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Nelson Teixeira

A member registered Jul 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Congratulation! an interesting twist on minesweeper.

Love it!

You can instantly see all the dedication and hard work.


Your illustrations look amazing.  May I ask; what is your background? and are all these illustrations created in collaboration or were they all made by you?

I have not yet read much into the description, as I find the illustrations really appealing. Furthermore, I love card games.


Space Bravos

Hi Cxly.

The best couple of advices I can give  you to finish your projects and remain motivated is:

1.- Write it down as a list of steps.

2.- Do not try to kill the whole dragon at once.. do it in pieces. By this I mean, separate the whole challenge in very small pieces (so tyni that is ridiculous) and tackle one by one.

3.- No such a thing as "zero day". Every day you have to do something... even if it is the smallest task of the whole project...

I do not know if this is a magic formula, but I can tell you this... IT WORKS FOR ME.


Wow, you have done very well.

multiple platforms and multiple software. I like your idea of ethical games; not just to be seen as a complex software that can bring  you joy and entertainment. but also something to reflect upon. That would be the type of game that remains in your head year after you finish.

Good luck with your studio.

You could start with Game Maker Studio... very easy to navigate. And then who knows? Unity or perhaps Unreal. 

Hi everyone, I am a fellow game designer who recently published his first video game here in ITCH.IO 

Initially Game Maker Studio was my favorite place in the world; spending hours upon hours creating games or simple experiments; then Unity came along and wow! I'm hooked for life.

Games in general have taught me so much, especially when it comes to winning and to lose. There is so much to learn in this media, that at times it could be rather overwhelming. However, one thing is for sure; I am loving this journey.

Space Bravos is a classic space shooter (for starters). But my next project should be a full 3D game.

If anybody needs any advice on 3D or simply discusses some crazy stuff in Unity, you know where to find me.


(4 edits)

Hi everyone, 

Happy to inform you that Space Bravos has been updated to 20 levels (more levels and bosses available soon) and as you might expect, some small issues have been removed.

Space Bravos is a space shooter with 2D and 3D graphics combined with some RPG aspects. I hope you enjoy it.

Link: https://nelson-teixeira-torres.itch.io/space-bravos

Hey  fiGames,

Definitely publishing on Switch would be a great achievement. I have tried mobile and to be honest it could be better (so much better).  Regarding your intentions to use a publisher... well... I've heard so many bad stories about publishers and game developers that If I were you, I'd tread carefully along those realms.

I'll keep an eye on your game. It will be interesting to see it finished (you are almost there pal). I still got some bug to fix on my own.



From one Space shooter developer to another; your game is fabulous.

Flashing, fast paced, and demanding nimble hands.  Your game so far (as you are still working on it) is just great.

Hope you don't mind if we share some notes and questions? but what software did you use to develop the game? and on what platforms are you planning on launching it?

Best of luck!

Muchas gracias!

Thanks Skinner Space! I'll try to use those tools to create my own video.

Good luck with your games.

From the moment I saw your icon (an animated brain vomiting rainbows) I knew this was going to be good.

The story is definitely something to look into, but the action on screen is hellish; between multilayer backgrounds, bloody enemies, some good particle systems and some metal bands... Boy! I'm in!

May I ask you:

1.- How long did it took you to create this game?

2.- What software did you use for the creation of your videos

All the best luck in your projects.

A ver…

¡En hora buena por el lanzamiento de tu juego! Los juegos de trivia siempre serán bienvenidos a mi mesa (o móvil).

¡Mucha suerte con tu juego!

Por cierto, dos pregunticas:

1.- Que programa usaste para crear el video?

2.- Cual es la única construcción religiosa en España que tiene 19 naves?  ;) 


This is a serious novel you have here. I felt a good level of connection and intrigue just by reading your description. "What would you see when you are dead", it reminds me of Wayne Dyer's question "How long are you going to be dead?"

I'm definitely a sucker for a memory blank beginning adventure (it never gets old for me). Definitely a good original source and adaptation. Illustrations, CGI's and photography, music, etc.; you guys really played with the medium here. 

Good luck with this and every other project!

Ok, Major words here!

You haven't develop a game but instead a TOOL for us game designers and developers.??? 

WOW! Dude, that is awesome.

This will definitely come in handy for developers like me in the future.


Thank you very much AlfredSheep!

I'll have a go immediately.

And there was I thinking this could be a great game about social freak-outs full on controversy, screams and somebody demanding to speak with the manager...

But anyways, I admire 3D prints and good luck with your products!

All the best.

Ok, I have got some much to say about your game.

First of all, as a fellow arcade shooter developer myself, I have to say that it is an interesting organic take on the space shooter genre.

The gameplay seems to be smooth, and the bright colours are definitely something to remember about your game. (Thanks for the epileptic warning) 

Just a simple subsections of menus and BANG! you are straight into the action.

