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A member registered Mar 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey, thanks so much for the indepth review, I appreciate it a lot! And I'm really glad you like the mouth animations, cause those were really hard to do (mostly because I suck at rigging)! :D

I'm extremely split on the visuals of this game - on the one hand, I think they're very bold and cool. Almost pleasing in a weird way. On the other hand, I could barely see anything most of the time, so I raised the brightness on my screen all the way up (it did not help). Then I got flashbanged after I got on the train. But it really was interesting to look at. The atmosphere is pretty great too, so good job on that!

The story and general idea is pretty funny - as is your description on the game's page. The charm of the whole thing is on point!

The gameplay is alright, but one thing that left me confused is the lives and restart mechanic - when you get caught, you lose a life and get sent back to the start of the level, but your time doesn't get reset, and neither do the chests that you collected, which makes the game much harder. At that point, as the player, I'm better off just closing the game and starting it up again - unless I'm missing something?

Either way, good work!

Maybe a little too easy, but not bad at all! Like you mentioned in the description, the camera is a bit weird at times, but it really wasn't a problem. I think the difference between the awake and sleeping modes could have been bigger somehow - the way it is, their gameplay is essentially the same. On the other hand, I could see it working as an auxiliary mechanic in a game like this, if the other mechanics were a bit stronger or more interesting.

Still, good work!

Pretty solid, for what it is. Controls felt good, visuals were nice, and the soundtrack was, IMO, the best part. Wish there was a bit more to it, but that's just how it goes with jam games. Good job!

I actually didn't encounter any bugs! Also, for your first jam, you did very good! I don't think my first jam game was anywhere near this polished...

That's super impressive! Are you gonna keep working on the game? Or maybe use the mechanic for something else? It'd be a shame for it to go to waste!

Haha, that's a weird bug. I'm sure there's more. Thanks for checking it out!

That was fun! I spent much more time playing this game than I thought I would. If I had one complaint, it's that you made the enemies too adorable to shoot at. 

Seriously though, I think this is a pretty solid concept, and the corruption mechanic does make the game more interesting. I would suggest forcing the player a bit more to become corrupted, because I managed to get pretty far into my last run without taking a single corrupt heart, so I just got too powerful for the enemies to keep up.

All in all, very solid work!

Short and sweet, though not very challenging. Since this is your first game, I have to say, I'm super impressed with what you've focused on - using simple graphics, and focusing on the gameplay is always a good idea, but especially when you're still early on in your gamedev journey. 

All in all, the controls felt good, I've encountered no bugs, and the concept was clear and well executed! Good job!

When I sat down to play some jam games today, I definitely did not expect to see anything like this. That's a good thing though! Pretty original concept, though I seem to suck at it - but that didn't stop me from trying multiple times (-10/100 on my first try, 25/100 on my next two tries). Anyway, good job!

That was great! The quirkiness of the frogs gave me this nostalgic feeling for something I must have played in my childhood but can't quite remember. It's also so so cool that you didn't go the edgy route! Very cute, all in all!

Hey, not bad at all! I loved the little bug sprites, they looked cute! I had a bit of trouble beating the boss, but managed to just jump over it and win that way :P

Honestly, I liked the beginning much more than what came after it, but maybe it's just not my thing. I had a hard time landing shots, and found it very difficult to get past the first few enemies. Probably just skill issues on my end though!

Woah, a time-travel mechanic! I feel like that's very ambitious for a jam game, but you pulled it off! Good job! I had a bit of trouble with the controls at first, but I managed to finish it after a bit :)

That was neat and creative! I wish there was a bit more to it, but what is there was a joy :)

Wow, this one caught me off-guard! Flows super well and feels really nice to play. The fast level traversal and the music somehow made me think of Sonic. Anyway, I super dig it and would totally play this if you decided to make it into a bigger game!

That was neat! The graphics are super cute, I loved that! And the powerups were set up in an interesting way, even in such a short level, it felt pretty natural learning how they work. I just wish you could have managed to squeeze in a couple more levels in there!

That was pretty brutal, but I feel like the concept was solid, and could really work if you expanded on it, balanced it a bit more and polished it up! Also, the art was pretty nice! Immediately evoked some nostalgic flash game memories for me. :)

I really enjoyed this! With a bit of polish and balancing, I could see this turning into a pretty cool mobile game, easily. I find it especially interesting how it seems like we both had the same idea, but ended up taking it in completely different directions, seeing as my game is also a one button top-down shooter. I like how there's a tactical aspect to it. You can't just run and gun, you really have to get familiar with the pickups and decide which ones are good for your current situation, and which ones best suit your playstyle. Good job!

Thank you!

We really did put a lot of work into this, especially the artist! Had to pretty much work till the very last minute before publishing it... And still didn't manage to get everything in. But soon, hopefully!

Again, thank you very much for playing it, and I'm super glad you enjoyed it! :D