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A member registered Aug 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for checking it out!

Insane art style! How did you do it? I'm looking to make a game with a similar look in the future.

(1 edit)

Sorry if it wasn't clear but the red X button is to clear all your previous entries so you don't have to scroll. At the top of the computer it says "Esc to exit" and is listed in the controls. I will try to make this more noticable. Thanks for the feedback!

Edit: I have made a dedicated "close laptop" button! Gonna upload it in a few. Hope this helps!

Insane progress for not even being at the end of the jam yet. Love the simple gameplay. Can't wait to see the finished project!

Super fun!

Love the artstyle! Super cute storybook vibe. Deceptively hard

I really love your take on the shadow theme! Really cool


Will the jam's results be posted? I would really like to see how I did, especially in fun factor

Another question, I made the account, but if I let my parents manage the account, can I receive payments, or do they have to make me a new account in order for me receive payments. Thanks!

When it says "if you want to be a publisher you must be over 18 or have permission from a legal parent/guardian," is this as simple as getting verbal permission from my parents or are there other things that I/my parents have to do?