Probably. This game wasn’t really developed with a lot of effort just something to make a demo with for some assets.
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If you read the tooltips/instructions, you need all planets to be green but also have the total mass of the solar system to be correct. You can change the total mass and have them all green by making a planet closer or further from the sun, since they would need less/more mass to stay in the green orbit. Hope this helped lol, and thanks for the comment.
For the controls, There had to be a balance between easy controls but also realistic spaceship movement. The friction could have been increase but then it started to feel a bit too jagged for something that is meant to not have any friction. For the camera... yes. I agree. On idea was a minimap but I never got to implimenting that, and yes the camera could've been zoomed out but the adrenaline of the movement may have gotten decrease. Thank you for the feedback!