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A member registered Jan 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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This is fantastic, really makes you f e e l like menderbug

What an amazing game! There definitely needs to be checkpoints(unless future levels are shorter) and sometimes if you place a mushroom ahead of time it wont give you enough bounce, but other than that the music and art and concept are all super good!

I love the vibe, but maybe add an option to turn off the motion blur, at least for me it was very straining on my eyes

This was so well done! I was able to pick up what to do pretty quick and the art was amazing!

wow such a fun concept to play with!

Thank you for the video! This is by far the most useful way for me to learn, I appreciate it!

thank you for your feedback! That's something I didn't consider when making it, I'll make sure to at least say a mouse is required

I like how you have to remember where to go from previous yellow tiles, but the animations of the tiles going away and coming back make it much too confusing, and the time restrain makes it hard to sit and wait for the animation to play. Personally, I think a longer timer or no timer would be best. Overall good game! 

Thank you for the feedback!

Wow the mechanics were really well done! It was so cool you could look through the doorway to see what was on the other side. The player movement could be tighter, and Niir's textbox could be bigger, but overall very good!

I like the idea of cheat codes and the character talking to the player! I think the camera is placed too high up though, and the visual glitches are much too stressful to the eye at times, it makes the game inaccessible to some.

I love the concept and visuals! I think the gameplay is much too slow as it it though. It feels bad to go throughout a whole level without a torch or fruit, so maybe make it so where there is at least one of those each level. Maybe also make it so where you can roll 2 dice and you can pick which number to use

Thank you! And you're exactly right, I originally wanted to do more fights but time got the best of me, I might continue working on it tho!

Thank you! And yep! Im reviewing everyone who comments so ill get to your game eventually and leave my review :)

This was so well done! The shooting mechanics and the set was fun to play with, and the lighting, music, and difficulty all ramped up steadily to keep the stress and fear rising while keeping gameplay interesting! All I would suggest is to have a bit more variety in the models, but of course its a game jam so its excellent for a weeks work! 5/5 in every aspect from me!

Neat game! My first runthrough I spent a lot of time going back and taking different paths, so maybe tell the player from the start that you will have opportunities to go back through the level


Wow nobody is talking about that ending, I was expecting him to wake up from some sort of dream but I wasnt expecting THAT. Maybe have the man that sacrifices you appear a little more throughout the story to build up the twist more, and change the audio in the final room and make the final room darker maybe for a more dramatic effect, overall well done!

Mine is real short, but I would love some feedback!

I would love some feedback! My game is short so it wont take long

Unique concept! I had to rack my brain to remember how imaginary numbers work lol

Thank you

Thank you! I will play everyones games who has commented in order :)

Once I understood what was going on I really liked the concept! I like having to manage all the monitors the best you can, but it felt impossible to keep 4 monitors because I couldnt hit all the buttons because I was looking at the letters. Maybe have it so you have to click the letters instead to get rid of them, that way it is a bigger hitbox and you can focus your eyes on them. That or make the letters go a bit slower when you have 4 monitors, then faster with less monitors.

Love the concept, some levels were frustrating to have to wait for the enemy to get back to you in order to make them trail behind you, so maybe a full reset after dying would work better, though it wouldnt look as clean

There seems to be things unfinished but I love the art and what you have! Maybe add the ability to dash down when in the air, I kept jumping up to hit the enemies but I would fly too high and bonk my head on them.

Thank you

It was fun to jump around random areas because I thought there would be a mine, thinking like a developer certainly helped lol. I got stuck on the the level where the scan said "fall", I got rick rolled and got stuck in the walls after falling into lava

Thank you so much

Neat game! I haven't seen a game like this yet, though I will say the jump sound effect takes away from the spooky vibe a ton. Also, whenever i fell on the second level I wouldn't die and I would be stuck below the floor, so some sort of reset button would be good!

Really nice to play what feels to be such a completed project! Well done!

(3 edits)

I am in the process of playing through all the games in my game's comments who gave me a rating and playing them, if you play and rate my game leave a comment and I'll get to you eventually!

Here's my game:

Really loved the upgrade system, was very confusing at first though, I didn't know that it went in the direction of my cursor because I was just trying to use WASD only

I liked the puzzles! Maybe put all of the text at the top of the screen or in a box to  make it easier to read

Thank you for the feedback! The kinds of games people play will really impact how well they do here, and if I want to continue with it from a story perspective I should have the gameplay more accessible to get through

Any feedback is appreciated! Its really short so it wont take long

The most unique visuals Ive seen so far in a game! Loved the vibes and looking through the looking glasses

Im looking for some honest feedback too, I'll play your game now! Here's the link to my game

Ill add your game to my list to play, here's mine!

Thank you!

Any feedback is appreciated on my short game!