Blue pill you wake up in your bed as usual, red pill you wake up wake up.
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A genuinely stupid idea that was executed perfectly.
This one actually makes me mad because for gameplay I would like to give it a 6/5. It was hilarious, I smiled while playing and am generally pleased. Got to the leaderboards on my first try! If I get knocked off, Ill come back for vengeance.
What I would suggest is an indicator for your health (never had any idea when I was going to die) and checking the UI post game, it was just empty smaller buttons with no text for me.
This game also makes me mad because it ruins the chances of my game making it to #1 Spot !
Well done.
If this doesn't win in aesthetics I won't believe my eyes, the art was extraordinary, looks like a proper finished game. As for the score - I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do, I was clicking space to intimidate but that wasn't doing anything? Please let me know I actually want to play this and also check mine out if you have the time!
Well done
Great stuff!
I couldn't find the leaderboard but named myself after my itch name..
I got to a score of 300 before etting caught lol, the only thing I would recommend is to allow more than one thing on the floor at a time - I don't really want to pick up a cigarette as I know it's bad value!
Well done and congratulations for posting a good game! I would be delighted if you could check mine out!
Jon that is such useful feedback! Thank you so much! Happy you enjoyed the checkpoint chickens lol.
For the dialogue I just slapped it on at the end using someone's asset so yea don't really know how it worked. After my current jam I'm doing I'm going to come back to this and fix up everything that everyone suggested!
Hey! I'm not home yet but leave me a rating and a comment and I will come back to yours tonight!