Good luck with your game.

(2 edits)

A simplistic yet charming platformer; and although it could be deemed as humble, there is definitely more than meets the eye in your game. I happen to find interesting the use of colour in your game, for example: 

-. Black, Grey, White, (environment)

-. Red (main character and drop item components)

-. Orange (enemies and some moving parts)

Good luck with your game and congrats on your release.

By the way: Can I ask you what software/tool did you use for the video capture and edition? I need to create the video for my game and I was wondering if you could give me some advice.


Thank you very much!

Cute, Explosive, Colourful and a lot of good particles... Just brilliant!

In which engine did you develop this game? and if is not asking too much, what software did you used to create the video?


Damn! That Dr. Adelle is so evil!

I have to say, you game has giving me a lot to think about (LOL)

Specially when it comes to the freedom of creativity, and how interesting is to harness any content into a fun, engaging video game (bearing in mind the age of the viewers and the game's content).

There is a lot of work put into this game, and is easy to tell that you enjoyed creating it.

Good luck!

Hi Thelastmcneal

So, I went back and tried your game, and unfortunately the same problem occurs. (attached image with the message)

Sorry for that,  I know it could be a massive headache to debug this small details.  I'll google it and see if there is anything I can do from my end.

Best of luck with your game.

You definitely have eyes and  a hands for the illustrations (I like the round symbol in your actual page with what it seems to be an mystical language)

The photography is quite interesting and I very much like the lighting and the set design.  The game seems to satisfy the eternal desire of reaching wisdom or as you said "the pursuit of the unthinkable". Very appealing concept and I have got this feeling that this game in particular is not just about a spooky story but the delight upon the unknown.

Good luck in this and all your projects. 

Ok, So much to talk about this game.

First of all, congratulations for your release! The game has an interesting take on the zombie genre and I think you guys managed to bring something new to the table. I managed to reach level 8 before the zombie got angry at me (lol!). 

The overall ambience is rather comical yet spooky. I have to say, there seems to be a small glitch with the darts as even if you hit the table on purpose, the dart remains active and hits the coming target even if I did not aim at it in the first place (odd). 

And one more thing; I agree with No Time To Play, as you need to add some screen shots and perhaps a small video to the post (as it is stated in the rules).

 Congrats to you Miguel and Larry. Best of luck!

First of all, your illustrations look fantastic! I really like the personal touch you have injected into the graphics and the personal interpretation of the story through the drawings. 

I would like to ask: on which engine did you develop this game? and what software was used for the illustrations?

Let us all help Dolchio make his dream come true!

Hi Play4Game

I have to say, your game looks great, and as you said, it seems to offer an alternative to the old RPG by bringing more combat to the gameplay. (good on you for developing something new).  The levels seem to be nicely crafted in both the geometry and texture departments. And the special effects are quite nice as well.

If you don't mind I would like to ask you: how long did it take you to develop this game? and what software did you guys use? It looks that your team has all the skills required, from modeling to coding and textures.

And one more cheeky question: Are there only female main characters?

Best of luck in your game!

Quite a remarkable array of tools, good on you. The final outcome seems to be great and very professional. At the moment, I'm only using Vectorworks and Artlantis to design in 3D and render.  I'm also planning on taking Blender in the near future (3D studio is way too expensive). 

Hopefully the "solo programmer" will find and kill all those pesky bugs. 

I'll be around, 

Nice to meet you Granmerluzzo.





This game looks sick (in a good way). So far, the visual effects of the fire and particles are quite good and the character detail is also rather meticulous (down to the toenails!)

It looks intriguing. However, could you add some sort of video or a GIF image to see more of the game animations?

Good luck

Congratulations on your first itch game!

Regarding your Game; the first thing that struck me the most were the 3D models and the renderings of the scenarios. There is a lot of work put into this project.

May I ask, did you use 3D Studio Max or Maya?

Wish you good luck  in all your projects.

Hi Thunder

Thank  you for your message. 

I have checked your page as well and I have to say your Sci-fi project looks rather professional and neat.  Also the music is spot on for me. Are you a professional content creator?

I am an Industrial designer with passion for 3D, and like many others, I have some interest in video games but mainly to develop them (I used to play a lot, nowadays, I rather develop some small ideas and hone coding skills). 

We should chat sometime; 

By the way... Merry Christmas.

Wow! thank you very much SKLAB.

I've been trying to create the video  for my game and I had no idea where to start. I'll have a look at Davinci Resolve. Hopefully it will turn out the way I want. 

I'll keep you posted

Sounds fantastic! great way to implement tools into the apps.

Congratulations for this project release. Although two years means a lot of time invested, but it also means a lot of knowledge acquired. 

What engine did you use to develop it?

You got me at the first image with the snowman with lighting eyes!!! Brilliant.

Good luck with your game