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A member registered 27 days ago · View creator page →

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Thank you all so much for rating the game, I'm glad you enyojed the game.  :D

The PPJJGG game jam has now ended, Thank you all for the kind words.  :D


Thank you for the kind words, Its nice to hear that you liked the project.  :D

About the collision bug you were talking about, The items spawn at the truck and move in to the playing area.

Its not an animation but the sprite moving, That's why the sprite still has collision.

Thanks for mentioning the bug.  :D

Again, It's nice to hear that you liked the project.  :D

@Uttam Prajapati

Thanks for the kind words :D


Thanks for the kind words :D,I dident really had time to make animations but im glad you liked it.


Thanks it took a couple try's to came up with a good idea.(:

Nice to hear ya liked it.   :D

I made it all the way to the part that every thing was dark green and there were ponds.

Then I found this toy.

Realy good game, Played it all the way to the end!      :D

Drak Green Grass


I love it!   :D

It's so good , The concept of a magic fire that needs wood to make the world greener is so cool.

The music is amazing  and all snow effects are good.

Its maybe one of the best games in this game jam for me.

Great game, I love the music and art.

Very well made.

Maybe you coud publish it on the app store because it's so good.

I love the game and art, Very well made  :D

I love it!

The music is amazing and the cards are super cool.

It's a great game with a cool concept!

I love it :D

If you like top down racers i have one for you,Its cald Highway To Snail.

You need to stay in the reacht Of the other Snail and get points.

Have Fun Playing.   :D

Haha,Glad you liked it :D

I really hope there is going to come a We're Cooked 2 :D



Thanks :D

It's nice to hear that you liked the project

This is a super fun game, I really liked the particles and effects when you crash.

Its a super cool game, And i would love to see more


I like the cute art Style and the concept of piles of sand blocking the waves.

Very cool game :D

Im looking forward to future projects @SirFishtopher

Thank you for all the kind words.

Im also working on a Retro type survivor that i wil post on Itch later


And its nice to hear that you liked my project

Okay,Keep up the good work 


Thank for the explanation 



Thank you so much


Thank you so much.

Nice to hear you liked my game.

(Im 11 years old)

I understand the part that you can rate games and that it matters for the end results.

But I dont get the part that on game submission pages it says that a game is rated enough .

Can someone explain this to me?


I liked the Music+SFX and the glowing floors when you jump.

Cool idea and fun gameplay.    :D

Very cool game

Very cool pixle art animation at the start and good voice acting

Very cool game   :D

Great game, I love the part where you first see the re-direction blocks 

Super cool game :D

I realy loved the game and the funny SFX,  It has great art and cool Music.

But it was a bit hard to get new ingridients.

Overall realy fun game.     :D

I would love to see more.   (:

Cool Platformer, i liked the animations but it whoud be fun to be able to dodge the gosts.

Nice Music and SFX,but i didn't realy understand what I was doing, but nice game :D

And Thanks for rating mine (:

Cool game but i found it out to hard to park them (:

So i Just Chrashed them all and got fired :D

But Realy Fun Game, And Thanks for rating mine

I will check out all games of the people who have commented.   🎮


Good job. 👍

Thank you :D


Thanks :D

Okay thanks (: