Kinda fun to play, maybe you could prevent objects to spawn to much on the edge of the screen
Nill Nakib
A member registered Apr 14, 2019 · View creator page →
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Classic Gameplay Puzzle Game - Made in cooperation with L3mmy for Shared Universe Jam
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Chet and Mary Restore Colour jam comments · Replied to Brash Digital in Chet and Mary Restore Colour jam comments
No story and king seems to be here just so he's here, the gameplay is kind of repetitive, maybe you could add so sort of reward for killing enemys. Anyway, the fact that it has depth is obviously nice but in a 2.5D game, it is still not very usefull.
My computer lagged a lot when I was full screen, which was necessary because in your game page's settings, you probably forgot to enter the right height and width of the window. Still, congrats, and if I just didn't find the button to use to (talk to king maybe ?), don't hesitate to tell me.
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