets, and the distance between two magnets. It felt decent, but I figured adding something more when they are very close would feel better, so if two magnets are very close they pull together stronger past a certain distance. If you are new to Unity physics, I would recommend just messing around inside of Unity with different built-in functions, objects, and values, then look into the theory. Theory is good, but won't make much sense until you have some practice in and often times takes the fun away from creating early on, in my opinion.

Great concept and execution! The second level took me a few tries, but if felt good to finally beat it. Great work!

(1 edit)

Thank you! That's sad to hear, but understandable. I wasn't able to playtest the game, so it is quite hard. Though, if there's any part you have a question on, feel free to ask. 

[Spoiler for the first room] For the first part of the first room, you'll want to take it slow and have them to stick together and climb together without letting S repel them both off. The second part, you'll need to use S to guide to them both to the next platform.

Fun stuff! The gameplay was simple and made me want to complete the level even after dying twice. The music and wololo worked great together. Good work!

Very fun! I got really into its simplicity, and played way more than I thought I would. Great stuff!

Interesting concept! I really liked level 5, took me a few tries, but felt good to finally beat it.

Great mechanic and execution! I spent way more time on this than I thought I would.

Great mechanic and execution! I spent way more time on this than I thought I would.

Great Concept and execution! Sadly, my hands were not quick enough for those rocks :(

Great mechanic and execution! The sound track was great to listen to as well. Great stuff!

Thank you! You can divide them if one is stuck to a wall/ground magnet and then you press space. This isn't introduced until the second room since in the first room you want them to stick together. For the first room, you want to climb together, you'll have to take it slowly and make sure one of the magnets doesn't repel them both off.

Being able to play and create custom levels is on tester builds only.

Glad you liked the game and thank you for the feedback! A few people have mentioned that large room, I guess I had taken a more puzzle approach when making that one, the solution was to hit bottom left corner, ceiling, floor, next room. I do see how the rest of the level isn't as puzzle based, so I'll be sure to add something there. Though, I think you are the first to mention the second last room, is it getting up to the triangle or is it jumping up from the triangle that is annoying?

Thank you for the feedback! The virus design was unintentional. I started with a ball and gave it some pistons to jump. As for the ending, its more of a signature? from my other game, Cleaning The System. I will say I do need to practice more level design, the difficulty of the current map fluctuates. As for the steep curve, start on the edge as big then shrink right as you cross the checkpoint.