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A member registered Jun 03, 2022

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I think the one thing you are missing is the Colosseum. The Colosseum event is where we can get the little helpful aids to open chests or revive monsters. This is the developer's way of taking that away from us without actually taking it out of the game altogether. You can only use each girl once every 24hrs in the Colosseum and with this "who goes first" shit that will cut out a lot of possibilities for those little helpful aids. In all actuality with the Tower it really only seriously affects those who are worried about ranking. Yes it is fucking annoying to lose or have to refresh though! Out of all of the changes that could and should be made, this was neither a suggestion nor desire of anyone and should be reversed asap. We, the players, are the ones that keep the game going so the developers should be listening to us instead of taking whatever drugs they are taking with this shit!

The game was going well there for a time. We would have Colosseum then World Bosses then start again. We would also have Pussy Market then a Girl's event then start again. It would seem that the object here would be to keep players instead of trying to get rid of them. The more happy players you have the better the odds that they will start or keep spending money with you. Hooligart you are devolving instead of evolving!!!

RANDOM MY ASS!!! Ten tower battles and I got to go first ONCE! WTF Hooligart???

Concerning the new PVP and Colosseum changes...This has got to be one of the most idiotic changes you could have made!!! Are you trying to drive away your players? 

Dirty League community · Created a new topic NEW PVP

This has got to be one of the most idiotic changes you could have made!!! Are you trying to drive away your players? 

Not certain why you aren't answering Hooligart

I think the reason that the dolls and keys helps us to get the Mythic is the reason they aren't starting the Colosseum event. For awhile there would be a colosseum once a week. It's been a few weeks since we have had anything there. 

Hooligart, is there a reason why the Colosseum hasn't started in a LONG time?

You have Pussy Market going or Blue Girl's event?

Actually a good strategy is what SilverRay stated but you can use it more too your advantage by choosing whichever level has the best chest. The better the chest the more gold and silver coins you can get. Although you may be able to beat the higher level with the common chest, it might be wiser to defeat the easiest with the legendary or mythic chest. Assuming of course that you have enough girls to do it with.

You will be greatly disappointed! I have made it to the Dirty League and there is NO sex scene! It's the same scene as the very first League 15. That was a month or two ago so it may have changed but I seriously doubt it. The prizes were not much better than normal so it was really not worth the time and effort I put into making it. They have a chance to do something good with it and they totally dropped the ball on it.

That's also assuming that the Colosseum Event actually starts...

Who said anything about free moron?

Of course when you try and send them an email to fix the problem their email isn't working at the time! This is bullshit!

You also need to compensate us with either more time or coins or gems for the trouble!!!

So the tower chests in this new quest is NOT giving Silver Coins??? WTF??? Fix this please!!!

But like I stated, you can buy the 10 chests for 18K but the majority of the time you only get 8 chests! What happened with the other two

Also in several of the quests, when you go to buy the 10 event chests for the reduced price of 18K silver, the majority of the time YOU ONLY GET 8 CHESTS! It's a rip-off and you need to fix it!

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LOL I guess something got lost in the translation

How are people scoring so high on the PVP League Tournament??? I figured up the numbers and the person in the lead right now would have had to battle 21 times EVERY hour since the tournament began! Are some guys using bots or something?

English please

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English please

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English please

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OMG Yes I get that! Stop harping! Can I not have an opinion without one of you bringing that to mind??? You guys are like frigging broken records! Do you work for Hooligart??? LOL

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Just seems that a lot of thirsty-ass old men have way too much money on their hands LOL

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I love how the only way some people can win at this game is to pay out huge sum's of money. What a shame!

Was it worth it

Doesn't Mythic skills charge at 15 gems normally?

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WOW! How much did you spend on this? You were determined to be number one at any cost apparently. At 18,000 silver for $99.99 and you had 260K silver, counting for what the quest s give you that still puts you spending over a $1,000.00! Is my math correct?

Approximately how many Silver Coins can you possibly get if you clear all quests but do not spend any money?

What is everyone's strategy on the use of the Sex Potions and Viagra? Do you guys put all into life, one particular color of girls, spread them out,...? Any helpful thoughts or hints would be appreciated.

Spend that money! LOL Keep the game going!

This 10 turns and you die is plain horseshit!!! You make the bosses so goddamn hard to beat!!! Take away the 10 turn limit and somethings may be possible! I have never seen a game where the developers care so little for their players! You want to make more money off this game then give the players some of what they want! Pitiful ass shit!

WTF? New Boss has cards with 20K attack power? What are you guys trying to do? Make people quit?

But why? Why only these particular girls? Why not all mythic cards? Just a ploy to make us spend money?

Why is there some Mythic cards that cannot be upgraded? I have a Snow Queen level 10 and it does not even give me the option to upgrade her ability. Is it only certain cards?

What game are you playing? World Bosses event is horrible! The hit points go up astronomically to the point where no one can beat them, ESPECIALLY a newbie!

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