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A member registered Feb 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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WHAAAT??? I love FF tactics and thought you did an amazing job capturing that feel. Amazing work!

Firstly, amazing job delivering something so polished and cohesive. I think you picked assets that complimented each other really well, from the models, to the water shader, and even the music and sfx. The gameplay was simple but the level design was interesting enough to keep me playing. Moving the camera with the right click was a bit difficult or perhaps I was doing it wrong. Amazing work!

Great SFX, and a really unique idea. I felt no remorse for the "ded" humans, and had a good time doing it. If you added more, I'd think about a spawn indicator on the side of the screen, as I died a couple of times just by being where an enemy spawned. Great job!

That was a really unexpected and cool experience! I always have a soft spot for text based adventures, especially when they can incorporate visual elements like you did. Well done!

Simple but really polished! I loved how intuitive it felt and how smooth the controls were. I think if you experimented with some more power ups you could have addictive experience! I'm always so impressed with solo developers, great work doing this all on your own!

Wow! The experience was super fleshed out. I was amazed with the tutorial and how much you were able to accomplish in such a short time. I didn't notice any bugs or come across any issues. The story was cute and silly and you made everything super clear in a "learn-as-you-play" style tutorial that I really like. Is this type of game called an auto battler? I'd be interested to hear what you were inspirations were for this game!

First, Thank you so much for playing and leaving such detailed feedback!! Secondly, I'm so excited that although our time to work on it was limited we were able to create an experience that so many people recognized and were able to find enjoyable.

Your cries for more visual feedback are totally valid and were definitely planned but unfortunately I wasn't able to implement everything in time. We will be polishing this post jam to make this match with our vision, which would be some bug fixes, the Blueberrion enemy, the Tartillery tower, as well as a ton of sounds, artwork, and a UX overhaul.  

Very cool game. It took me a few runs before I was able to score high enough to purchase anything but I liked the mechanics a lot! I'm a big fan of this genre so you get bonus points from me hah

I was really impressed with the enemy behavior variety and overall balance of your game. Really amazing work. It seems like you had a plan and executed it with precision, well done!

Lots of cool details here - I really liked your use of UI to provide the player visual feedback for stuff like attack cooldowns and health bars for instance. I thought your team's interpretation of the theme was clever and fun. Great work!

Awesome work! The art was cool and the progression system was a very nice touch. Very polished experience!!

Wow, really impressive job. I was amazed at how cohesive your assets were even though you used asset packs. Awesome work on the story!

Thanks for reporting that, it should be fixed now if you'd like to try again! Thanks so much!

Happy to see a familiar username! The game was pretty cool! I thought you really nailed the theme and thought the game had a lot of charm! I did have a problem where I opened the pause menu but when I tried to unpause the menu stayed open. That being said, I still managed to win haha

Great work!

I was really impressed with the effort and polish you put into this. Boss battles, smooth fadeouts, etc. The combat mechanics are responsive and I think you did an excellent job letting the player know what to do and how to do it, even with a fairly complicated (for a jam) control scheme. 

Awesome work!

Solid job. I had some issues with the attack not always triggering when I wanted it to. I thought it was a cooldown between attacks at first but then was able to do rapid fire. Was that a power up? The movement was great! The UI and lack of sound was a bit rough but considering this was a solo effort it's pretty amazing. Great work!

Thanks so much for playing! We are all pretty experienced but it was our first jam together and I think scope creep got us a bit haha. That being said, we had a vision and I think it came out mostly as intended. For the cherries and other drops, they drop from enemies. I do really like the jump idea, maybe after the jam

Wow what an awesome game.  Switch bugginess aside, this was a delightful and cleverly designed game.  Any tips for designing puzzles?

Although infinite runners aren't really my thing, I really liked what you did with this. Solo projects are tough but I think you did an amazing job!

Oh wow another game about daydreaming at school! I loved it! Really cool idea and execution!!

Oof yeah - our biggest bug is tied into the death/ checkpoints. We had a pretty big team but all of us were pretty limited scheduling wise for this and just ran out of time to debug everything.  I would love to take some time and iron out all of the bugs and tune the clunky areas at some point - I really loved animating this project and loved the concept. Thanks for playing and for your feedback!

