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How is the jam going for everyone so far?

A topic by Kricket created Aug 24, 2022 Views: 895 Replies: 63
Viewing posts 1 to 28

For me its been pretty stressful but really rewarding. I have experimented with countless new things and already learned a ton. My main goal for this jam was to create a game that was actually fun and I think I succeeded so far. Plus I got to team up this jam which made things a lot easier and I could focus more on gameplay.


pretty medium cux idk how to draw music and its my second jam ever and iam making solo


Yeah, don't worry too much about the placement of your game but rather what you have learned along the way. Even if you don't notice it you have probably learned a TON.



i havent even started i have NO IDEAAAAAAAASSSSSS


Don't worry you still have time. How about a game where the screen is all dark, and you move around by having a light flash on and off so you can temporarily see where to go, but there are also enemies lurking that you cant see until the light is on, so its like a puzzle platformer. Or if you want to make something quickly just make a local multiplayer game, it will fit the theme no matter what because you are never playing the game alone but rather with somebody else.

yea, I’ve thought about that, but idk.


Thats kind of my game already, except its not a platformer, and there is only one enemy.

(1 edit)

There are some people putting ideas in this thread (including me): https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/topic/2320121/dump-you-unused-ideas-for-others

I had to quit the jam because I dont know how to make maps and the only person on my team who does is out of town. :(


oh that's too bad, but if you want to take on the challenge you can always create a new game, it doesnt have to be much maybey a  short platformer where you think that you are by yourself throughout the game in an abandoned city but once you beat the game you find other people and realize you aren't alone.


Well I have only had about 6 hours to make my game, I had only used Unity for about a week before the jam, so my game is pretty bad :) I also only have until friday because we are going on holiday on saturday. I really wanted to enjoy my first jam more than this, but i've had some pretty bad luck this week with my bike breaking down, then my cat of 14 years passing away. So it seems a higher power really doesn't want me to work on my game!


oh sorry for your loss, yeah sometimes things like this happen but don't give up! Also don't worry about how good your game is to you, for only using unity for 1 week its incredible that you managed to finish it! Plus others may enjoy it a lot more than you think.


Thanks, I haven't finished yet but I am getting there, I have tomorrow evening left to try and finish it. I just wont have time to polish or work out sound most likely. I appreciate the response x


I am currently making a horror game. I got like 3 or 5 heart attacks along the way. I love game jams :)


Yeah jams are always exciting and let you experiment with more things.


too well. emphasis on the too btw because it has been way to cruisy for a game jam. 

something is off...


Yeah something doesnt seem right... XD Anyways congratulations, I don't think many people have been able to experience smooth sailing in a game jam.


This is the 5th time Unity crashed!


Oh that's the worst, my game crashed a couple time in the making but finish strong, you have got this!


i dont think im going to make it. school and work are getting in my way


That's alright there's always next time!




It's helluva stressful, but I still believe I can make it till sunday


Don't give up!


Thanks :), but how's it going for you tho


you can check my experience at the top


I am done. Not super happy with what I made, but it okay.


You should be proud, only a small portion of the poeple who enter even manage to finish.


Im not even close to finishing haha. I wasted about 3 days trying to come up with an idea and designing the game. So far I only have the basic movement and collision. Its unlikely that it will be finished at all but I'll keep going anyway and see what happens.


Don't give up! You still have half the jam left to make something! Even if you don't finish during the jam you can always work on it later.


Its Ok. Its my first jam. I havent released any game yet. My Game is clunky and not balanced. I made a space invader clone with a little spin on it because I wanted to do sth I have done before


Yeah same with mine, jam games are hard to make perfect but over time we will both learn enough. Plus I have improved so much each jam , and trust me, you will too! You should be proud of your work because you just made a VIDEO GAME in 1 WEEK. Anyways best of luck on the jam :D


and i have no more time because i go on holiday with my family 

so it wont get better


And it has no sound fx. Im currently working on explaining the game to the player without making a tutorial because i dont have time left


Learned a lot about pathfinding and world generation in the last days. Normally I do 48hour jams so I propably just wait until friday night and then start with a pretty well 5 day prepared setup.

Don't stress so much. Write clean code with a lot of comments so it can be debugged in the last 5 minutes (when you try to build and upload it).
AND BUILD IT NOW so you can big build problems you face right now.


Yeah I definetly need to work on the clean code part. In game jams I tend to stress a lot and my code becomes a mess, but luckily its in a short enough time frame that I can just about understand it.


Pretty good just adding some Scenery for the levels 


Sounds good!


Good, just still in the early phase because of school, yup 6 hours of school time at most. At this point, it's not 1 week anymore


Yeah sometimes things can get in the way, but sometimes just making something simple allows you to have a lot more time for polish and stuff and can turn out to be a great game.


I forgot I had to make this game, because of exams week, but i'm back on track, at least I'm learning programming


Yeah keep going! I never worry about how good I do learning is what's most important.

(1 edit) (+1)

I’m pretty surprised at how smoothly things are going considering this is my third game jam and didn’t complete the first one. I’m working solo, Pretty much done animating the character and adding basic functions for the Player. Running, walking, jumping, etc. The scenery is also done. The only thing left is the UI, Level design, sound, and puzzles. Then I’m off to send it out for playtesting.

edit: I just knew things wouldn’t go so smoothly at the end, unity just decided to f my project and now it takes 20-30 sec to reload a script assembly. Editing scripts have become completely unbearable


Yeah I wish that was me XD. This jam has been tough for me, but I am glad to have a finished game and I still have some time for polish.


Good luck on the game jam,hope everything end well


I was hopping I was going to get to make more animations, but I still need to make 2 more characters + core game loop, so that's most likely not happening.


You still have time, don't give up! Plus there's always next time.


This is my first game Jam and hopefully first game ever made. I undoubtedly learned tones of new stuff but it was really hard. 4th day I was about to quit jam because i had way too ambicious project and messy idea how is it supposed to look like. Yesterday i decided to abandon my old project and start new one using only some lines of code and ofcourse gained experience from the old one. Now its looking better and better. Now I have very litle time to polish everything. But hopefully the game will be fun.


Honestly that sounds amazing, the amount of willpower it takes to quit a project and then start up a new one is actually really inspiring that you did it on your first ever jam. I hope you do well on the jam!


Thanks 😁


Fun but stressful. First time ever making a game without a tutorial. Took hours to do and not the best, but I'm proud of it.


Yup I am in a similar boat, I used a lot of my knowledge this time rather than following a tutorial. Of course A few times I needed help with the syntax so discord was perfect for that.


I just founded it, it's awesome though


If by founded you mean you finished your game, then congratulations!


Oh, I mean, I just founded this game jam. I didn't know that the brackeys still making game jams, thanks to him though :)


oh ok.


I’ve ditched my original idea and starting with a new one. Seems like the right thing with only 2 days left. ;)


Yeah sometimes that's jsut how it works, but great job for not giving up!


It's been really stressful for me especially after unity could not load the main level so I had to do the entire level again but luckily I still had the scripts but aside from that I've finished the game and I can rest now


Wow that does sound stressful. but Congratulations on finishing your game!




It's okay - Gameplay Loop is done (more like a linear storyline Start -> End)
Tomorrow is all about polishing, playtesting and little improvements!


Yeah that's a good way to work on jam games. I have also followed a similar workflow. Good luck!