Is there a manual for the game? I wonder, what all the items do.
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I had one of those wooden maze games as a kid myself and i find idea of this game pretty good, but in my opinion the controls do not fit the game. A mode to play this with paddles would fit the game much better and would actually be pretty similar to the physical maze game, which has those wooden nobs on the side that have to be turned in order to move the maze.
Thanks for the game. I played the old C64 version, this version and the Amiga version. The game is pretty good on the C64, but what I miss is mouse support like in the Amiga version, which I really like. Is there any chance this will be added in a future update? And it would be good to have a setting to disable the automatic hints and just have them show up at the press of a button or something like that.
Finally I had some time to test this version (1.05). It looks and feels awesome, but I encountered two bugs: the first was already stated before. When I use a joystick with auto fire, that requires me to hold the button down for firing, it continues to fire even when I stop pressing the button or disable the auto fire altogether. It stops however, when I press the button without using auto fire (tested with competition pro and QuickShot QS-137F). The second bug is, that the datasette, that is usually plugged in, turns on when I start the game (I hear the motor). That's a little annoying. Maybe you find some time to look into these problems.
This is a really good conversion of the original MSX version. Night Knight on the MSX is one of my favorite games, so I was excited, when it was released for the C64, too.
What I noticed is, that in the first level, the bottom wall in the center is missing. I would appreciate it, if you could add it in the C64 version, so that they are the same. I haven't found any other big differences yet.
The picture shows level 1 on the C64 (left) and MSX (right).