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Tidal BoutView game page

Arcade Sand-Diggin' and Shell-Findin' Action
Submitted by TurdBoomerang (@TurdBoomerang), Riverbottom, MARROW (@marrowaudio) — 1 hour, 35 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Music + SFX#74.0384.038
Fun Factor#83.9623.962
Creativity + Theme#163.7693.769

Ranked from 26 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Love the vibe, great visuals and audio, it feels very polished all around!

I was a little lost at figuring out how I was suppose to play, I ended up just running around spamming the dig and place buttons and did pretty well haha.  


A chill game with enjoyable gameplay and nice music! It was lots of fun collecting the seashells while building up little sand bases.  🦀🦀🦀


This game really felt nostalgic to me because as a little kid i always tried to make walls to fend of the waves. Really cool mechanic and creative. I loved how you needed to think of a way to try to lure the blue crabs into the sea. Fun idea, and really charming game, with playful fitting music. I gave all category six stars. It's polished too. Great job!!!


I liked the difficulty and the music it was really fun!


I love it! It's such a creative use of the theme. The art and music are really well done and set up a nice chilled out beach vibe. I couldn't manage to escape the blue crabs, but I still enjoyed playing a lot.


I like the cute art Style and the concept of piles of sand blocking the waves.

Very cool game :D


This was such a fun game! I loved everything from the art, music, sfx etc. Those blue crabs got me but the animations were so cute I can't even get mad. Job well done!


Super comfy vibes, and very strong gameplay loop. Really unique game too. I haven’t played anything like it.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Probably the first game I've ever seen that had Kamikaze crabs in it

The presentation as a whole was charming and very readable as well. I love how clear it is that sand blocks can only survive two waves. The animations for the crabs were pretty adorable ngl.

Really cool little concept here and damn nice execution of it as well. Love that you can only dig up wet sand. It's a cool little timer to ensure that you keep up the pace and dig up as much sand as you can. 

That said, with how the difficulty was, I kinda had to only dig up 1 or 2 blocks for the first few levels and just use those, since it was usually enough. I think if there was something to protect then maybe it would have incentivised placing more blocks of sand around the level.

Or maybe placing blocks of sand at certain points in the level makes certain types of shells spawn or something to incentivise actually placing more blocks etc. I know the shells and starfish get thrown back into the ocean if the water reaches them, but new shells or starfish would spawn instead elsewhere anyway even if I didn't get to them.

Even when the blue crabs starting spawning it didn't really seem necessary to place too many blocks since I could just outrun and out-manouver them instead and use the block I had to shield myself from water.

Still though, the simplicity of the current system is definitely very easy to pick up and play with as soon as you read the tutorial, so maybe it's for the best.  Also love the effects for the sand getting wet and dry

As a whole I'd say this a very damn solid game both presentation and gameplay wise. Kudos to you and your team for making this.


some of the other ideas that never made it all the way to implementation were objects that may have taken multiple waves to dig up. That way stacking walls would have been a more important mechanic.


Fun frantic, I HATE BLUE CRABS, THE WHOLE RACE SHOULD DIE!!!!!!, /j yea its fun its frantic the music was amazng the art was good, amazing lil game


Would you believe that the final version of those blue b*stards is after TWO nerfs?!
Thanks for playing!!


Always a good sign when you spend a minute boppin' to the music before proceeding past the first screen - nice job Marrow! Gameplay was fun and the difficulty curve was pretty decent - I think you could have added a second enemy crab spawning in the final stage and it would have made things much more exciting! I loved that you could ride the wave in as well as move a little if you're getting washed out, gives just enough flexibility to save yourself in a pinch. It took me a sec to realize what the condition was for proceeding to the next stage, and I would've loved to see something new introduced in the later stages, but jams be jammin' and life is busy! The artwork is quite pleasing to the eye and the crabs look great! Good work Team Turd!


Thanks for the detailed feedback, my man! You are not the first person to suggest 2 crabs in a single stage - I wanted to make it work, but I ran out of time! I wrote my A* pathfinding map to conditionally target the player or the water based on the has_grabbed state of the single enemy crab - and then realized that a second crab could not reuse the same map :( Maybe I'll try to cram that into the post-jam patch!

Cute, simple and fun! A little buggy here and there but nothing that affected my enjoyment :)


Thanks Noh! What major bugs do you encounter? I am aware that the player can walk downwards offscreen, and I am aware that both crabs occasionally get stuck in a recently-placed block and teleport out. I will probably release a patch after jam week!


I actually don't remember what i was talking about and everything seemed fine when replaying so its all good :)


A small and clear, good and complete game, I think it would be perfect as a mini-game in a larger and more complex game


Thank you for playing!! I'm glad you found it to be clear, I was on the fence about whether some things should be explained or left for the player to figure out.


As mentioned below cute game but also it was a very good game as well in game theme, music and mechanics!





But serious very nice retro graphics. You captured the busy feeling of a crab wandering busily across the beach. Great gameplay and fun factor to this game. Great throwing in the the enemy crabs that created an extra level to an already great game. What's next in the next version swooping hungry seagulls? man they would be terrifying lol! You captured the jam theme perfectly as well. This seriously though is a top notch game though if i am forced to come up with any nitpicks maybe if you added a title screen, plus intro and ending animation or still story picture(s) but the fact you didn't and its still a great game goes to show that you did a good job. Nice music as well very reminiscent of the Sebastian in the little mermaid.

Nice work :)


Thank you so much for your feedback! We actually did make art and a tentative design for a seagull enemy, but we ran out of time :)


Bummer... i had a feeling you might have thought of that as an enemy. Maybe that will be an add for version 2.0.

Fantastic job anyway!


Yeah, there were a hand full of things that wound up on the cutting room floor. It felt better to polish the base then see how high we could just stack half implemented ideas :D Turd did a great job implementing my list of demands...err suggestions.


Cute Game