Wow man, you guys nailed it. I really loved all of the details that made this feel like an HD version of all those old school arcade racing games. Amazing job!

No worries- my game has bugs too! It's after all, only a 10 day jam. AAA studios manage to launch with bugs after years long development cycles and hundreds to thousands of employees. Let's cut ourselves some slack right? hah

This felt like a really nice basis for a future project. Nice music selection and overall cohesion for using asset packs. Excellent work!

I loved this game. I love games that mix 2d and 3d elements already but I thought your game was pretty clever. I did have some bugginess with the mouse even in full screen mode but it wasn't unplayable. Great Work!

Wow really great job. I loved the simple yet creative game design and thought you did a great job implementing it. Was that a functional leaderboard? I wasn't good enough to make it on there haha. Awesome work though - I could see this working really well on mobile! 

I really liked it once I understood it. I get why you chose the single directional movement and it really helped your puzzle design but it was an initial turn off. Still, I came around and really started to enjoy after making my way to a few doors. I didn't see any bugs or issues, awesome game!!

Jeeze you did this 5 hours? Great job!

Wow great work. Really interesting puzzle mechanics once I understood them. Great job!

Really cute artwork, I loved that even the control scheme and mission objectives really put you into roleplaying as a dog. Nice twist on the theme as well with the perspective shifting, great job!

that sounds awesome.  I really love the vibe. If you included your planned features, a persistent skill tree, and randomized levels I'd pay for this experience 

Really nice work - the game felt super intuitive. I didn't think it needed a tutorial, and I'm really impressed with the puzzle design! great job!

(2 edits)

That was a wild ride - The writing was really well done! As some others have said I didn't realize I could or should examine ingredients I hadn't unlocked yet. I felt a little disconnected from why I should performing alchemy or what each solution did for me, but maybe that's not the point of this game? 

Awesome presentation and great work!

The cow was really cute haha. My high score was 21 - so yeah I'm a pretty big deal. Awesome job!

Man - I really loved the sleepy vibes in this game. I personally would have liked accelerated tied to a different hand so that I could use one hand for rotation and another for speed, but I loved how it plays and feels. I think some SFX might improve things a bit but obviously you would want to be careful with that so as to maintain your aesthetic. Awesome work, I really liked the way your parallax looked and your overall scene composition!

Nice twist on the endless runner genre. My only complaint was that the hell dimension felt a bit empty. 

Thanks Yee! I always really appreciate your detailed feedback! My goal on this project was to push the animations as far as I could, and actually your comment on something I worked on previously gave me the idea to set up the jump on the blend tree. We definitely had a lot of ideas we wanted to implement considering the amount of free time we all had.

We are currently looking into a bug that is preventing the player from getting killed when falling in our level border. Something broke our trigger volume there I'm assuming. The idea was that you could use the hole to escape an enemy as well as defeat them but there weren't many cases we have that we could use that sort of ability in a meaningful way. 

As far as the duck , it floats on water, you can pick it up and throw it, then walk across it. 

The concept behind the Ink Bar is that some puzzles could be set up to challenge you in how to solve it while managing your ink levels, but we admittedly didn't get around to adding too many of these situations. 

We had played around some different ideas about how to use the sketchbook. I think if I were to change it, I'd have maybe two extra buttons that you could assign drawings to, similar to how Zelda handles items and then allow the player to freely draw them. 

Awesome job  - The game really captured the theme of the jam, was easy to understand and played well. There were some clunky moments when remembering which keys to open or close which menus, as well as trying to pick up the bouncy object - I noticed it had to be in front of the player and wouldn't be picked up if I was standing too close. I noticed that the music wasn't set to loop either which was a bummer considering how awesome the music is! 

Lastly, I was able to get myself stuck by throwing the bouncy object over the wall by accident and having no way to proceed from there.

Beautiful graphics and really awesome mechanics made this game really fun to play though, amazing work! 

I really liked the mechanics in this game and the levels were really balanced well, I was able to make to through the game without dying on normal but only barely in some cases. Great job!

Thanks for the feedback! Falling into your own pits is intentional but it IS supposed to kill you if you fall too far haha one more thing to fix.