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Nerdfactory Customs

A member registered 34 days ago · View creator page →

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Great work! This was a lot of fun and really hooked me! Something to make the combat a little more active would have been nice but that may just my personal taste (I'm not often a fan of the auto-battle mechanic).

(1 edit)

This is a really cool game! I think the only thing it was really missing was a "basic" attack that was much weaker but didn't require the absorption mechanic. I hope you keep working on this one! Would love to play more! Oh! And I absolutely LOVED the character design!

The art was great. I felt the gameplay could use a bit of polish and the controls needed a little work but there's a lot of potential here!

Great game! I did miss the sound but I understand. It was a little difficult to me and a way skip all the dialogue at once after the first death would have been welcome but overall it enjoyable and smooth!

Sorry but it didn't work for me as the play button didn't actually do anything. The menu looked and sounded nice though!

That was a very fun and addictive game! Good work!

Thanks so much for checking it out!

Thanks! I appreciate you checking out my game! Yours was REALLY cool so the kind words and feedback mean a lot!

I'm glad you had fun! Thanks for the feedback too! I definitely still have more to work on here lol

Thanks! I wish I had had time to do it all myself but I had to concentrate on one thing since I'm still pretty new to game development, so that's why I only did the programming myself. 😔

Thanks so much for trying it out!

Thank you so much for the feedback and taking time out to play my game!

Thank you!

This is an addictive and fun game with a great classic aesthetic and the music and sound effects fit perfectly! Well done! The only nitpicks I would give on this is that the player hitbox feels a bit large for what you're trying to do and the controls, while very nicely responsive, could use a little fine tuning as it sometimes felt too fast to control accurately.

I really liked the art and sound on display here, felt simple yet classic! The main mechanic was also very cool and creative! Good job!

That was COOL! so much fun too! I loved the overall look and feel of the game as well! Really, just a fantastic job all around!

I got launched into space (not sure what happened there) and the music cut out with clicking sound just beforehand but other than that it was interesting and very pretty!

I couldn't interact with anything and it seemed like there a lot of systems that never made it in at all like items and such and the night portion was way too short. I feel like I saw what you were going for but it just didn't land for me I'm afraid, I'm sorry :(

I liked it! It was cute and quirky! It could have used a little more direction of what you were supposed to do with some of the messes you find but overall it was very well done!

art and sound design were amazing and I loved the lighting and enemy ai, great job! I stopped at around level 20 though as I wasn't sure if more was supposed to happen or if it was just endless survival.

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback! I never even thought to add a fail condition if the player brings too little loot or have a minimum requirement, lesson learned for next time!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks so much!

that was awesome! level 3 and 4 were real headscratchers too! loved it! 

I appreciate that!

Thank you!

Thanks! The doors were a bit problematic! If I had had more time I would've enlarged them or found a different asset set with wider doors! lol

Thank you! I plan to keep on, this was really my first game and I know I have a long way to go to get to a professional level but I really enjoy the work!

Thanks so much!

Thanks! That means a lot to me, especially after seeing your awesome game!

Thank you!

reminds me a bit of Heartbound. loved the narrative driven focus and the fact you included multiple endings in a game jam game! nice work!

loved all the mini games! very challenging game too!

really coo game! it did unfortunately make me a bit motion sick though! it was fun enough for me to push through it though lol

the UI is a bit big and overwhelming. It's also not my typical type of game so didn't really connect with me but the overall design was good and the graphics and sound were great!

the particle effects and shaders were impressive and the level design, art, and sound implementation were great! it could have used some more work on the controls and combat though. jumping felt floaty and controls in general sometimes felt unresponsive. Just a few settings that need to be dialed in though! It was a great game over all!

it was pretty cool! you really don't see enough physics based puzzle games anymore and this one really had a great vibe too. 

really good, especially considering how little time you had for this one!

It would benefit from more clear direction of how to actually play the game and clearer visual representation of the coming storm but the visuals and sound were great!

very well done!