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A member registered Jul 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice one!

Cool idea! I liked the animations and thought the camera was really smooth. Nice work!

Yup I do speak some spanish so that was why I had the idea!

Good first submission! I like the sprites a lot.

Liked this a lot - the camera angles kind of remind me of playing one of the old Metal Gear Solid games but with a spooky feel. Nice one!

Really neat concept! Nice job

Thanks for that!

I'm from the US - initially the game was just called Luz because I liked the way it sounded, then I changed it to Luz Azul because it's a palindrome and I thought it worked with the mirrored-reality theme. And worked for the black white and blue color palette!

Really nice art and sound, with a cool concept as well. Nice job!

Fun game with nice animations. Really good work!

Appreciate you playing!

Thanks a lot!

Thanks very much for playing!

Awesome! Appreciate you playing!

Thanks so much!

Cute idea, would love to see it continued!

Thank you!

Lol thanks for giving it a go!

Thanks for playing!

Snails are just cool.

Thanks for playing! :)

Thanks for that! I do all the music for my games. Appreciate you playing.

Ha, no worries, I made the game and I think it's hard too

100% valid, definitely still some goofy balance stuff in there. Thanks for playing!

Appreciate it a lot! Thanks for playing.

Thanks so much!