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A member registered Feb 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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The art is top, 3d and 2d, good music and sounds and pretty fun to play, this game deserves way more people playing it, but since its not browser people play it less=(

WEll done guys, keep it up!!!

Thanks for the feedback and playing uwu

Its really cool how many different headlines you guys put, its a fun game and makes sure to tell us whats good and whats bad, great design and visuals!

This game should get way more visibility. If it was for me it will be in the top 10 of this gamejam.

I think the collider of the items you have to put away should be a little bigger, and some background chill music would be great to, besides that, this game is 10/10

The art is top, its really impresive you did all this in one week, i have to congratule you and good luck in the ranks!

Impresive for a solo dev, had fun playing it, the only thing i would like is press psace to grab and drop the items, my brain was too stupid to press other key to drop the items^^’

Thanks for playing, i really will try to make my games easier in the future x.x

I loved that when there is a hole the other eggs will jump right at it.

Interesting idea and really cool drived. The top right texts are fun :D

Managed to win in the first try, probably by luck >.>

Dont worry, they ran away before you crushed them, im animal friendly =)

(1 edit)

I literally dont know how to do it, french and german keybaords are driving me crazy, for french people the Q is the A, so how i explain is the first key below the 1??? i treid to put a picture and say “the first key”, actually driving me insane :’(

PD: Next time i will make them easier and in other place, not in the menu^^’

Really cozy enviroment, was not expecting that. Everytime i “cooked” something i was very scared, like actually feeling scared, which i found it very very cool, well done, nice sounds visuals and gameplay!

You had to put the bridge down, next time i will make sure to make clear what you have to use!

Thanks alot for spreading the word and for playing ♥

Great game idea to make sure nothing goes wrong and you finish your work! Enjoyed the game alot, nice sounds and looking, well done!

This game is one of those kinds that are really simple and really good at same time, reminds me of There is No Game, which is a masterpiece, so your game is naturally really good. Keep it up learning godot, you doing great!

Funny game with good use of the mechanics, great music and sounds and fun to play! I think would be more enjoyable and strategicaly in every death to change the box you spawn, so you know what to expect, but random is nice too. Well done guys!

Literally nothing can go wrong with the most funny outcomes, this is a great take on the theme! I would have loved some music while playing, but great game regardles <3

Thanks for playing and the feedback, the outline is actually a great idea, and since my character had that, it wouldnt be so hard to implement, just didnt think about it, thanks for pointing it out.

There is a scale of how offten an exclamation appears but not how long the yellow lasts, it is easier in the begining, but maybe not easy enough.

Thanks again!

Nice art, easy to underestand game and good game over all, but the background music was pretty loud and little annoying >.<

Will try to make it more clear in my future games, thanks for the feedback!

The music makes me be tense and the graphics 2d in a 3d enviroment feels great!! I stole all the money :3

I did all 3 endings and had lots of fun doing it! While he was folowing me it was tense and scary, great graphics and atmosphere. Well done guys!!!! ♥

Nice visuals music and mechanics of the items, i enjoyed the game alot, my only problem is that i had to die always to see how to put the things down =(

The charecters has cool design, not a bad game!

Really fun game with great and intuitive minigames, all the memes are top with the perfect sounds. I liked that i can repeat the games after, because i missed the go throught the crowd one>.<

Thanks for playing^^

Cool concept that real life is 3d and dream is 2d, makes it feel more abstract and it cool!

I wanted to make the camera little smoother, because sometimes it did some weird up jumps, my idea is that you focus in the object you posesing so you dont see the whole map and have more sense of hurry (also looks cool xD)

Cool game, nice drawings, its fun to play, i did all correct in one go, so i restarted thegame to see what happens when you go wrong, and its pretty funny! well done :D

Game very similar to mine but easier and more appealing in my opinion. Your game its better than mine having the same idea, congratulations guys!♥

I tried to move some objects around to make it more clear, maybe not clear enough hehe

Great game!! Playing games like this its always nice when its well done, was fun and was very intuitive, i didnt read the tutorial and i could play withouth problems >.< nice art and music too!

The game is great, great art, music, story and interesting gameplay, well done guys!

The art is great, and the music very relaxing. My only problem is that the game is very based on luck, nothing really is under my control if 3 or 8 people goes accross which is little frustrating =(

Great game!

The spider robot following the mouse in the tittle screen is very cool, the fight and the art of the spider are great! I went off the map destroying all the boxes hopping to find a secret, but my character sprite just diseapeared >.< Is it there something hide? Because if there is i wanna find it!

I found a little bit hard what to do in the game by intuition, thats why i added the text, but im glad you didnt need the text ^^ thanks for playing and the feedback!

Very chill game, the art of the character is so cute and nice!!! Items took a little to disapear which mad eme confused in the begining, but then was all good^^

Thanks! I normally make games a little challenging, sorry about that ^^’

Really interesting concept and fun to play, im not big fan of tetris, but this tetris i can get on it >.< well done!

You can decide if you wanna put inside desktop folder or in the trash, doesn’t change the outcome tho >.<

Thanks for playing, im glad you enjoyed it :D

Maybe with a trackpad is a little harder hehe…

Its all connected, just cut the hair and changed the shirt hahahhahahahha

Thanks for playing ♥