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A member registered Sep 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you :D Yes, everything in the game was done by myself. Just wish I started a bit earlier, so I could've put some audio in it haha

A great entry reminiscent of "Papers, Please", but still unique and original in its own way! Limited in view and control, yet still engaging. Really great sound design, too - even comes with voice acting! 

Can be overwhelming at first, when you're not used to the interface and still need to get "into the loop". For this it would've been great, if there weren't as many ships flying immediately after the first post-tutorial stage, so the player could have one more opportunity to get used to the loop. I also think the scantime could be reduced a bit.

Other than that, a brilliant entry!

"Then he turned his enemies into cars, funniest thing I've ever seen!" Turning your enemies into cars to beat them is indeed quite humorous, and original aswell.

Besides that, being forced to go back and retrieve a new pizza each time you get hit and lose it became frustrating after a while, and during my first run before the freeze, I couldn't find the first customer at all.

But with some kind of reward system besides an increase of the "Pizza Delivered" counter, and a few more "enemy mutations", this would surely make an addicting gameplay loop!

Looks and sounds really great and polished, and the concept of controlling your surroundings with music is quite interesting. Got frustrated at the very beginning and almost quit immediately, as I had no clue, what exactly to do to flip the first switch, but after that first obstacle it became an interesting puzzle. Unfortunately could not progress further after like 4-5 doors, as there seemed to be some kind of bug, where one of the cats was stuck in the water, even after resetting the section twice. Or it was another puzzle, and I did not realize that lol

Nicely polished game! My first attempt was even more embarassing than the others, as I was kinda confused and started battle mode without buying anything :D

One thing, which feels counterintuitive (at least to me) is the fact that the moat doesn't seem to slow down enemies, which would've made the moat have an actually useful effect during the battle, too. Or it *does* slow them down, and I just can't notice it.