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A member registered Nov 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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Blue pill you wake up in your bed as usual, red pill you wake up wake up.

awesome game

Thank you, sir!

I need more toast!

For so long! Here is my chance, thanks for making this!

Needlessly frustrating

I really liked the camera shake!

It would be better in my opinion if you didn't die when you hit the border, just when the fox gets you!

Great job! Please check out mine if you have the time!

A genuinely stupid idea that was executed perfectly. 

This one actually makes me mad because for gameplay I would like to give it a 6/5. It was hilarious, I smiled while playing and am generally pleased. Got to the leaderboards on my first try! If I get knocked off, Ill come back for vengeance.

What I would suggest is an indicator for your health (never had any idea when I was going to die) and checking the UI post game, it was just empty smaller buttons with no text for me.

This game also makes me mad because it ruins the chances of my game making it to #1 Spot !

Well done.

awesome pointers.

Great Idea on the wall indicators, unfortunately too late now!

Tried to make the game way more user friendly than my last game (and it is) but theres still some to go!

Thank you

(1 edit)

I would guess, determination.

It is not a fake score, my highest was "The Best" in third place - I also don't know how they got that high lol

EDIT: NVM you took my high score now im in 4th lol

I Saw you played it before even the jam finished ! Thank you so much for your support!

What a kind thing to say! Thank you

Same feel as sebastian Lague! Very much well done!

The aesthetics were amazing!

I hope you can check mine out!

Well done on posting a game!

I think instructions would have helped a lot but well done! Hopefully you can check mine out!

Difficult to understand but well done!


Yes I ran out of time with graphics unfortunately!

oh! Okay - will return to yours later on tonight as well! I think I should understand it now

LOVE the art, the celeste look a like - it's amazing.
Well done and I hope you can check out mine!

Good luck

39 seconds before the deadline, woweee cutting it hella short hahah! Well done, the stars were beautiful!

Would appreciate it if you can check mine out!

That was such a clever wll done idea! Even the concept makes me laugh, well done!

Please check out mine if you have the time!


If this doesn't win in aesthetics I won't believe my eyes, the art was extraordinary, looks like a proper finished game. As for the score - I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do, I was clicking space to intimidate but that wasn't doing anything? Please let me know I actually want to play this and also check mine out if you have the time! 

Well done

Your aesthetics are out of this world - literally! Excellent job!

I couldn't get past the controls - if you could add an option for them to not be inverted that would be amazing! But otherwise you did an excellent job with this submission I hope that you might be able to check out my work as well!


great job sir!

Well played, I like to be capybara.

CHeck mine out if you can!



Well done!!!!!!

Please check mine out of you can! Great job llama!

Well that was difficult! I got a score of 4 lol.

Love to see some synty assets being used, and you know what's so funny, is that in my game you also play a UFO, that kidnaps humans!

Check it out if you can! 
Well done and congratulations for posting!

Unfortunate that we cannot type our names in to save our scores! I will let it be known that my ID is 4562299 and that was a difficult game and a very unique concept! Well done and congratulations for posting!

Please check out mine if you have the chance!

Lol! Godammit that was frstrating! I got to 40k but didn't collect my souls. oh well. 

Well done on the art and the theme!

Congratulations for posting and I would be delighted if you could check my submission out!


Great stuff!
I couldn't find the leaderboard but named myself after my itch name..

I got to a score of 300 before etting caught lol, the only thing I would recommend is to allow more than one thing on the floor at a time - I don't really want to pick up a cigarette as I know it's bad value!

Well done and congratulations for posting a good game! I would be delighted if you could check mine out!

Hi! Great work on the art and sound implementation! I'm not really sure what I was supposed to do and couldn't get past the first level. Am I supposed to be able to jump onto those concrete slabs? I couldn't!

Jon that is such useful feedback! Thank you so much! Happy you enjoyed the checkpoint chickens lol.

For the dialogue I just slapped it on at the end using someone's asset so yea don't really know how it worked. After my current jam I'm doing I'm going to come back to this and fix up everything that everyone suggested!

I actually love that idea.

Thank you so much, I may just do that - after the jam of course, no extra features!

Hey! I'm not home yet but leave me a rating and a comment and I will come back to yours tonight!

Thank you so much! Will check yours out shortly !


The suicide button was a bit of a troll to be honest - but thanks for playing! Will be checking yours out shortly! :)

throwing lights in the light dimension does absolutely nothing for you - and I got caught up with other mechanics so I forgot to take it out lol. As it hurts nothing it wasn't really a prio - thanks for checking mine out! Will be opening yours soon!

Mods, please remove them! Anyone submitting on the first day is obviously here just to spam their poorly coded mess.

I return all ratings!

Ok I must admit, I am impressed, I was not expecting something like that, that was really good - well done! I saw rick playing this on the stream as well! That's why I clicked on it!

Please leave me a review if you can!

Ok I must admit, I am impressed, I was not expecting something like that, that was really good - well done! I saw rick playing this on the stream as well! That's why I clicked on it!

Please leave me a review if you can!

Missed out on half the story cos i accidentally clicked space! But wow! I would not be surprised if this made it top 10! Amazing addition I am extremely impressed!

If you can, please check out mine! Not as great as yours but you may enjoy it!